Madcap Laughed said:
My myrtlezap cracked, and after emailing the inventor telling of my problem, i quickly got word a new one was being built for me(even was sent pictures of it being made so as to be sure it was to my liking

) and within days it was shipped. if you get a myrtlezap or aromazap, you can feel safe knowing you will be taken care of!
it should be here any day now, and of course i will take pictures for you all to see! and if you are of interest to see the zap in its rough developing phase("This is rough turned, not sanded or finished[and without the super neat blueish\purpleish led light on the front].")
im going to call it, nocturne blonde
good to know. i just ordered a mzap. i saw a topic on another forum reguarding the original azap and it had cracked quite a bit but still operated fine.
i'm assuming the woods main purpose is to work as a container for the heater/electronics, and to work as a heat sink and slowly dissipate heat? on top of being something to hold on to w/o burning your hands.
looking forward to see how efficient this will be.
and due to the talk on brass being used, i did a bit of research on the lead issue.
"temperatures produced in Aromazap are low (under 400 degrees F)."
930*C [1,706*F] (Melting Point Temp)
328*C [622.4*F] (Melting Point Temp)
1,750*C [3,182*F] (Boiling Point/Vaporization Temperature)
so, does this mean u can melt the lead out of brass...since leads melting point is much lower? /boggle
anyway..according to that info you'll *probably* be OK.
but now you have a .02% chance (or whatever % it may be) of a lead related death.

i wonder what filled that .02% chance before..'death by old age', 'death by consuming too many non-organic grown vegies', 'death by too many over the counter pills used in your lifetime' (actually thats prob helluva lot higher % chance than any of the above!

). hell i'd bet depression, anxiety, and insomnia have a higher mortality rates!
i'm willing to take a chance, but then again..i don't wear a seat belt either. =\ so maybe we're all the same.
its "choice" when it comes down to it..good thing we still have a few of those left in this country.
edit: some add. info looks like u will get the 'effects' of your mj WELL below even the melting point of lead..let alone the vapor point. note that combustion is generally guaranteed at ~500F.
?-8-tetrahydrocannabinol (?-8-THC)
Boiling point: 175-178*C / 347-352.4*F
cannabidiol (CBD)
Boiling point: 160-180*C / 320-356*F
Properties: Anxiolytic, Analgesic, Antipsychotic, Antiinflammatory, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic
Cannabinol (CBN)
Boiling point: 185*C / 365*F
Properties: Oxidation, breakdown, product, Sedative, Antibiotic