So I'm wondering...after few hits you move to "7"
I stay at "5" regardless... love me solo and love the 200C sweet spot
yeah, my brain must have shorted while i was writing the sentence.. i meant to say "and then this one at 7".
I usually vape at 2-3 when dry.. and only rise the temp in the last few hits although sometimes i try to maintain the vapor output and thus i increment slowly finishing at 7.
With water, i either start at 3-4 and go from there, or i hit it dry at 2 and then get the bong.
With water, i don't mind the temperature at 7 as i do when dry.. first because its much softer on the throat and second because it hides that bitter taste of the ending bowl.
But, sometimes, i like to crank it up and have a milky thick hit with the terpenes mixed in for some nice flavour, even if they are evaporated in 2-3 hits.
Different strokes, different tokes.
AUTCH, my wallet hurts........

Those things cost a fortune......