So nice to hear from an old customer from way back. 2003 was another world for most of us. I know it sure was for us.
Believe it or not, I recommend checking your transformer. Actually, just as always for the log vapes, the transformer wire right next to the plug that goes into the Zap will break. It is a stranded wire so often there is still a strand or two that does not break which will allow enough juice to the led circuit to make the led light up(almost nothing) but not enough to heat the heater. You can check it with a car adapter cord if you have one or access to one. If it heats with the car adapter, the transformer(or trans wire) is bad. If the problem is the wire, you can cut the wire back a few inches from the old plug and install another plug(5.5 x 2.1 mm female).
If, on the other hand, you would like the latest version Aromazap made from one of our three hardwoods, you definitely qualify for a special coupon for an at least 7year old customer with a non US address. That coupon is only available by contacting us via Email.
We are so sorry but our warranty has expired on that 7 year old SOFTWOOD vape you have still partially functioning.
I would give the transformer/wire, etc a check first though as you might be able to get a few more years of use from the Zap you got in 2003.
Thanks for again for coming to FC and posting. Shoot us an Email.
edit for:
And lwein, WTF are you doing, creating a false quote from me? A damn good one though. I like it. And I like your (old) little pussy too. She is sooooooo sweeeeeet.