Kaptan said:
I just tried my aquavape mated to my SS solo with a short piece of silicone tubing. I wasn't impressed. I got half decent tasty clouds, but it was just awkward holding it tbh. I was also a little worried about a slight bit of water drops coming out of the AV and hitting my solo. There is also no way to "clear" the AV unless you pull it out of the silicone after every hit.
I don't have a 14mm joint on my glass piece so I just use a short piece of silicone tubing connected to an arizer glass elbow and that goes in my 18.8mm joint on my bubbler. This is much easier and you can increase the airflow to your preference by slightly lifting the elbow. Also, modulating the elbow perfectly during a hit creates huge clouds. I ordered an 18.8 to 14mm adapter from MFLB so I can see which works better.
So I tried my AV with the Solo... As expected, the airflow restriction, added to the AV drag is not great. I got very decent hits though, but as Kaptan stated you cannot clear the AV and the ergonomics with the bended stems are not the best (maybe the straight ones improve that!)
@Darkrom: though the AV is a super piece for many vapes... I'm not sure it's the best for the Solo. In fact, IMO, the solo isn't the best toy for water filtration in general, cause of his airflow... And even used on my bubbler or on a bong...I am not satisfieds with the sloooooooow fill up and the restriction feeling!
BTW I have an Underdog on the way and will let you know how the AV works with it (though discussing with Dave from UnderDog, it seems he will be doing the same test any day soon!
