

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words Mom :)
It seems hunter has already figured it out for the most part.
Water levels obviously play a big role, they change the flow a lot.
One thing i have noticed that is easy to do without noticing is pulling a little too fast through a water piece and it compacts the herb a lot in the tip of the stem so you have a harder time getting following hits. Now i just make sure to pull slowly on especially the first hit so i dont get less then satisfying hits for the rest of the stem pack, and when i go to 'clear' the piece of the vapor, i dont start pulling faster until the stem is removed.

packing a tiny bit looser then you would with a normal stem is probably a good idea too. I think i would pack it a bit more if i were vaping a normal stem dry.

vaporbonging is all i do... shiiit


vape enthusiast
Ahhh all this talk about vape bonging is getting me excited for my EHLE 100 ml to come in! :p


Well-Known Member
Nycdeisel said:
Thanks for the kind words Mom :)
It seems hunter has already figured it out for the most part.
Water levels obviously play a big role, they change the flow a lot.
One thing i have noticed that is easy to do without noticing is pulling a little too fast through a water piece and it compacts the herb a lot in the tip of the stem so you have a harder time getting following hits. Now i just make sure to pull slowly on especially the first hit so i dont get less then satisfying hits for the rest of the stem pack, and when i go to 'clear' the piece of the vapor, i dont start pulling faster until the stem is removed.

packing a tiny bit looser then you would with a normal stem is probably a good idea too. I think i would pack it a bit more if i were vaping a normal stem dry.

vaporbonging is all i do... shiiit

Good tips mentioned deez, will try to remember when I get a bubbler for this thing, if I do. It is easy to suck too hard on a stem and pack it in the tip I have noticed even without using a bub, so I try to always remember not to suck too tough even when clearing stems.

Here is the pictures of my new redwood Rockzap. I think she's a BEAUTY and I barely ever notice that "circular" chip on the top. Warms up in about 20 - 30 minutes. I can tell when it's fully ready... these suckers can get pretty hot! A lot warmer than I heard was the standard "hand warmer" warm. The top 3/4 of my unit will get super close to being uncomfortably hot to the palm after being on for an hour or so. But it never has reached uncomfortable hot. The first few uses I actually would automatically try to lower my hand and/or pull away from it like the human reflex we have concerning hot things in order to not get burned, but I know it doesn't actually get that hot so now I've been relaxing with it lately. It was just a little surprising at first.

I also get about 3 good hits from a full stem, then a couple other ghosts where I can see a hint of vapor coming through the tooty still. So I'd say 3-5 hits total per stem, still mastering this baby though :) I also like the glass tooty over the nylon stems too; it cools the vapor slightly and I enjoy being able to see the vapor much easier while inhaling. You can get some thiccccccckkkkk hits the first two or so of a stem, but I try to lately make them a little smaller and pull them down farther in my lungs. Overall I'm loving vapor more and more everyday now and I really, really appreciate allowing me to buy one of these products from you Rick! Thank you.








Darth Vapor
Wow, I can see the refinement that has been made over the years in the newer models. Nice wood there Jesus. Haven't been in any logs threads much until recent, and Rik (nailed the spelling) you have made more progression then i thought.

Now, are original style SS Zaps still being made with out ceramic? Just wondering.

Am I correct in my assumption that this ceramic is an isolated part of the vapor air path. And also It provides a more consistent insulator then wood that changes density depending on various factors? Sorry i missed the boat on this one guys/gals.

Oh, and never knew you were a lady Nycdeisel. Not enough on the forum. Great strain too by the way. Nice to have extra women's influence I do like my local Detroit Momma too, so please don't get jealous. :brow:
IAmKrazy2 said:
Wow,:ko: I can see the refinement that has been made over the years in the newer models. Nice wood there Jesus. Haven't been in any logs threads much until recent, and Rik (nailed the spelling) you have made more progression then i thought.

Now, are original style SS Zaps still being made with out ceramic? Just wondering.

Am I correct in my assumption that this ceramic is an isolated part of the vapor air path. And also It provides a more consistent insulator then wood that changes density depending on various factors? Sorry i missed the boat on this one guys/gals.

