These Solos are life-savers, really. Well, cannabis in general, I suppose.
After trying ADHD medication for the first time, my appreciation for marijuana is as high as it has ever been (no pun intended).
I'll save you the details, but to make a long story short, I (stupidly... err, VERY stupidly) took this stimulant at around 1:15 AM, planning on staying up all night, enjoying a good time, and crashing late. I didn't take a huge amount -- it was 30 mg of vyvanse, which is the recommended starting dosage (when prescribed). It kept for up for over 24 hours, and outside of the first 5 hours, the high wasn't enjoyable. Jittery, anxious... the like. The fact that I took it at 1:15 AM, and ended going for 38 hours on 1 hour of sleep, certainly didn't help either. I finally managed to pass out around 5 AM last night, 28 hours after taking it.
Cannabis helped increase my appetite, which reduced the effects of the drug. Furthermore, it helped me rest and reduced the nerves.
While in the throngs of this rather unpleasant high, I began thinking about drugs and such. I realized that after I took one dose of vyvanse, which is widely considered a less 'intense' amphetamine, and is said to have a relatively minor comedown/withdrawal period, I felt like shit. And I thought about it some more... and I realized, that if after JUST 1 dose (which contained a normal amount of the drug in question), if I felt **this** shitty, imagine all the folks who are taking larger doses of this, and regularly. Then imagine all the people taking drugs which have bad withdrawal symptoms -- benzos, opiates... I can't imagine how horrible that must be.
Since using marijuana regularly, my life has not changed. I don't suffer any physical withdrawal, and on days when I cannot vape, I am still able to function perfectly fine -- in fact, I never think about the fact that I don't have marijuana. Sometimes I ENJOY a sober day, here or there. Not only all that, but marijuana helps me. It gives me something to look forward to, a nice euphoria, followed by physical relaxation and absolutely no after-effects or unpleasantness.
I apologize for rambling... at this point, this post probably isn't 'Arizer Solo' thread worthy, but I have a Solo, so I figured I'd share.
Toke on, brothers! Truly appreciate this wonder herb, as medicines this incredible are very rare. Fortunately, it will always be present.