I like:
-Less phallic
-smooth lines
-soft, dulled "edges"
-maybe less lines.... all of this will make a more "continuous " look
The reason I loved the
red one.. is that it besides being "retro", displayed the most continuity artistically speaking.
That did the most for me as for smooth form, and "visual closure"
The shroom did the same for my eye as far as visual closure, but the actual edges were too "sharp" for my eye.. (like the lip of a "pagoda".. on the "downstroke")
Although I chose orange/red from the units in the image.. I think in general the natural woods look best.
That is not to, say that many may find the colors appealing.
I "fell" for the orange/red one.. because.. I am an eccentric and quirky!
From my heart.... I love the original Zap form the best.. Natural woods.. with a cylindrical basis, and
variations on the cylinder using "unsharp" angles (I found this on the dyed piece in shape)
This is all just from my "hearts eye".. I am sure you will see varying thoughts..
Beauty is after all in the eye...