Arizer Solo


When I grow up I want to be like @ataxian .
Most of the people I grew up with are dead!

I survived!

VAPORIZING gives one longevity.

SOLO get's the job done.

Quick story:
My wife (she's firing hot)
She was complaining about my 5 stations for medicating.
So like the gentleman I pretend to be?

All my wax gear; Water Pipes; VAPORIZERS; PARTS are in one location now in a closet full of stuff. It is organized. (believe it or not?)

I sound like a broken vinyl, however SOUR DIESEL grown outdoors along the PACIFIC OCEAN
LEVEL 5 (need a new SOLO)?

Dr. Soxhlet

SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
Had my Solo apart for repair, so I took some pictures to share. The heater is a simple device, just a metal disk inside ceramic. The sensor is similar. They are separated by an insulating spacer and another one located between the heater and the housing. I found the front panel and bottom plate can be removed from the mainboard with the right screwdriver.




@Randy Lahey sounds like your heart is set on the AA. The new Solo isn't going to be stealth like the Air. It looks to be a nice upgrade to the original but that still needs to be seen. Arizer is a stellar company so I'm hoping for great things but it's just too early.

Does anyone know if this unit coming out before 4/20 or around that time? My hunch is that's when they will launch the new Solo 2.

I fixed the errors!! I didn't catch that. I use my iPad.

My last SOUR DIESEL bud?
Such is life?

SOLO at least!
WHITE SOLO is my dream!

@CarolKing thanks for the lead on BILL MAHER

Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
I found a way to get around having to take my pinnacle to work with me all the time, and a bit disappointed in myself for not thinking of it sooner. Some time ago I acquired a strip of employee storage lockers, (6 individual lockers in a column the size of an ordinary school locker) and put them in a storage room at work. I noticed the other day that only 2 of them are in use, so I just cut the key and will stop by the store for a padlock and home for my D020-9" before lunch. With another Solo arriving in a day or 2 I can see it becoming convenient to leave one at work, time will tell.


Well-Known Member
@ataxian Are you going to buy a white Solo? I think I will buy a white Solo and the Solo 2 at the same time (when the 2 is released) from Arizer to be sent over to me in Aus. Nowhere here sells the white solo and I think I'll probably have to wait a while longer to buy a solo 2 here as well, so I may as well just buy them both from Canada.

I received this email from Arizer recently after I enquired about buying both to be sent to me -

The NLE is only available with a North American charger but all of out products have an input capacity of 110-240 V and a step down converter is not required. All you will need to use your unit is a simple plug adapter.

The Solo II is not available yet but please stay tuned for more information! If you haven’t already done so, please feel free to sign up for our promotional email list on our website to receive notifications with the latest news and special offers.

If you have any further questions please let us know!

Best Regards,

Arizer Tech

Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
Ha ha ha ha! My 2 into 1 adaptors came today so I'm double-barrelling with 2 solos through a D0-20. It's like vaping a double candlestick... the Cannabis Candelabra - the Marijuana Menorah.... it feels decadent, and I dare say civilised. The new gongs have holes that are a little small-ish (considering enlarging some as a test), but in tandem provide enough traffic. The bowls are full sized so I packed them very loosely and got the full 12 min or whatever it is with a good 75% dark abv. Gave it a stir and tried again, not worth the power. The 2 to 1 adaptor is excellent value for the price of the glass if you have 2 Solos and want to get fancy, but it isn't going to take much falling over, use and stow safely.
There was a 15 minute lag because I forgot to click on post. This is good, it's going from meh to fill your boots in few easy steps. I've mentioned a few times that I have trouble getting a good draught from a dry stem, but I pre-loaded a couple and took them with me today and they were pretty good. I used to say that if you worked and didn't take cocaine you could have all the fishing tackle you wanted; I suppose this stuff is the same story. Oh shit I hope not! Can't see it, unless you have a store full of stuff.
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Ha ha ha ha! My 2 into 1 adaptors came today so I'm double-barrelling with 2 solos through a D0-20. It's like vaping a double candlestick... the Cannabis Candelabra - the Marijuana Menorah.... it feels decadent, and I dare say civilised. The new gongs have holes that are a little small-ish (considering enlarging some as a test), but in tandem provide enough traffic. The bowls are full sized so I packed them very loosely and got the full 12 min or whatever it is with a good 75% dark abv. Gave it a stir and tried again, not worth the power. The 2 to 1 adaptor is excellent value for the price of the glass if you have 2 Solos and want to get fancy, but it isn't going to take much falling over, use and stow safely.
There was a 15 minute lag because I forgot to click on post. This is good, it's going from meh to fill your boots in few easy steps. I've mentioned a few times that I have trouble getting a good draught from a dry stem, but I pre-loaded a couple and took them with me today and they were pretty good. I used to say that if you worked and didn't take cocaine you could have all the fishing tackle you wanted; I suppose this stuff is the same story. Oh shit I hope not! Can't see it, unless you have a store full of stuff.


