

Well-Known Member
I ordered a couple of CRZs but unfortunately I had to leave the city before they arrived (by a matter of minutes). I'm completely confident that I'm going to love them, just wondering if some of you CRZ veterans have any tips for a PD refugee. Obviously the Zap has evolved a ton, just want to know if all of the techniques/tips that I know and love on the PD will still apply (and maybe learn some new ones).

al bundy

momofthegoons said:
Thanks Vito.... the pics on the website really don't do it justice. I got a different pic from Rick after I pestered him... :lol: So excited!

Of course, I don't think I've caught up to the ob on how many Zaps I have, but I'm working on it. :cool:

Wow!! That Ambrosia Maple is killer!! Very, very unique. I'm sure you'll love it hehe

Question about AVB. How dark is your guys'? From the very first bowl I've always been getting dark brown AVB with patches of even darker brown maybe black, but no combustion has ever occcured. I assume that's called scorched, then? Does that mean I am pulling too slow? I definitely try to get every bit out of each stem, sometimes taking 3 or 4 more hits after the stem looks like it has stopped hitting - should I cut back on those?

Which one do you have? Maybe runs a little hotter which is what I want,or do your stems fit snug?
Maybe more air restriction.
As long as no combustion or smoke and you don't want to reuse the ABV, which is me, then it works perfect.
al bundy,


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling my CRZ is slightly on the colder side of things. I read about people with completely brown, sometimes dark brown herb. I really have to work mine for a while to get even completely brown herb. My typical ABV is what I would consider "mostly green". It gives great hits and great taste as you might expect. I'm curious to try out one of these new power supplies.


Active Member
THC that is normal. You're listening to people qualitatively describe a color over the internet. I don't know of any CRZs that will go dark brown on the stock adapter.


Boom Shankar
Do you guys find that vaping with the CRZ right before bed helps you fall asleep? I've always had a tough time shutting my mind down and going to bed, and I find unless I rip my DBV through my bong at a decently high temperature to get my ABV dark brown, it is hard to knock myself out and I often lay in bed for a good hour or two with racing thoughts until I eventually come down and feel drowsy.


vapor accessory addict
Glairige said:
I ordered a couple of CRZs but unfortunately I had to leave the city before they arrived (by a matter of minutes). I'm completely confident that I'm going to love them, just wondering if some of you CRZ veterans have any tips for a PD refugee. Obviously the Zap has evolved a ton, just want to know if all of the techniques/tips that I know and love on the PD will still apply (and maybe learn some new ones).

Hi Glairige and welcome to Zapville! :D

The techniques you've used on your PD will be the same ones you use with the CRZ. Enjoy!

Do you guys find that vaping with the CRZ right before bed helps you fall asleep?

Twzted, I do find it helps, although there are times I need to break out the whip vape. The temps are about the same (I have a Hot Box), but the Box gives a huge hit and that is occasionally what I need. But usually, the CRZ does the trick.


vapor accessory addict
But not as much fun! :p

edited to add: actually, thank you kewpcer. I think I'm going to pick some melatonin up. Both my husband and I have had a lot of trouble sleeping the last year. That old age thing is a bitch.


Boom Shankar
I thought it wasn't too healthy taking over the counter melatonin regularly to sleep? I guess I can just vape multiple stems and see if that is good at knocking me out, or else worst case scenario just vape an hour or two before bedtime :ko:


Plant Enthusiast
Welcome and congrats funkygiant. Which one did you give a home to and speaking only for myself, pics are very much welcome. Any questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks guys but I have no idea how to post a pic:Di am well I to my 6 the stem and I'm afraid I'm a bit too medicated I took the pic just can't upload it.. oh well...


Well-Known Member
You don't need much herb when vaping through a log vape. Two stems at most and I'm done. Six stems and I'd be putting my pants on backwards and shoes on the wrong feet.


Well-Known Member
thefunkygiant said:
Ha I have a pretty high tolerance bluesman btw I'm a guitarist and I love some howlin of my favs.

