Arizer Solo


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I got my first vape, the solo, the other day and am loving it. I just have 1 question. When the weed is done vaping is it supposed to be dark brown and sorta crunchy?

It should be dark brown and crunchy if the herb is fully extracted of the good stuff. Also if your drawing and there's no more vapor.




Well-Known Member
Shit... I get a stem full and vape it up, sometimes I'll spike it with some extra kief or a bit of oil. I used to vape around an eighth every two weeks, more recently I've been substituting cannabis for some of my pain medication so it went up to around half a gram or a bit more a day. The needs of every individual vary, and while some individuals can get away with .05g per sesh, some of us require more.

Randy over at keeps being mentioned as a great person to work with. Also should be around $160 for the new PA-enabled Solo.

I literally just paid an invoice from Puffitup for a Solo. I can't say enough about how awesome Randy is to work with! I originally contacted him on black Friday asking for a price match deal- not only did he beat what I was asking for, but he kept that price all the way until now! (giving me time to sell my Thermovape Cera to fund my Solo- I'll explain in a minute)

Randy also gave me a ridiculously good deal on an ed's t&t Grenadillo Stem and a 4pc grinder. I highly recommend Puffitup.

I'm not going to say what I paid for everything because it's below what's listed online, and I don't want to put Randy in an awkward situation, but I was amazed at what he was willing to do on the accessories.

I'm excited- I have put lots of time in on Extreme q's from Arizer. I can't wait to see how the Solo compares!

I actually sold my Thermovape Cera (best vape I've ever used over the Volcano, Extreme q, MFLB, etc.) to fund my Solo because as much fun as I was having, I wasn't getting the medical results I wanted. It's a little bit difficult to get temperature consistency, especially at lower temps, with the Cera (for me at least), between the lack of a temp control and the highly-insulating ceramic. Personally, my tolerance is nonexistent, which I imagine is part of the reason that if I vape at high temps, I don't really want to do anything (feels great tho :D). On the other hand, vaping at low temps in very small amounts works better than any of the 10s of pharmaceuticals I have been prescribed for my ADD and anxiety disorders. So, eventually, I realized that to get the results I want, mostly because my tolerance is nonexistent I need a temperature control.

So I just bought a Solo! :rockon:

I will make an attempt to charge it with an Anker battery if I can find an adapter to plug into it (I bought my roommate a 10000mah one very similar to the one in the pax thread for his birthday)

I will also be experimenting with carbon and organic cotton filtering- I will report back/make videos on how that goes.

I had an idea- someone mentioned using a glass screen to buffer between herb and the metal of the solo heating element. I would probably prefer ceramic for durability (and airflow in this case)- does anyone know if either the Solo or a stem will fit a .625" screen? I was thinking of using the vaporbros ceramic screens- unless there are others on the market to be had that I don't know about.

Oh- for anyone curious about the EFS black Friday incyclers, my roommate ordered one, so when it shows up I can make a video with the Solo.


Is there any person that have both PVHES stem Turbo and normal?! Can you explain to me what is the better of the two in terms of airflow and pleasure to vaporize?! @ataxian ? @Caligula ? Someone else? TY!! :tup:
I use the PHVES standard and the STOCK stems.
Never tried the SHORTY!
If I want less I put a glass screen in a normal size bowl in the stem.
For me going smaller is not going to work in my case.
If conservation is an issue then maybe the SHORTY is what your after?
@Caligua would know better than I!
We all have different needs!
@Caligula lightly packs his bowl whereas I pack mine full and tight and throw away the ABV.
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The turbo has no glass screen its just a big hole with a metal screen over it like a combustion bowl. The shorty version has a shorter (shallow) bowl to limit how much material you can pack in. This allows for shorter session times.

al bundy

the turbo has no glass screen and is hotter when you hit it and you need a screen to keep herb in stem.

