And shepherds we shall be,for Accuracy & Discovery
I don't think VapeLifeWill gave the product enough testing to figure out the most efficient way to use the device before doing the review.
I don't think he packs his right. I don't need t stir mine at all really.
Yup. Was trying to suggest that previously. And I don't think our three people have that all 100% figured out yet either... YET.

Mine does not have any rubber taste/essence.
Thank you. THR reported one just a few minutes ago but indicated it was only present for the first few uses. I'm going to chalk that up to "new car smell" until I hear otherwise.

His example of using the stems outside of the device was not very accurate in reprinting how tight/loose the airflow is.
THank you for stating that more clearly than I did.
Yup. That's why I'm paying way more attention to what our 3 people have to say... even if we have to wait a bit more for experience base to grow.A pretty bad review in my book. Perfect example of jumping the gun before you have a chance to understand what you have in front of you. Personally I like to use the product a little longer before I do a review.