Ty! Now I get it! My stock stem just got so loose it falls out if I turn the solo over. Would this help? I like that wood stem!
I am using lightly lightly trimmed buds.. This my favorite in I've horded two yeats. It's not notrimmed much and dry but is awesome for nsusea. Since I vape buds and shake, I lrsve sugar costed on my buds. I can change the way I trim next year, but My main purpose for the solo is for buds d bubble hash, which I still must make. My newest buds are top shelf... I have all sorts

I Don't enjoy BHO nor do I have a set up to make other better hashes.
Is this the wrong vapoizer for me?!
I put thee metal screen over the glass. Now I can't get itt out to clean it! I have tried a dental pick and pliers. Am afraid to break the glass. Is it normal for a stem to get this dirty In a week?? Do you have any suggestions?
The only damage I see from that heat flash is that now the stem falls out. Would buyng a wood stem and o ring solve this?