The PVHES is supposed to hit easier than the stock because of the grooves on the outside of stem bowl.
It does help with hitting IMO but I also find some stock stems that fit loose to hit the same way.
The Shorty is just a stem about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of a regular sized stem. So you load less herb,you could also just put a domed screen in stem to use less herb.


Well-Known Member
Yep. Some strains don't get as dark brown for me, but those aren't very common. I took a photo some pages back that showed fresh vs done material. Check it here:
I vape until it's ALL THE WAY done!

There are a few green stems in here, just ignore those ;)


I like to go even darker, like dark chocolate brown, close to black for the full spectrum. Of course flavor isn't as good the darker you get. I'm in in for the medication, the flavor is great, but more of a side-benefit for me.

For the SOLO, I find I can get it very dark, more so than pure convection vapes in general.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I have the PVHES shorty, the session is too short, I wish I hadn't ordered it. My favorite PVHES stem is the straight regular. I have the shorty gong and I like the regular PVHES gong better. Make sure you get the shipping that includes insurance in case something breaks.

If anything breaks during shipping you'll be on your own if not.

The airflow is better for me than the regular stock stems. I don't feel so out of breath when drawing.
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know if there is a way program the solo so when you use it with the PA adapter it uses the PA for running the clock timer and lights. The only thing the PA runs is the heat element. It heats up better than the battery but the battery is always draining 24/7 when I leave it plugged in.

Thanks Will


Does anyone know if there is a way program the solo so when you use it with the PA adapter it uses the PA for running the clock timer and lights. The only thing the PA runs is the heat element. It heats up better than the battery but the battery is always draining 24/7 when I leave it plugged in.

Thanks Will
i've been running my solo with the PA adapter for six months. timer and lights still work. i wonder if you reset the unit if you will get those other functions to work?
to reset unit, plug in charger to wall, plug solo into charger, hold down both buttons for 4 seconds, wait 10 seconds, unplug. kevin from arizer shared that lil tidbit with me to reset my unit. good luck.


Well-Known Member
i've been running my solo with the PA adapter for six months. timer and lights still work. i wonder if you reset the unit if you will get those other functions to work?
to reset unit, plug in charger to wall, plug solo into charger, hold down both buttons for 4 seconds, wait 10 seconds, unplug. kevin from arizer shared that lil tidbit with me to reset my unit. good luck.

I've done the reset, my lights work and the clock works but they are not powered by the PA . the battery is what powers the lights and timer. PA only powers the heating element.


I've done the reset, my lights work and the clock works but they are not powered by the PA . the battery is what powers the lights and timer. PA only powers the heating element.
ooohhhhhh. erg. seriously best thing to do email - i looked and looked in this forum and it wasn't until i emailed i got things sorted.


tell me , when you use the PA does your solo sometimes shut off unexpected?
actually, sometimes, but only started recently, funny you should ask. i got my unit in august of 2013. the day i bought it she worked fine all day and then that night when i went to charge she started blinking all blinky crazy. she wouldn't take a charge. so i just used the pa. well after using it plugged in for six months i thought it might be a good idea to pursue some portability. kevin helped me with the reset and she started taking a charge. but now when i use the pa, there have been a few times where i've been waiting for to heat up, look down and she's totally off... and it's happened a few other times, intermittent... and then she started going all blinky and not taking a charge... she's currently behaving... i dusted off my purple days log vape and just ordered a firefly.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Dont they ship via USPS? Should come with $50 shipping ins. included... or no because Canada, eh?

My PVHES glass (planet vape)was sent USPS, I bought shipping that included $100 insurance. I don't know if UPS was available.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Does anyone know if there is a way program the solo so when you use it with the PA adapter it uses the PA for running the clock timer and lights. The only thing the PA runs is the heat element. It heats up better than the battery but the battery is always draining 24/7 when I leave it plugged in.

Thanks Will
I think that would be an ideal option. First thing I'd do is change the 12 minute time out to 20.
First thing you need is a communication port which either doesn't exist or not accessible by users.
Next you need a program or know the source code which I bet you will never get.
So quick answer here is no, at least I have never heard anyone doing it.

