What is all this food talk?
I keep my glass stems sparkling clean.
Flavor is so critical.
I guess different stroke for different folks?
Eating Cannabis sounds gross!
Soy Milk?
Doesn't it cause cancer?
i love just scraping all the goup out and using it as hash. so damn stoned after seshes with that shit
i like mine dirty
dose every thing not cause cancer ?
After the discount and everything, my order for my Solo came out to $89 because I added the two-day shipping. So really, you can get a Solo with two-day Priority shipping for $90. Pretty good deal.
Saw this on reddit, wanted to share
get a solo for 90 bucks : http://www.puffitup.com/Arizer-Solo-p/arizersoloblackopenbox.htm
Coupon code: PUFFEDUP
Congrats hopefully you will love your solo as much as the rest of usoh my god oh my god oh my god!!! My Solo is out for delivery!!! Can't wait to get off work....I will finally be a part of the Solo club.
Thank you! I will most certainly keep y'all updated...and probably ask a few questions. Although I've read so much of this thread I feel like a pro already.Congrats hopefully you will love your solo as much as the rest of us
I know what you mean. I gotten so much great information from this site and all the treads that I feel like I am becoming very knowledgeable about the solo. Enough where I feel like if any of my friends ask any questions I think I can answer them. If I can't I just come here and askThank you! I will most certainly keep y'all updated...and probably ask a few questions. Although I've read so much of this thread I feel like a pro already.
Hey guys. I made a cool discovery a couple nights back.
Decided to pull my Bulli out which I have been neglecting since I got the Solo. Still works great but has some risk of smell when herb particles drop into the oven.
Anyway, while having a session I noticed the top "bowl" part looked like it would fit the Solo.
Sure enough a great fit. Just loose enough to allow for some movement to play with air flow.
The bowl size is huge but could be adjusted I imagine by lowering the screen.
What I did was only filled it 1/2-2/3s and gave a shake once in a while to mix it up. No huge clouds but nevertheless a steady long session. About 2 1/2 full 12 minute goes. Good for a movie type thing.
So this is actually a Solo bowl to 510 stem adapter I guess would be the best description.
What is great here is the ease of making them up. If anyone has or can find stainless steel tubing that is 14.5mm diameter with 0.5mm wall thickness, you're in the game for peanuts.
The actual adapter is only 99 cents at Madvapes here which is just a Ego Mega to 510 adapter. They have metal types but the acrylic seems to handle the heat fine and less chance of burning you.
The drip tip that I have in the pictures is actually one from Thermovape and can not get anymore. But again there are alternatives like "The Bishop", but IMO is over priced. I ordered a couple of these "swirls" for much cheaper.
Have fun.
if that paint holds up, GORGEOUS..I had some black bumper paint on my shelf. When I saw your wrap work I was impressed. However it's easier for me to paint in place of wrapping.