Hey, that's cool. I blow harmonica. Just need to find ourselfves a bass and drums, and we can start us up the FC Vapin' Vagabond Blues Band. :D
Sounds great to me I play those too so whoever wants to play what I'm down man I really love this zap vaping the last of my bluedream wax I am sooooo nice..


Lost in Thought
Hello fellow Zappists :D

It is today with a heavy heart that I come to inform you that the unthinkable has finally come to light - My OG Zap has been gifted. :(

Once again, this is a bittersweet situation as I HATE to see it leave my collection, but the chance of helping another smoker make the transition helps soften the blow.

Sadly, my Zap had been collecting dust since I was 'kicked out' of my normal vape spot (aka Man room) and sent to the shed (with no power) Even so, it was NEVER an option to get rid of my Zap - that thing has some SERIOUS sentimental value, but seeing it collect dust in a closet was depressing as well.

So - its currently on consignment to a buddy of mine who I am trying to help help himself.
In a sense, I am almost (almost) hoping that it isnt for him so I can get it back :D But then again, if it IS the solution he didnt know he was seeking - it will be worth the loss for me.

Damn if it doesnt suck though... Good reason to get a RockZap (when I get power out in my shed)
Yeah, that would be my first purchases :D


vapor accessory addict
I feel your pain AG! :lol:

I gifted my walnut Zap to a friend who has asthma. Unfortunately, "Walnita" is sitting on a shelf at her house while she uses a Hot Box. Such a crime! I had had some thoughts about giving her my beta CRZ when I get my new one, but the disrespect she's shown Walnita has changed my mind! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Bluesman said:
thefunkygiant said:
Ha I have a pretty high tolerance bluesman btw I'm a guitarist and I love some howlin of my favs.

Hey, that's cool. I blow harmonica. Just need to find ourselfves a bass and drums, and we can start us up the FC Vapin' Vagabond Blues Band. :D

Smokestack lightning ftw, I could figure out the bsss if someone gave me pointers, I play guitar, how different can it be lol


Welcome to Zapville, thefunkygiant. Thanks for letting us know you are there and enjoying your CRZ.
AG, in the shed! Would that be the doghouse? I have heard that from you before and do wonder about such a fix. Good move trying to get someone off smoke. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not but you gotta try when you can.
I still say a sleep aider or rubber leg maker is a straight pull, stock stem or Tooty with the stem much further back in the mouth, right at the throat entrance. A long slow steady lung pull. Direct Deposit.
Birthday even mom! Happy birthday, whenever it is. Glad we could find something you liked in time for your special day!


Active Member
Melatonin's safety...

I've never heard anything significant about using it long term and can't find anything on Mayo's website. It has some drug interactions, so you might call your Doc if you're taking any medications, and you may become dependent on it, but here's some news...

Mom (and many of us) are already dependent on a sleep aid. Don't believe me? Try a tolerance break. And, AND... habitual herb use has some pretty crazy side effects too. Over time... delusions, paranoia, even borderline schizophrenic symptoms. The less you burn, the better off you are.

Speaking of sleep aids, did you guys here where Ambien can wake up people in stroke induced vegetative states? Crazy stuff!
Hey guys well after my first night with this thing and wow.. I won't lie o was worried being a heavy smoker now vaper that it wasn't gonna hit hard enough no probs there. Can't imagine this thing on 13.5 12 has her humming nicely and going nice visable vapor clouds, I swear this thing looks like polished stone so nice as soon as I figure out how upload pics I will give full review for those smokers this king of getting this thing don't worry it will get u"there" I WA a fool for waiting so long and letting those Sumo's get away..

Nycdeisel said:
Hey there funky! it is good to see you over here :wave:
Didn't feel "worthy" to post not owning one...


Uploading pictures
You have images on computer-
Log into any image hosting site...
and touch "upload".. then once done, you can get a "direct link" code for it (it will be easy.. call me I will walk you through it)
Come back here to "post" and when ready to post the image.....
touch that image icon above the posting area.... and "paste" that code you copied (direct link) there!.
Any trouble.. I am a call away!
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