Arizer Solo


Space is the Place
I know I for one have never used my solo without taking hits from a stemfull of herbs so knowing the battery life when its running empty from timeout after timeout sitting untouched on the table may not reflect real world function as well as CarolKings anecdotal "in actual use" method.

So I think now we all just have to fully charge our solos, ready a gram or two of herb and see how many sessions we get. I feel its our duty in the name of 'Practical science' to work this out as a group.

:science: ... :cool:


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
If you are using wood in the Solo go up a temp. light. If you vape at 4 go up to 5. That should give a lot of flavor and more clouds. I hope it's an @Ed's TnT wooden stem?

Ed makes the best wood.;)

Interested in getting an 3 inch 18mm WonG for my bubbler. Just PM'd Ed.
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Well-Known Member
So I think now we all just have to fully charge our solos, ready a gram or two of herb and see how many sessions we get. I feel its our duty in the name of 'Practical science' to work this out as a group.

A group project? Finally. I'm game.

I think we should follow the Brits and their pipe rules? Granted they're blazing and all, but I think their hearts are in the right place.......of course I also think they should get out a bit more.....

I figure we all meet at Ataxian's house with our Solos charged and ready to go. Be kinda fun, really. Probably best to get there a bit early to get a good chair on the deck I'm thinking? The deck looks pretty small to me and we could get a good turnout.

Maybe meet up and share a Limo over?

We should probably keep the exact date a secret from Ataxian as well, otherwise he'll just slip away somewhere...... Although I guess we could just climb the fence and ask his neighbors to use their bathrooms? Who wants to be in charge of making sure Ataxian doesn't find out?



I will bring the Girl Scout Cookie. He said I didn't have enough purple in mine.;)
@CarolKing purple is just a visual measure. Normally cold nights bring out the purple. The flavor is normally very sweet! Their was strains flooding the market called GSC however not the real deal! You might have a good one and maybe it's not for you? GSC in a SOLO is well balanced in my case.
Please don't take offense to my opinionated comments!

I've had so many different strains it just GSC taste and works well.

There are some others I will put back in the mix. However I'm just being prudent for now!

I'm only using the SOLO lately and level 4 seems to be my magic number!

I really wish my need was recreational?
As medicine this is my combo:

SOLO + D020 + GSC every 2 hours one GonG for balance!
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You are good @ataxian. Just giving you a hard time. That is a fantastic pic, I agree looks much better than mine. You are right on the Solo is the tool and the cannabis is the holy grail.
I started on Thursday with the D020 however it's now Sunday night and I'm still using the D020 with the SOLO.
Yes your correct!
Girl Scout Cookies again!
I have a ridiculous collection of glass?
Maybe I'll mix it up tomorrow?
Maybe not?
If it is not broken do not fix it!

Cannabis is the HOLY GRAIL!


Well-Known Member
Payton - Can you tell me more about that whole whip thing you got going on there? Are these items readily available?
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Level 30 Nature/Healer
Payton - Can you tell me more about that whole whip thing you got going on there? Are these items readily available?
Its a stand for the Versa, the video below should help make more sense of what it should look like and how the Solo is connected with it.

I use the Solo stem with a bit of thick UD tubing slipped over the whip's tubing slipped over the stem. The whip is 5/16" ID x 7/16" OD Silcon I believe. Whatever one would get to replace their crummy EQ tubing.
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Well-Known Member
I would love to have a stand like that for my Solo so that I could leave it on the end table while I use a whip and a glass chillum tip.

Maybe I need to hit up a local glass blower to see if they could come up with something like that.
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al bundy

For the eBay route it's a good deal and he is authorized and has been selling arizer since the v tower also has great feedback. Now if you go to say puffitup they may price match myrubbernck also.
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Simple Man

Simple Pleasures
For the eBay route it's a good deal and he is authorized and has been selling arizer since the v tower also has great feedback. Now if you go to say puffitup they may price match myrubbernck also.
Randy at PIU sold me my SOLO at close to the cheapest price around and threw in an extra stem and screens. Plus I know if there's a problem Randy will take care of me. Hard to say that about an eBay settler. He has a great reputation around here for a reason. Give hima shot. Don't think you'll be disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Is anybody familiar with an eBay seller by the name of Myrubberneck?
His price is $128.00, and claims to receive shipments every week, so he will always have the latest models.
Is this the best deal out there?
And is he a trustworthy seller?


I got mine from them, shipped to Europe. everything went fine, even got the latest model.
I think he is an authorized seller.
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New Member
first time SOLO user, I just got this amazing vaporizer yesterday and I'm so happy.
One question: the straight mouthpiece fit in perfectly but
the curved one it's very loose, it moves around, is that normal? (M1F model).


Well-Known Member
first time SOLO user, I just got this amazing vaporizer yesterday and I'm so happy.
One question: the straight mouthpiece fit in perfectly but
the curved one it's very loose, it moves around, is that normal? (M1F model).

First, welcome to the Forum. Great choice with Solo, although I guess you already know that.....

Yes, that's perfectly normal. One is almost sure to be looser than the other. Over time the seal will wear in and become looser still. All normal. The maker does not consider a loose stem to be an issue.

That's why some of us install o-rings after the factory seal stabilizes. For now, I suggest you enjoy your unit. Also you'll note the draw becomes easier as the seal wears in, again normal.

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