Hey bro -Hi guys...Ive been using the Arizer V tower for a couple of months and love it!!So I just picked up a Arizer Solo!!,I have been reading posts in here trying to get info,tips and tricks.I was wondering are people putting screens in the bottom of the bowl for airflow??
... oops, no - the curve of the screen is facing the load - the screen needs trimming, then using the eraser end of a pencil, center & mold the screen, then, with the hands of a brain surgeon and the abilities of a Zen master, slowly push the screen as far into the stem as you think is right - try it, you'll like it!Thank's for quick responses....so the dome of the screen is facing towards your mouth and your putting it in from the mouth piece!Got it!!
Thanks OF, so its smart charger for your solo, cool, i thought you might have modded the power pack to lipo and they are a little more demanding when it comes to charging.
I was thinking about a lipo back up charger for when im out camping, something i could plug the solo into and get another full charge or 2 out of or power my extreme q with....plenty of time to play with that idea tho
someone have some idea to fix this?
Thanks !
The bottom plate on my newer m1y has started to chip and break apart around the screws as well. It's been treated kindly, is this something that qualifies for warranty?
I was looking into a plexi glass bottom with longer screws.
No more circuits in the stand itself as the connector input is accessible via a hole in the back. Connectors colour matches the stand as well. An addition hole in bottom of stand allows to push the connector firmly into the Solo while on the stand.
i use the STAND always!Thanks guys, I'm so glad you are all enjoying the stands. Makes it worth while for me to know they are been used.
You have compelled me to give an early looksee at my newest design. Improvements on electrical pathway and robustness were part of my goal with the changes. As a bonus, the new design is going to be a little cheaper for me so I can come down a bit on pricing. I'm saving on 30% less resin, two connectors and the LED is no more.
I'm also trying to standardize on the colour but need some feedback to see how the new "MARBLE" look goes over. All the same yet different.
Two types of elbows will come with it so can use either OEM supply or off thew shelf replacement. 5.5X2.1mm connector.
No more circuits in the stand itself as the connector input is accessible via a hole in the back. Connectors colour matches the stand as well. An addition hole in bottom of stand allows to push the connector firmly into the Solo while on the stand. For those who like the connection to stay in the stand a dab of hot glue would hold it in place. Or silicon etc.
Small cavity of un-used space is available for a small stash. (my 30% less plastic)
Also, the sides are slightly thicker to resist chipping.
I will be sending some out shortly to some pre-selected testers to scrutinize the changes.
Once all is cleared by these guys, I'll start a product thread on these pups.
@OF, you will be receiving one as well. A fun mission for you would to see if your "gizmo", as @ataxian calls it, can be shrunk down some to fit into it. A stand that is smart as well and even beeps to tell you its done. I'll send you some un-sealed connectors as well.?
I don't think so, the whole heater assembly isn't removable and will break if you take it apart. I think a warranty is in order?My buddy got a Solo a few months back and the inner heater plate chamber thing broke. Does Arizer sell replacements?
you have given me a bit to think about and now trawling fasttech.com for some batteries