Hey guys, reporting back. So far the unit I ordered from ebay has been working exceptionally well, aside from some oddities. For example, when I use it with a PA it makes a wringy sound as it heats up. Pipes was kind enough to send me another step-down unit so I could test it without cost. But the problem was on my end and it did not make a difference.
I have noticed some other things, the Solo won't start heating up if you select a higher number than that of the battery charge. You must select the number or a # below the current charge for it to start heating up. After it get's hot, you can eventually select higher temps. I don't know if this is common knowledge or a peculiarity on my unit. Aside from that, it has been getting daily use for about 2 weeks now and so far so good!
Thanks for the step-down unit, Pipes, now I can have one in my car and at home. Props for good customer service.