Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I don't think you can get that. It would have to many factors including and not limited to, heat level, herb, length of pull, time between pulls. I don't even think you can get a baseline. I can tell you at times I can run two full 12 min sessions with no diminished flavor after the first few initial yummy draws.
Edit: @Pipes what can be interesting those of us who just leave the stands on I wonder if in some way it actually makes it more stable. Well I guess if you don't mess with the bottom it stays good with or without the stand but I am just thinking like over tightingi the cap which can break it maybe the stand won't let it
. Just thinking. I love that you can take the plug out cause you never have to take the stand off. I think it will even work in my cup as it already has air holes so it won't get choked. I haven't tried to see if it fits yet but it might. I will just have to fix the foam differently I think or maybe I won't even need it. If it fits snug on the bottom I can just put a longer straw. Oh boy am I silly now
Edit: @Pipes what can be interesting those of us who just leave the stands on I wonder if in some way it actually makes it more stable. Well I guess if you don't mess with the bottom it stays good with or without the stand but I am just thinking like over tightingi the cap which can break it maybe the stand won't let it