Oh, and never knew you were a lady Nycdeisel. Not enough on the forum. Great strain too by the way. Nice to have extra women's influence I do like my local Detroit Momma too, so please don't get jealous. :brow:
It says on the aromazap site that wood insulated log vapes are no longer available... I believe the zapman is rock zap full time now. That pic from jesus is the first I have gotten a good look at the top of the zap, they do look more solid compared to past.. That redwood is making some nice vapes also, got me itching for a redwood zap something bad. maybe after the holidays I will fit a new vape in my budget... New years resolution for me, get a rockzap!! :D


Plant Enthusiast
Jesus (happy birthday lol), nice pics. Think I might need to join the redwoop zap club. Glad you are enjoying it. Have you smoked since you've had it?

IAmKrazy2 said:
Now, are original style SS Zaps still being made with out ceramic? Just wondering

Am I correct in my assumption that this ceramic is an isolated part of the vapor air path. And also It provides a more consistent insulator then wood that changes density depending on various factors? Sorry i missed the boat on this one guys/gals.

The original style are no longer produced. Ceramic only,and yes, it's isolated. 100% SS vapor path. It does provide very consistent insulation. Ceramic also allows for a multitude of beautiful woods and designs. Even more important (to me) it might even solve the problem of internal charring. I say might because it's still early, but judging by the complete lack of "wood" taste or smell, I'm confident enough to use it daily. Don't worry about "missing the boat". Better late than never, right? Welcome.


Well-Known Member
Jesus, That is a sexy RZ! Wow. I am really fond of that one. Its very similar/better than mine.

I am curious about your hot RZ comment. Mine does not get this warm, and out of all units I would assume yours and mine are qutie similar. Mine only gets "warm" on the top 1/4, and only what i'd consider "luke warm" on the bottom 75%.


Well-Known Member
haha it was actually my birthday, magic!

THC i would say everyone has a different tolerance to heat, at times part of my hand will feel close to uncomfortably hot if it touches the top of the zap in a very hot place.
Other times it doesnt feel as warm but i know it hasnt actually cooled down.

dont worry jesus the more you use it the less hot it will feel to you. and have you smoked since getting it? im glad you are learning more from your vapor experience so far

@iamkrazy: are you serious? it says 'female' right under my username. :lol:

the ceramic is insulation that is NOT in the vapor or air path at all. a 100% ss path as was said already. it is very different then any wood insulated log type vapes, and no only the rockzaps are available now


Nyc, yer so funny! I loved that "are you serious" line to IAmKrazy. Happy Birthday! Your comments are right on........slow and easy, vapor air path is all SS, completely enclosed in SS. Same with insulation around the middle portion and the top and bottom insulators. They are separated from the vape air. You can see in the pics above of Jesus's Zap where the ambient air first enters the closed SS heatport/heat exchanger through the four small holes at the top, then down and around the bottom and up the center into the stem tip contents. That is a ceramic insulator you see at the top to protect the top wood from the very hot SS.
You can also see, in the same picture, why I have to learn to be much more careful with the redwood. My apologies for that nick in the top Jesus(now that sounds funny!). If I would have seen that, I would have sanded it out and re-shined it up.......unless you did the mark? Redwood is very soft and I find it will scratch and nick if you look at it wrong. Anyway, it adds character to the unit. I again repeat, there will always be some mark of imperfection in everything we make. Redwoods also run on the hot side of the CRZ range.
The outside heat of the CRZs can seem pretty hot at times, I agree with that. The thicker shelled units(wider) and harder woods will not feel quite as hot. I also find that the 'hot' sensation of the wood is at the first touch. As soon as I hold it for a second or two, the heat mellows by transferring some of that heat in the wood to my hand. Then it just feels warm, nice and warm. The smooth CRZ innies and outies fit your hand, arms, shoulders, neck, legs and feet very well so the CRZ is also an excellent muscle relaxer via warm wood massage. Zaplady and I enjoy that feature all the time. Keeps the wood nice and shiny too.
One thing to remember about the CRZs is we use much less wood than used in the standard log vape design. There is a 1 1/2" hole bored all the way through from the bottom of the unit to the top wood you see in the pics. When the Zap itself is not much more than 2" outer diameter, that leaves little more than 1/4" of wood around that center(insulated) SS mass. Yup, they can get warm. We are using wood now like a hot dog bun which encases the SS hot air generator, the hot dog.
That is basically what all vapes are...... hot air generators of different designs.
We are only doing the CRZ design. We think it is a better product than the traditional log vape design in many ways so that is what we do now.


vapor accessory addict
So NYC...... it was just your birthday? Shit, a fellow Capricorn! Well, a belated happy b-day!

