Hey guys,
I just came here to read the comments...
Lol, just kidding, I'm here to introduce myself to this good old little grail of cordless vaping.
And possibly ask some questions in here where surely all the info in world about Solo is.
So, where am I coming from?
Like many others, I've stupidly introduced myself to vaping with portables.
Also like many others, I've got a cheap crap for the first try.
Luckily, it worked enough to show me what vaping is about, so even that crap has managed to convert me into 100% vaporist.
Knowing that the vape i was using was crap, I've upgraded.
I was still hesitant to buy any large desktop (only if I knew how much better they hit back then) so it was the Iolite.
At that time, the Iolite was probably the king of portable vaping. There were not many good portables out there especially in EU.
The Iolite was a great upgrade, the first actually decent vape.
About a year later, I've finally looked into desktops. And again there were not many choices at that time and place.
I could only choose between the 'cano, EQ and HA.
And EQ it was.
Wow, I knew I should have got that one at the beginning.
That EQ has probably served the most of any of my vapes.
Actually, this EQ is the only unit that I had never a single problem with except accesory breakage
(Cyclone bowls really love to get broken, all 3 of mine are dead by now).
The first vape crapped out completely after few months,
my Iolite has gas flow and ignition problems,
my MFLB has been replaced once because of torn screen,
my Cloud bamboo broke itself from heat and internal pressure and it's replacement EVO is glitchy and prone to overheat.
The EQ is few years old already and still works like new.
This is one of reasons I want to go for Solo. I like Arizer from my experience (even if it is just one unit).
So after the EQ i also got a MFLB and a Cloud (replaced to EVO).
Currently, I exclusively use the EVO at home and the Iolite outside.
The EVO is a beast (I'm just praying that it will survive until I get another replacement) but the Iolite is not really keeping up.
I struggle with the ignition and gas problems and when I get it to work, it's noisy, harsh and weak.
So I want a portable upgrade. Something true and tested. Something that will get at least a little closer to the desktop performance.
I thought I would just skip the Solo and wait for the upcoming vapexhale portable.
With the experience I have had so far i would predict it like this:
Waiting like 2 years until it comes out, then another year until EU version comes out and then another year to let them treat any glitches...
...no thanks. I'm just going to wait for the EVO replacement and I'm done with waiting.
The Solo has been around for a long time and I've seen most of its cons slowly resolved by model updates as time went.
So, this was the introduction, it got longer than I've expected, but knowing the story can help with answers

The trigger that made me order a Solo setup was the availability of 18mm PVHES GonG. That piece is next to impossible to find here.
The vapefiend is the only place I know where I could get a whole Solo setup with these.
These PVHES sell out fast as fuck and restock rarely.
So when I recently found it restocked and only one last gong in stock, I had to take it.
This is the setup i ordered:
Silver Arizer Solo M1T
+ charger
+ 2 default stems
+ screen pack
Ryot carry case
+ 2x mouthpiece caps
Stealth mouthpiece
PVHES 18mm turbo GonG
Polycarbonate grinder
Red JyAR
Silver Solo M1T:
I've chosen the Silver one because of
-Silver color is going to radiate the heat away more than black and also absord less radiant heat.
-I've seen the black paint come off on black Solos. I don't want to
deal with this shit anymore.
-I like the looks of it.
The M1T model seems very promising.
It should have better airflow, that could be a plus since I'm coming from EQ and EVO that have little drag.
Passthrough charging - Can be a good feature...
...but I've heard it's really bad for the battery so it should be used while charging as little as possible, right?
I've also mentioned heat, but I don't have a clue how hot it actually gets.
All of my vapes get hot somewhere. Iolite on the front, EVO on the top, MFLB on the bottom, EQ on the glass. If it's actually going to be cool/warm on the whole enclosure it would be great.
Mouthpiece caps:
Has anyone tried this? On the stock photo they look just like MFLB battery caps.
They supposedly close the load in a stem for travel.
One Q I have is how long a stem taken out of the Solo takes to cooldown if I wanted to store a partially vaped load with these and not melt them? From the looks of them I assume about 1-2 minutes.
Stealth mouthpiece:
I liked the small size of it. The classic stems can look awkward.
Anyone having one of these? Can they be used alone without burning yourself?
I am accustomed to the hot output of a MFLB and Iolite, so it can be hot, I just don't want it to be really HOT.
PVHES 18mm turbo GonG:
I've got this one for compatibility with all of my vapexhale glass.
I've heard the new improved airflow model doesn't really need anymore airflow improving so the turbo option could be an overkill.
But I think that even if there was too much airflow I would just relax into pulling slower and tell others to pull slowly too.
I think it would be more comfortable to pull slowly on low-drag stem than pulling hard on restrictive stem for the same airflow.
Am I right?
Polycarbonate grinder & Red JyAR:
Well these have nothing to do with this setup they're awesome and not available anywhere else, so I added them to the order.
I also wanted to add a heat-resistant silicone ring that holds stems securely in the unit.
It was out of stock sadly...
Can I use a Volcano easy Valve sillicone ring? I think I can get one if that's the right size.
So, did I choose well?
Is this going to satisfy my portable needs and be a good portable complement to my EVO?
I really hope so, about 400$ went into this setup.
And I'm going to read this thread. But holy shit it's over 1200 pages! I thought the MFLB or EVO thread was going to be first beating 1000 pages. Well, this is not really a surprise, this thread is very old and the Solo is crazy popular.