Planetvape has the Solo2 for 219$ (cad) , but sold out currently.

Getting close to my 3 year Solo (and vape) bday, and will be good time to upgrade the Solo (still running, very banged up, battery at around 60%) to a Solo 2.
My SOLO is one of the first and very old according today's technology?

I want a WHITE one.
I want a BLUE one.

HUMAN want's are insatiable.

I need a new PHVES for my SOLO as well.
At this point it's a need not a want.
OK I want one too!


Well-Known Member
It's 219$ CAD on planetvape (out of stock, but shouldn't take long for re stock) with free shipping and no tax to US clients. That's roughly 170$ USD tax and shipping included :0
Can't get much cheaper then that for (what I would call) a premium vape that's just been released


Well-Known Member
Did anybody notice that Solo and NLE prices were reduced by about 10% also?

It's 219$ CAD on planetvape (out of stock, but shouldn't take long for re stock) with free shipping and no tax to US clients. That's roughly 170$ USD tax and shipping included :0
Can't get much cheaper then that for (what I would call) a premium vape that's just been released

They haven't had it in stock at all yet, PV and other retailers put up an introductory listing for it a couple of weeks ago along with a disclaimer that a release was yet to come and those prices and details were subject to change.

People called it a placeholder price, a kind of web developer lingo?

Arizer launched Solo II on their website only last night.

According to some inside info from @Smokey McVape , it is due for UK (and probably Europe) release in week 3-4 of May. So All of US and Canada will be probably selling them by then.

I'm one of the ones who can't really justify the price with shipping right now so is hopeful for reductions somewhere too! Otherwise I'll be Pax'ing it, or going with a Crafty soon.

Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
My new Solo could be coming in the mail today, so I'll try to get home before the usual time. Sometimes our letter-carrier puts small items in the letterbox, and sometimes she'll put larger ones between the screen door and front door, and sometimes she'll leave a notice and I'll have to go to the branch post office the next day. My new bubbler could take a month or more to come, but you never know. I like having these little parcels coming, there's an anticipation kick aside from the item itself, and it's cheaper than gambling.

Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I order stuff on-line just to wait for the item to arrive.

SOLO sessions are CIVILIZED

Why is it not legal? (PALE BLUE DOT)
Bar's are legal?
Don't get it?
@ataxian, the bargains you can find online are so incredible, there's no way I'd be trying a lot of the stuff I do if it wasn't available through the mail. There aren't a lot of good head shops where I live and I can't blame the good one for not having just what I need, and if they do it's usually pricey.
Re the law: Canada's legalisation bill is supposed to get tabled today, and hopefully implemented next year. After 45 years it probably isn't going to change anything I do, but will benefit many people.

Buzzbomb Almighty

Well-Known Member
My new Solo did come, but I missed it. The slip in the mailbox said pick up tomorrow (today) after 1, and I went to the drug store (open, yay!), but not the postal outlet - sign says come back Monday. Oh well, I knew that could happen and it's not like I need it. I think a blue Solo would show off the yellow led's nicely.


Well-Known Member
This is what I received in " extras " for my additional
$ 60 in cost for the NLE Solo .

1 medium straight stem = $ 10
1 LED charging dock = $ 20
4 machined divots in oven=$ 30
Great Tasting Vapors = Priceless

I've never had a big issue with the draw resistance
on the Solo . I liked the different vaping styles between
my EVO and my Solos and enjoyed the rotational usage .
BUT , having said that .
The 4 indents by the air holes is a GREAT improvement
for air flow . My guess is , it may make the PVHES stems
redundant . Unless you prefer slightly wispier hits .

For now , I've been using the NLE , strictly for low temp
sipping sessions and my other solos for water vaping .
I need to order some Non-PVHES Gongs .

With the Solo II offering the same 4 recessed air holes .
I can see the Solo II being a very popular purchase this year .
Dare I predict , the MOAV for 2017 ...

Happy Vaping Everyone
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