JESUS, that's a beautiful Redwood Zap you've got there. Very nice! :D We know you'll have a Merry Christmas! :lol:

Krazy, you've got some homework to do! Lot's of things have changed in the "log vape world." :lol:

To all my fellow Zapsters, have a very, merry holiday. I look forward to spending some time here with all of you in the New Year! :love:

Edit: rather than having back to back posts, I thought I would add this....
There's been a lot of talk lately about how many hits per stem you can get off the CRZ. Twice in the last couple of days, I've had what I call a "magic stem." Multiple hits, too many to count. I will admit that one of the reasons this happened is that I topped of my stem with a smudge of kief. This last stem, I swear, gave me close to 20 hits! Now, not all of them were clouds (the first few were though.. :ko: ) but they were substantial and I could see vapor. This last stem, I had put down last night. This morning, thinking it was cashed, I was just warming it up to blow out the abv. Lo and behold, I just got 7 more hits from it! No shit.
Merry Christmas to me! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Vito what about the other holidays? :p just kidding, i liked the new years thing you sent me :D

Thanks Mom, so you are a Capricorn as well? thanks for the bday wishes :wave:

P.s: that happens to me all the time where i go to remove the what i think is done ABV, but i get multiple hits from it! what a great surprise to find in what you think is pretty weak

Jesus as i said elsewhere, that redhead is a beauty ! I know you will have a red and green christmas ;) ahahahha

please pardon my bad joke, and i wish everyone a happy holiday! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the kind comments on my new Zap... she sure is a beauty!! Warming up right now, nearly done. :D

THCMuscle: Funny... once I saw the pictures of your new redwood, I immediately began hoping mine would be even close to how gorgeous yours is. We both have great, great examples of redwood units!

Magic9 said:
Jesus (happy birthday lol), nice pics. Think I might need to join the redwoop zap club. Glad you are enjoying it. Have you smoked since you've had it?
Nycdeisel said:
dont worry jesus the more you use it the less hot it will feel to you. and have you smoked since getting it?

Actually I didn't up until the other night I had a snap of some crap that came from a harvest I have of Strawberry Diesel. Unfortunately it got stressed out towards the end of it's cycle and hermied so there is tons and tons of baby seeds in the calyxes... so I have to filter through what is good and what isn't with a disc-diffused bowl/slide. Pretty shitty and I won't be buying more unless I grind some next time and inspect it before buying. I loaded a snap of lots of green bits and a small amount of that seed crap because I end up loosing a lot when I "filter" the bud before loading into a stem. Don't worry I did it through lots of carbon but still... yuck. Just trashing that crap now. Sorry for long story. Besides that snap, no I have not.

Rick said:
You can also see, in the same picture, why I have to learn to be much more careful with the redwood. My apologies for that nick in the top Jesus(now that sounds funny!). If I would have seen that, I would have sanded it out and re-shined it up.......unless you did the mark? Redwood is very soft and I find it will scratch and nick if you look at it wrong. Anyway, it adds character to the unit. I again repeat, there will always be some mark of imperfection in everything we make. Redwoods also run on the hot side of the CRZ range.
The outside heat of the CRZs can seem pretty hot at times, I agree with that. The thicker shelled units(wider) and harder woods will not feel quite as hot. I also find that the 'hot' sensation of the wood is at the first touch. As soon as I hold it for a second or two, the heat mellows by transferring some of that heat in the wood to my hand. Then it just feels warm, nice and warm. The smooth CRZ innies and outies fit your hand, arms, shoulders, neck, legs and feet very well so the CRZ is also an excellent muscle relaxer via warm wood massage. Zaplady and I enjoy that feature all the time. Keeps the wood nice and shiny too.

Thanks for the explanation in that post... I was wondering about those four holes. When I got it I said to myself "well what the heck, crap can easily fall into the vape because of those". :lol: I shouldn't of doubted it had an important function! I also figured that was a tool mark on the top of mine... thanks for the apology, I was a bit bummed soon as I saw it because that meant I won't have a perfect unit but like you said, it adds a little character. I hardly notice it now too. Also after reading that note you have in the package document about minor imperfections I felt like I had no right to complain about it :)

Now a couple questions: How does one put kief in a stem? Someone said they added some to the top of a stem.... wouldn't the kief get sucked right down through the screen on the Zap itself? And with that said - what is the best way to get some kief into a stem with flower? Suck a lil flower up, then kief, then more flower to kind of sandwich the kief in there so it doesn't fall out/get sucked through?

