Well-Known Member
This how the solo helps my happy meal stay happy when I am out and about in the car.
Mcluvin it!
Mcluvin it!

mongrel said:have you blokes ever heard of "a pedestrian conservation"? by gee you buggers are dull as dishwater. see you never. i don't see any reason to come back you boring buggers. oh fuck, get me an empty macca's cup so i can be as dull as you. i'd probably get higher on a choc shake than i would with your idea of olfactory senses and intelligence. when did young ppl get so god damned dull? and whatever you do please guard your solo against scuffing... it doesn't heat as well if it's marked lol.
mongrel said:have you blokes ever heard of "a pedestrian conservation"? by gee you buggers are dull as dishwater. see you never. i don't see any reason to come back you boring buggers. oh fuck, get me an empty macca's cup so i can be as dull as you. i'd probably get higher on a choc shake than i would with your idea of olfactory senses and intelligence. when did young ppl get so god damned dull? and whatever you do please guard your solo against scuffing... it doesn't heat as well if it's marked lol.
mongrel said:have you blokes ever heard of "a pedestrian conservation"? by gee you buggers are dull as dishwater. see you never. i don't see any reason to come back you boring buggers. oh fuck, get me an empty macca's cup so i can be as dull as you. i'd probably get higher on a choc shake than i would with your idea of olfactory senses and intelligence. when did young ppl get so god damned dull? and whatever you do please guard your solo against scuffing... it doesn't heat as well if it's marked lol.
mongrel said:have you blokes ever heard of "a pedestrian conservation"? by gee you buggers are dull as dishwater. see you never. i don't see any reason to come back you boring buggers. oh fuck, get me an empty macca's cup so i can be as dull as you. i'd probably get higher on a choc shake than i would with your idea of olfactory senses and intelligence. when did young ppl get so god damned dull? and whatever you do please guard your solo against scuffing... it doesn't heat as well if it's marked lol.
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charliedontsurf said:Whoa, I just glanced into the chamber and saw that a good portion of the coating inside the bowl is flaking off!
darkrom said:Dorkus do you have no screen on that stem? Personally I'd iso wash the stem and keep using the same iso batch to clean your stems for a while until you have green iso and just make hash from that. That's what I'm trying right now. Have a double bagged zip lock bag of green iso just waiting to be used to clean more stems then turned into hash. Any downside to that?
notmyrealUSERname said:darkrom said:Dorkus do you have no screen on that stem? Personally I'd iso wash the stem and keep using the same iso batch to clean your stems for a while until you have green iso and just make hash from that. That's what I'm trying right now. Have a double bagged zip lock bag of green iso just waiting to be used to clean more stems then turned into hash. Any downside to that?
i think the downside is that you will get a lot more "junk" in with your concentrate. generally, people will do a quick wash in iso, hence the qwiso term, in order to extract the goodness without too much chlorophyll and other non-desirable stuff. keep in mind that you have to get the iso out for a pure end product. the more iso you use the harder it is to get rid of it all.
i think in order to get the purest and 'easiest to harvest', concentrate you should try what dorkus_molorkus said: "Im waiting to see if I can get it to run down the stem like honey. Then I'm gonna give my vapor swing a thumping." once the honey oil has had enough time to build up, all you require to harvest it is a lighter and a dish. use the light to gently heat the glass stem until the oil runs into your dish. then dab away! vapor swing ftw! i would recommend using a finer screen though so you won't have the chunky bits but each to their own!
i also think that gong stems need to be an available accessory from arizer!
charliedontsurf said:Whoa, I just glanced into the chamber and saw that a good portion of the coating inside the bowl is flaking off! I'm going to take pictures and post shortly.
Edit: The health implications of this are appalling to me. I'll probably toss out my whole bowl of ABV. The rust-like redness is very much exaggerated by the lighting and the camera, it is nowhere near that obvious in person. The flaked coating however is completely obvious. I have not been rough at all on my Solo.
Maybe the electrical component smell like, what, two or three of us are reporting is actually the defective coating cooking off and, I don't know, giving us cancer.
Willeh said:@CDS, holy shit, mine looks the exact same inside if not worse. I'm putting this thing down for the MFLB (Even if the hits are far inferior) until Arizer provides me with some answers of what this coating I've been scraping up and vaping is. Have you contacted them, with pictures, asking what the coating and or insulation material is made out of? If so please relay to us, I'll probably be sending an email of my own anyway now.
I don't want to just assume it's carcinogenic, chances are the flakes were not making it into our lungs and were being stopped by our herbs. I don't think we all have cancer, and probably havent inhaled anything. Realistically I think it would be temperature safe if it was inside there, and the flakes just sit in your bowl and have little real world impact.
But I still would want answers before further usage, The damn cloud needs to come out already so I can have a nice all glass airpath.
When it comes to the smell, I'm still pretty much absolutely certain what you are smelling (Or at least an odor my solo produces) is the same as the fabric insulation they use on the extreme, and not flakes cooking off or anything. I broke my heater cover a couple times, and changed it, and after a change the fabric always started to make a stronger smell for a short period, and it was identical to the solo smell. It's certainly a noticeable smell if you put your nose up to either vaporizer, but I never found it to bleed through into the vapor taste.