Hi guys. I discovered this thread a couple of months ago and have spent that time lurking through the 1000+ pages trying to catch up

. And first I gotta say a massive thank u to the guys in the know who pass on the knowledge with no reward. Y'all deserve medals (OF deserves 3) for what ive learned here. Thank you.
Anyway I bought my first solo M107 about 18 months ago (vaped like a boss for 1 1/2 yr) and my second 3 months ago for the new features :/
I had problems with a couple of the new units but luckily (and heres the reason for my post) I bought from Vapefiend. 1of the few authorised dealers here in the uk. listening to u guys talk about randy
@PuffItUp and his amazing customer service I thought our george
@VapeFiend deserved representing. When I bought my M1A it developed heating problems within a few days. Within 1week I had phoned George
@VapeFiend, sent back my old unit and recieved a new M1C. What sevice! However it didnt take long till the M1C developed problems. I phoned george and again within 7days I had a brand new M1T in my hand! What more could I ask for?
Its hard to find a trusted arizer dealer in the uk and with shipping prices ordering from the U.S can become costly if something goes wrong with the unit.
I just wanted to share the knowledge with all the uk readers and highly highly recommend vapefiend.uk. The guy deals with all warranty claims which means no getting your unit sent to canada to get it fixed! Vapefiend is even great for the accessories (he has eds stems and gongs in his uk catalogue! What a champ!)
Anway thanks again guys for all your help and ideas. Hopefully this thread will go for another 1000 pages!