Had another q but I forgot it hehe. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Some people like to 'top' off a stem with a tiny bit of keif, other people make a little keif sandwich(can be done with some kinds of hash as well) just load a bit of herb, then the keif and a bit more herb on the top. You could really do either.

It would not fall out if loaded properly(just like how herb by itself should stay secure if you go through the motions right) and would def not be able to be sucked the other way(but what if you blew into it? :lol: :lol: :lol: ). the screen does its job well though.

If you insert the stem at an angle and start pulling right after then there shouldnt be a mess of any kind with the kief. I would be more worried about it accidentally falling into those air holes if you like bumped a stem tip with just keif on the end while inserting it.,


Well-Known Member
Yeah those two ways make sense.... I suppose soon as the first wave of hot air hits the kief no matter where it is, it'll get extremely sticky and just stay put, even on the tip. I just don't want to lose any on an attempt but that may be what it comes down to.

It's crazy how like you said, a properly loaded stem doesn't let herb fall through. How does that happen? I suck pretty hard when loading a stem so that may be why... I was just surprised my first few stems that I didn't lose anything everytime I took it out of the Zap or even when bumping my Zap when a stem is loading on top of it. I still take the stem out at a angle to stop anything from falling out of habit though and still kinda cringe when letting a stem sit on top of the Zap while I am not hitting it. (Also because vapor might be being made while it's on top while I'm not drawing from it so I don't want to waste bud - do the Zaps do this does anyone know?) Sometimes I'll just set it next to the Zap out of fear of losing anything. This is all stuff I still have to get used to obviously :lol:

the ob

all good in the hood.
happy x-mas and hanukkah to everyone!

Glad I choose the right (for me) camp a while ago and am very happy with my many zaps.

I hope everyones holiday(s) go well. I for one am just excited to not be working for at least one day.

mom, the comment I assume was directed to Jesus because of tomorrow :D
the ob,


Well-Known Member
I also suck fairly hard but quickly so it is not packing in too tightly when im just sucking it into the tip.

After the first hit, the herb or even keif is usually nice and sticky and wont fall out(thought theres the occasional stray bit of ABV when putting a stem down on a surface). You are lucky that you pretty much got it the first time around with loading the stems up.

Well its not going to make any vapor or push any air through the herb unless you are pulling on it :) so sometimes i will leave the stem in the zap for several seconds before hitting it. this especially helps getting the last hits off of a stem pack. Its not necessary but it wont hurt either(unless you leave it in for a long period of time say if you forgot about it, but that would probably never happen :lol: )


Kush please
How many stems are people able to vaporize with the new CRZ's?

I was only able to vaporize about 3 stems when mine was brand new and now since I dropped it a couple times and the heater wiggles around, I can only get 1 stem then have to wait about 10 minutes for it to re-heat.


Well-Known Member
i dont do many back to back stems in quick succession, but i never have a problem even when i am using more or accommodating another person using it.


chib, interesting post about stem pulls, heater wiggling and all. Sure would be nice if you would also contact me about what is going on. If the heater(I assume you mean the SS heatport?) is wiggling around it should not work at all. Something has obviously come loose with the dropping or whatever causing your CRZ not to function as it should. We would be glad to fix it. Get in touch with us if you would like it fixed.
EDIT: chib has contacted me and will be sending his CRZ back. I did not connect your screen name to the order til I looked closer. My apologies.

Ah, Christmas day is finally here and will be over before we know it. We all take the season a bit differently. Our sincere wishes for true family closeness and happiness and sharing go out to everyone out there. We also 'wish' all this Christmas grace would go on every day all year.

We really enjoy this time of the year because each day is just a little longer. The beautiful cold grip of winter is here but we can see the light of spring out there. THAT was maybe a bunch of baloney. One of our worst winters in this area, '69, did not start snowing til January.

Happy Special Season to all, whatever that may be to you. Sincere thank yous to all the people who have helped us in so many ways, this year especially.

I also have to say again, you get what you give. We have learned that little thought is mainly about attitude and starts as soon as you get up every morning of every day. It is real and it works both ways. The Eternal Now Moment is all we really have. We need to make the best of It, always.
Hey Rick, I got a myrtlezap about a year ago but i really messed it up. I definately voided the warranty by using too high of an adaptor. Im interested in taking the heatport out to see if my zap is actually damaged or charred inside. Is this possible? How would i go about doing this?
Merry Christmas BTW
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