

Plant Enthusiast
kewpcer said:
Mom (and many of us) are already dependent on a sleep aid. Don't believe me? Try a tolerance break. And, AND... habitual herb use has some pretty crazy side effects too. Over time... delusions, paranoia, even borderline schizophrenic symptoms. The less you burn, the better off you are.

Slightly OT, but needs to be said anyway. I do depend on it for sleep. It beats the hell out of the insomnia I had before it. You say "over time... delusions, paranoia, even borderline schizo symptoms" (schizoid/schizotypal BPD?). While possible to have these symptoms while under the influence of this very mild hallucinogen (dependent on strain, setting, frame of mind, etc.), not so after it is metabolized into it's non-psychoactive form. Unless, of course, you ALREADY have these issues, cannabis might magnify them. Your post reads (to me anyway), that that these are long term effects of cannabis. Simply not true. I have a feeling I know which study that info came from, and it has been debunked for years. As with anything, there is risk vs. benefit, and for me, "the less you burn, the better off you are", does not apply. Sorry if this come off as confrontational (not intended), but there is already too much misinformation on a natural substance I credit for saving many lives.

thefunkygiant said:
Hey guys well after my first night with this thing and wow.. I won't lie o was worried being a heavy smoker now vaper that it wasn't gonna hit hard enough no probs there.

That was my main concern too. Worried over nothing. I really don't miss combusting my herb at all. I thought I'd probably go 50/50 or something, but I don't see a need now. Do you have the 12v AC or the DC adapter? Not recommended for 13.5, but the 12v DC is supposed to be a little hotter than the AC.
No I have a standard 12 v AC just vaped a half n half stem halfGdp half Gdp kief very nice I am still finding my way with this vape sometimes I can make my avb dark sometime not I think its a packing or drawing thing also sometimes I feel there some more left but nothing not even after a bit not complainingjust and obv. Besides I like to make oil with avb and the better grade avb the better grade 4 pics my vaio just stopped accepting flash so I am stuck using my wife's Acer tablet so I don't know... if u r curious as to which one I have I believe there's a pic back on page245 of this thread. It under misc last row of pics the maple next to the lined black locust and pics don't do her justice..looks like my john suhr custom shop strat. I mean rally nice woods so nice I had to look closely to make sure its not a veneer its notjudt some beautiful wood.. I must say Rick I am blown away by the Build quality of this thing. Everything is secure and very nice. Far exceeded my expectations, already thinking about a 2nd one is that creepy?


Out to lunch
kewpcer said:
habitual herb use has some pretty crazy side effects too. Over time... delusions, paranoia, even borderline schizophrenic symptoms.
I have none of these symptoms after decades of regular use. I'd say negative effects are more associated with heavy use, vs. long term.

thefunkygiant said:
already thinking about a 2nd one is that creepy?
All it takes is viewing the CRZs on the site, even on a semi regular basis, to want more than one. At least that's the way it is with me.


Active Member
Try the old sockeroo for darker brown. Cut the ankle portion from a crew sock and double it over. Slide that guy around the zap and you get a nice boost in temps.

As the Zap's resident Overvolter and Chairman of Char, I don't recommend anything higher than stock voltage for any iteration of Zap. All of mine, except the RZ1 which is a special case, have charred out to rattles.

Either way, an AromaZap is the thinking man's choice :brow:


vapor accessory addict
already thinking about a 2nd one is that creepy?

I have 6 Zaps... are you calling me a creep!? :lol:

That would make the ob super creepy! He has at least 7. Hey Vito, how many you got now?


well I have 6 Old School Zaps ...
and 2 CRZs :uhoh:
max said:
kewpcer said:
habitual herb use has some pretty crazy side effects too. Over time... delusions, paranoia, even borderline schizophrenic symptoms.
I have none of these symptoms after decades of regular use. I'd say negative effects are more associated with heavy use, vs. long term.
sometimes during this "heavy use"... it also involves sleep deprivation, if we are studying new tools or meds... this allows some of these symptoms a doorway due to mental/physical fatigue...
A Doctor once told me that certain chemical imbalances are hidden until 23-25 years of age.. and then can be triggered by even light substance usage.
Drink plenty of fluids and get lots of rest!
This comes from a guy that has yet to experience this "delight" you guys call a T break.. never tried, and never will. I get buzzed every time... just like it was 1967!

