Arizer Solo


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
It shouldn't have a chemical smell then cause it is the newest one. Maybe you can smell more then most people and it may or may not effect you because of your sensitivity. Hang around here and someone who is chemically sensitive will answer. I did many burns but only smelled the mechanical stuff on first one. I have M1A3

Veganic fan

Thanks for the info and I will monitor the threads. The battery needed charging so I'm gonna charge it and cycle it some more.
Veganic fan,
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Well-Known Member
my advice is to cycle a few more times. Sounds like you might just be more sensitive to the smell. I have a M1A3...I noticed the smell straight away (and I'm not very sensitive to chem smells). After the first burnoff cycle at temp. setting #7 it was still very noticable. So I ran another cycle at full heat. I couldn't smell it after that. I also set mine on the window ledge of an open window while doing burnoff cycles--not sure if it made a difference...

I would try a few more full cycles before sending it back...I believe it will dissipate and you will love your solo!

Veganic fan

my advice is to cycle a few more times. Sounds like you might just be more sensitive to the smell. I have a M1A3...I noticed the smell straight away (and I'm not very sensitive to chem smells). After the first burnoff cycle at temp. setting #7 it was still very noticable. So I ran another cycle at full heat. I couldn't smell it after that. I also set mine on the window ledge of an open window while doing burnoff cycles--not sure if it made a difference...

I would try a few more full cycles before sending it back...I believe it will dissipate and you will love your solo!

Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna try that method, maybe it needs to air out a little more.
Veganic fan,


Well-Known Member
I have a shot glass full of plant material/reclaim with 70% iso. What am I suppose to do with it lol, just let it evaporate?


Banned for life
It shouldn't have a chemical smell then cause it is the newest one. Maybe you can smell more then most people and it may or may not effect you because of your sensitivity. Hang around here and someone who is chemically sensitive will answer. I did many burns but only smelled the mechanical stuff on first one. I have M1A3

That chemically sensitive vapehead is me! Veganic, I know EXACTLY what you are talking about... I am quite sensitive to things like this and am extremely cognizant of my health and wellbeing. The only solution is to keep up with the dry runs on 7. I won't vape until I can't "taste" the solder or whatever it's like a metallic smell/taste. I do literally more than a dozen dry burns, and then I stick in an empty stem and sort of cigar style pull to see if there is a "taste". Eventually all I can smell and taste is "heat".

I had to return my Inhalater because of sensitivity to the polymide material, even after literally dozens of dry burns, I could ALWAYS smell that polyimide material and to me it was offensive, and i'm apprehensive about its long term safety.

I'm also waiting for the Ascent....that one might even be cleaner/safer than the Solo.


Singer Song Writer Stoner
I would like to note that there's no funky smell with my M1A4

However, if I smell the coating of the machine or unscrew the head and smell it from inside, I smell something...

But it doesn't affect anything, there's no poo smell to vapor or whatsoever...


just wanted to update those who have PM'd me regarding the high temp silicone washers... i have yet to get the postage numbers together, but will do so today. PMs will be replied to sometime later this evening.

one thing i wanted to say before going any further... is that these washers i have may be about a 1/32" too thick. the ONLY issue is that its hard to get the Solo top to screw all the way back onto it. i did get mine to back to flush, but it took some elbow grease. if you cant get it all the way back down you will easily get it almost there, with only a very small gap between cap and body. unless you knew it was supposed to be flush you wouldnt know any thing wasn't "stock". its really negligible honestly, just wanted to make sure everyone knew. if it really bothers you one could easily shave off a tad bit to make it perfect.

i will tell you one thing tho... with these washers installed they hold the stems in there VERY well. much better than the o ring solution IMO.

for those of you who have PM'd me... stay tuned to your inbox.


Banned for life
So my new Solo from PIU is M1A3, not M1A4 like advertised on their website. Not like I care because I think the 3 or 4 means nothing - just a serial number. Anyways, this is like my 8th or 9th Solo probably by now, and typically i'd receive it with a charge of around 4-5. This one came completely no lights came on. I'm guessing it's due to the cold weather during transport. I hope this doesn't affect performance or longevity, because I know it's not good for it to be that low....and it's been a couple of weeks for delivery....and the delivery time from Canada to Cali and then back up to Canada. I coulda had a "freshed" one from PV, but they couldn't even come close to PIU deal I got. Sad that I have to buy something from another country to "save money" lol

Three week T-Break ends NOW!!!!!! POW!!!!! So many strains....not sure which one to hit up!

Also the 100 screens I got on ebay have a VERY fine mesh....much finer than PV screens. I guess better for particulate not getting through, just won't have the airflow, but for the price i'm not complaining.


So my new Solo from PIU is M1A3, not M1A4 like advertised on their website. Not like I care because I think the 3 or 4 means nothing - just a serial number


i got my M1A3 a couple weeks ago and the charge life is excellent. love this thing.

*EDIT* i also meant to add that it came from PIU as well
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So my new Solo from PIU is M1A3, not M1A4 like advertised on their website. Not like I care because I think the 3 or 4 means nothing - just a serial number. Anyways, this is like my 8th or 9th Solo probably by now, and typically i'd receive it with a charge of around 4-5. This one came completely no lights came on. I'm guessing it's due to the cold weather during transport. I hope this doesn't affect performance or longevity, because I know it's not good for it to be that low....and it's been a couple of weeks for delivery....and the delivery time from Canada to Cali and then back up to Canada. I coulda had a "freshed" one from PV, but they couldn't even come close to PIU deal I got. Sad that I have to buy something from another country to "save money" lol

Three week T-Break ends NOW!!!!!! POW!!!!! So many strains....not sure which one to hit up!