For the units turning off while using the PA. This is caused by connections and if the power skips a beat while between heater on time it will turn off. If the power glitch happens while heat is on, the heater keeps going until it's done it's cycle. At which point it seems to start checking the input power again.

Hope this helps,


Active Member
FINALLY! got my PV order in. For the pvhes he stem , I found it to be about the same as the stock stem 4 holes, although it has little slits on the bottom(dont know if they help), fitted well first time.

have not tried the pv he gong 18mm adapter yet but will let you guys know.

Was wondering for the o ring if there was any science behind putting it in? I centered it but every time i put the cap back on it becomes off center, or the cap doesnt completely want to tighten. any ideas on what I should do? I also cant seem to put it around the lip which is really not that much of a lip at all
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Well-Known Member
actually, sometimes, but only started recently, funny you should ask. i got my unit in august of 2013. the day i bought it she worked fine all day and then that night when i went to charge she started blinking all blinky crazy. she wouldn't take a charge. so i just used the pa. well after using it plugged in for six months i thought it might be a good idea to pursue some portability. kevin helped me with the reset and she started taking a charge. but now when i use the pa, there have been a few times where i've been waiting for to heat up, look down and she's totally off... and it's happened a few other times, intermittent... and then she started going all blinky and not taking a charge... she's currently behaving... i dusted off my purple days log vape and just ordered a firefly.

I think without realizing it yours also works like mine, I thought forever mine was running all on the PA but it wasn't.When I first started using the PA I vape at 7 thru water so I only get about 6-8 hits off a bowl and it's done so I used to unplug the PA when the session was done, repack the bowl and ready for next session, but a few times when I pulled the plug when it was heating the lights would stay on, so I knew the lights were running on battery, when I started leaving it plugged in every 12 min. the thing cycles, if I Plug the PA in when the times is say exactly on the hour then every 12 minutes it will cycle even though it's not heating, I time my sessions because I know what minute every hour when it's gonna cycle and I only need about 6-7 minutes per bowl so when I'm done it shuts off and I can repack and put back on bubbler ready for next session and not have to wait 12 minutes.
I do 12-18 sessions every day and when I was unplugging after each session I would go easy a week without the solo going down a light, but when I started leaving it plugged in and 1-2 days everytime it will drop a light, I know that the battery is what runs my lights and timer on both my solo's. they are 1 & 2 years old and wasn't sure if they all worked like this, I thought this was the reason solo's need some battery for the PA to work.


I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
FINALLY! got my PV order in. For the pvhes he stem , I found it to be about the same as the stock stem 4 holes, although it has little slits on the bottom(dont know if they help), fitted well first time.

have not tried the pv he gong 18mm adapter yet but will let you guys know.

Was wondering for the o ring if there was any science behind putting it in? I centered it but every time i put the cap back on it becomes off center, or the cap doesnt completely want to tighten. any ideas on what I should do? I also cant seem to put it around the lip which is really not that much of a lip at all

I found the cap w/oring in doesnt close all the way on my M105 but does on my M102.. doesnt bother me and doesnt perform different slightly open. If your not OCD it'll be fine.

To center it, just place it as near center as you can and lightly make contact with the cap... stick your finger in the cap hole to hold centered and finish tightening it up... tadahh done ;)

ps: you 'only' need the oring if you find the stem is sloppy fitting, otherwise it doesnt suit any other purpose.

Herd Giver

Active Member
My PVHES shorty/turbo arrived today, along with some new screens, and o-rings. Stoked to try out the new accessories.

Sounds like the o-rings make a fairly big difference, as does the PVHES.

My only foreseeable issue is the smaller bowl of the shorty. I generally prefer a bigger bowl, but when I ordered, PV only had shortys in stock. I suppose I'll alternate between the shorty and a stock stem, and then eventually cave and buy Ed's stem and/or a non-shorty PVHES.
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