I have 13.5, 12.5 AC, and 12.5 DC...
but have never even been curious to try the DC yet. I have been ulgra pleased with the AC original both on Old School Zaps.. and MOST definitly on the CRZs!!


Active Member
max said:
I'd say negative effects are more associated with heavy use, vs. long term.

That was my point. I expressed it inartfully. Thank you for clarifying.


vapor accessory addict
I just had a call from Rick. They had a real bad storm last night that knocked out their power and internet. They have been told that it will be 3 - 5 days before they can get an appointment for it to be fixed. What this basically means is that the Zapman will not be able to get or send emails. It also means that there will be no ability to take orders or send them. If any of you have any questions or a need to contact him for some reason, let me know here on this thread, and I will give him a call and get back to you.

Sorry for the inconvenience to those of you waiting for your new Zaps. Guess the Universe decided that Rick and the Zaplady needed a break. ;)


Good Job mom... you never let a friend down, do you! ;)
On the same topic of the storm that has rendered Zapville without internet for this time period...
if there are outstanding orders that require change, you can for this week contact mom, as she has invited you to, or email

@Phizix- Rick asked that you be patient until Zapville's internet is back up!


Out to lunch
momofthegoons said:
They had a real bad storm last night that knocked out their power and internet. They have been told that it will be 3 - 5 days before they can get an appointment for it to be fixed.
I hope the 3-5 days is for the communication fix and not power restoration. We went without power and running water for 3 days last Spring, due to a tornado, but no power for days in the snowy north is a whole different experience.

Good of you to accept the temporary customer service position mom. For Rick's sake (and yours), make sure that messages truly are time sensitive. Like you say, it's a good opportunity for a break. ;)

the ob

all good in the hood.
momofthegoons said:
already thinking about a 2nd one is that creepy?

I have 6 Zaps... are you calling me a creep!? :lol:

That would make the ob super creepy! He has at least 7. Hey Vito, how many you got now?

based on this statement, I am so creepy I am like a clown in a unmarked van offering kids candy :o
the ob,


Active Member
I have 3. I guess I'm somewhere on the creep spectrum.

Best wishes to Zapville. I hope everything works out quickly for them. Thanks for the update mom!
Well i can see how collecting these things could be addictive but I ment "wow just got this thing 20 hrs ago and I want another one" creepy I can totally see the wife and I owning like 3 or 4 of these like I said before the build quality blows me away super solid ferls more like stone than wood.. bummer about the storm hope it dosen't come this way need to work to make more money to give to Rick....


Well-Known Member
I too have a strong urge to grab a few more RZs, I'm holding out for some new smaller ones.



1- owning a "couple" of Zaps isn't out of the ordinary.
2- I will need each of these Zaps at some point today...
3- I am not creepy!


Well-Known Member
Nice pic Vito!!!

Still loving my Zap. Still surprised I was told that getting dark dark brown AVB is normal for Zaps :D

Quick question that I posted before but only got one answer on. Magic9 said he never noticed any difference in effect from temperatures but I'd like a couple more opinions if that's okay. My original post (except for an error on my part, fixed) was:

I just read this thread ( and in there they state that vaping sativas is best around 170, 180 degrees C. Is that true? If so then does that mean the RZ, which I was told work around 187-190+ degrees C, are not that efficient of a vape when using sativa dominant strains?


Here we are at McDonalds, 30 miles from home. I knew this laptop would come in handy someday. Kinda crazy in here to be posting on FC. Kids everywhere.
Here is the report.
We cannot do anything internet related from home. The home PC has all my shipping software and is hooked to the printer so we cannot ship til internet is back. We will check our mail at hopefully daily for anything important.
We are very rural. No cable internet and no cell phone coverage so our only hi speed access is via Satellite. Our modem is out and we have to wait, that is it. Could be next week before it is back. Probably will be.
We can take orders as that is done automatically by our store so buy all you want.
Email response will be sketchy.
Bye for now. Thanks for your patience.