Also the 100 screens I got on ebay have a VERY fine mesh....much finer than PV screens. I guess better for particulate not getting through, just won't have the airflow, but for the price i'm not complaining.
I have both the PV and EBAY specials. The PV are far superior however the cheap ones work too but you need to change them out more often. Whereas the PV screens clean up with ISO and last much longer!


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I am still testing my box from PV but I can say the power adapter pass through rocks hard. The only thing is I might vape all day non stop that way:). I will say I do hate that i have to unplug it after I am done. I thought I would be able to push the buttons and turn it off but I guess not. If that isn't true then tell me what I am doing wrong and I hope I am doing it wrong.


Banned for life
Thanks Ataxian! Why do you think the PV are superior? Just cuz of the larger mesh size? I wouldn't say they are superior for that reason, just different. They will allow more air through the herbal mass, but also allow more particulate to go through. I will pick up some PV screens in the future, I do remember them saying they source them from Germany I think. These eBay screens fit perfect! And with 100 of them, I may just throw them out instead of cleaning them. The PV screens I remember cleaned up really easy too and last forever.

So i'm doing my burn off cycles now....musta been at least 7-8 and it still stinks like metal. I did some dry pulls and can taste the metal on my's not offensive though lol I kinda like the taste!

So do you guys use that little silicone cover on the top? I've always removed it, but if it's closed would it allow faster heat up? It seems like a nuisance unless you use it to go out and about and to prevent lint from getting in there, etc.

Arizer got back to me extremely quick regarding PIU authorized status. They indicated that PIU is NOT an authorized retailer, but that they deal with an Authorized Retailer and handle warranty claims themselves. After that they said that I should still register my warranty with Arizer so they have it on record. On the little blue registration form you don't even need to state WHERE you bought it from, although I guess they will know when you scan the receipt to them. I just think they would like me to deal with PIU first, and if I had any issues Arizer would still take care of me.

I'm sure it's been buried, but Arizer is working on some kind of new product ;) My guess is a Solo 2.0.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks Ataxian! Why do you think the PV are superior? Just cuz of the larger mesh size? I wouldn't say they are superior for that reason, just different. They will allow more air through the herbal mass, but also allow more particulate to go through. I will pick up some PV screens in the future, I do remember them saying they source them from Germany I think. These eBay screens fit perfect! And with 100 of them, I may just throw them out instead of cleaning them. The PV screens I remember cleaned up really easy too and last forever.

So i'm doing my burn off cycles now....musta been at least 7-8 and it still stinks like metal. I did some dry pulls and can taste the metal on my's not offensive though lol I kinda like the taste!

So do you guys use that little silicone cover on the top? I've always removed it, but if it's closed would it allow faster heat up? It seems like a nuisance unless you use it to go out and about and to prevent lint from getting in there, etc.

Arizer got back to me extremely quick regarding PIU authorized status. They indicated that PIU is NOT an authorized retailer, but that they deal with an Authorized Retailer and handle warranty claims themselves. After that they said that I should still register my warranty with Arizer so they have it on record. On the little blue registration form you don't even need to state WHERE you bought it from, although I guess they will know when you scan the receipt to them. I just think they would like me to deal with PIU first, and if I had any issues Arizer would still take care of me.

I'm sure it's been buried, but Arizer is working on some kind of new product ;) My guess is a Solo 2.0.

I always close the silicone top for heat up, it definitely retains the heat more so than if it was opened... Either way works tho[/quote]


Banned for life
grrr, can't seem to get rid of the metallic taste...used a dry q-tip but not iso. Good news is that this battery doesn't seem to have that drop fast problem! Twice on 7 and just dropped 1 light woot!


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I didn't register my solo as I thought that the warranty was one year so what was the point if PIU was going to handle any claims?

I also use the rubber cap for fast heating sometimes and for keeping dirt and dust out.


Well-Known Member
grrr, can't seem to get rid of the metallic taste...used a dry q-tip but not iso. Good news is that this battery doesn't seem to have that drop fast problem! Twice on 7 and just dropped 1 light woot!

When i 1st received my solo a few weeks ago i did 2x dry runs on 7. However after the dry runs my solo did have a metal smell it reminded me of a sparkler. I think the smell is gone now will test it again later on tonight.


Thanks Ataxian! Why do you think the PV are superior? Just cuz of the larger mesh size? I wouldn't say they are superior for that reason, just different. They will allow more air through the herbal mass, but also allow more particulate to go through. I will pick up some PV screens in the future, I do remember them saying they source them from Germany I think. These eBay screens fit perfect! And with 100 of them, I may just throw them out instead of cleaning them. The PV screens I remember cleaned up really easy too and last forever.

So i'm doing my burn off cycles now....musta been at least 7-8 and it still stinks like metal. I did some dry pulls and can taste the metal on my's not offensive though lol I kinda like the taste!

So do you guys use that little silicone cover on the top? I've always removed it, but if it's closed would it allow faster heat up? It seems like a nuisance unless you use it to go out and about and to prevent lint from getting in there, etc.

Arizer got back to me extremely quick regarding PIU authorized status. They indicated that PIU is NOT an authorized retailer, but that they deal with an Authorized Retailer and handle warranty claims themselves. After that they said that I should still register my warranty with Arizer so they have it on record. On the little blue registration form you don't even need to state WHERE you bought it from, although I guess they will know when you scan the receipt to them. I just think they would like me to deal with PIU first, and if I had any issues Arizer would still take care of me.

I'm sure it's been buried, but Arizer is working on some kind of new product ;) My guess is a Solo 2.0.
I agree with your assessment!
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