The melting-temp of Titan is 1668°C, so i am pretty sure it won't melt.
I read the temps used for free-burning on some german vaporizer-store-websites, so these should be true infos, too.
They write, it can reach up to 1300°C max, so you should make sure to only use 600°C max for cleaning it, otherwise it can become damaged.
I must admit i can't imagine why such high temps should be able to be set... Especially with a digital control it should be easy to realize a temp-range that is possible to set.
But also i have to say, the sole knowing that there is a possibility of building up titandioxide is enough for me to not buy or use such a heater in any vaporizer. Such heaters can get significantly warmer at certain spots before a temperature-sensor at another certain spot can tell the control to regulate that. Specifically if the device is heating up fast and then adjusting the temp instead of "sneaking up to temp" like a mighty or crafty does. j2mc