Well-Known Member
Damn that blows, Rick! I hopeit gets back up soon...
I am eyeing that walnut EZgrip :cool: :D

A+ post, Vitolo^ :tup: you are the least creepy, [most] zappiest guy i know! :lol:


vapor accessory addict
:lol: As if Rick could stay away..... too funny! It reminds me of the time my electricity was out and I drove to a coffee shop to get my internet fix in. Didn't realize how important staying "connected" was to me until I couldn't. Just shows you how important we all are to the Zapville team. ;)


I received my birthday package yesterday with a big surprise..... pics to follow later! :brow:


Out to lunch
Take it easy Rick and enjoy your forced vacation (from some chores anyway ;) ). Enjoy that Big Mac and fries too.

Quick question that I posted before but only got one answer on. Magic9 said he never noticed any difference in effect from temperatures but I'd like a couple more opinions if that's okay.
You do get different effects from different temps, since cannabinoids and other compounds release at different points. Check this section for existing topics - - or post in Ask FC.

momofthegoons said:
I received my birthday package yesterday with a big surprise..... pics to follow later!
Another zap? :o


vapor accessory addict
Well max....... :D
Okay... finally kicked my holiday guests out the door and I can post the pics I promised.

So, I get this big box from Zapville yesterday. Perfect timing! I open the box and find my birthday vape among the packing peanuts. A beautiful Ambrosia Maple:

I purchased this one (well.... my husband did..) in particular because of the two, darker grain patterns going in opposite directions. It gave me a feeling of yin/yang. I also loved the three worm holes. Three, as I said, is a special number for me. Then, I turned the Zap around and lo and behold; another line. This one, full of fiddleback. It is just gorgeous.

And a top shot:

Then, I see other packages in the box!!!! :brow: I root around and find these!

A whip ripper, glass Tootie and some of the new Zapolish. Love the natural scent; smells like honey. I am also a big fan of the new Tootie style. It will be much easier to clean with the silicone attaching the stem tip to the glass. I haven't had a chance to do much with the whip yet..... damn houseguests. :lol: But, the day is young...

THEN.....I notice another, big package..... WTF? :o HAPPY ZAPPY SUMO BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!

You drooling yet? :lol:
There were also some stock stems and wall adapters. What a great way to start a day! Thank you so much Zapman and Zaplady. You made my birthday so much fun. You are the best!


Looks like more changes coming. We most likely will not have internet til next week unless someone gets out here today which i doubt. I am back in McDonalds again, this time thirty miles from home in the opposite direction. I am trying to go easy on the Big Macs but this place goes back to before we were married.........1963/64. I think the regular burger had gone up to 19 cents even at that time(from 15).
I am here because I made another trip to the Zapville annex today. We are a two part scene these days with all the heavy lifting being done in another location. Then it all comes back to Zapville for assembly, photo lab and shipping and money collecting. Today is a very special day.
Maybe because we lost our lifeline yesterday, maybe because it is a new year, maybe because a very fine man kicked me in the ass just a bit harder. I now have in my possession many very beautiful CRZs. More wood porn than is possible to take in, even in several sessions. Heads will spin and decisions will be made, I promise. This is the largest and nicest bunch ever. We are learning what you want and are doing it.

Now the problem is getting it to you. I will be working on that today with pics and editing using the laptop so I can go send it out into space from somewhere other than home. These cannot wait til 'next week' sometime.
Reese, contact me through for some info. I have no access to my mail at for now. Same with everyone else as I will be getting to that mail once a day.

Thanks for understanding. This is mostly beyond our control. Shipping is not really possible because I do not want to interrupt the flow we are maintaining which is all done from home and very orderly. Orders will still be processed and we will try to answer important Emails at our once a day hookup to the world.
Look for a post later tonight. Getting some miles on the Versa these days.
Happy birthday mom. I am glad you did not wait as I suggested. Now you will just be buying more!
Edit for: Nice shots mom! Our super pleasure to put another Zap in your hands. BTW gang, there are more sumos, Ambrosia maple, walnut, maple, birch, box elder........and all of them will get us drooling...............
Thanks mom for posting those beauties and words.


vapor accessory addict
Oh dear God Rick...... more Zap porn? What are you trying to do to me?

That sucking sound you all hear is my poor husband's wallet.... :lol:
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