wow the homemade accessories are awesome! This thing just screams ''accessorise me''.
went looking for a travel bag today. no luck yet, but we'll see'.
made some adjustments to the ''SOLO STATION'' & It may sound a bit silly, but having a sort of a dock make it all a bit simpler & easier. (as it should I guess ala IPOD etc)
I made a bit of wood that holds it all & recharges at the same time. nice
This thing is a marketers dream, imagine what the possibilities are for this vape and its add ons.
Just a further update to my personal solo experience-
I have smacked the shit out of this thing in the last 24hrs, and have blown thru about 5grams in short order.
This machine takes it, & takes it & then smacks you in the ass right back. Now understanding that I vapebong exclusivley, I cant talk about direct draw or any other method.
I only vapebong, a cloud-chasing crazed mad pothead that till recently thought that 4-5 bucket(gravity) bongs for breakfast daily for 15 yrs was the only thing that hit my spot.
well, this shit is awesome. A bit of glass & a hard hittin vape like the solo.
sheet, it be the best thing ever.
I have been a total pig in the last 24hrs & all I wanna do is buy another one! maybe 2, just in case the others fuck up. I have put my DVB away, my HA is for sale, All I hope is that the battery will put up a decent life expectantcy before replacement is needed.
If we can say in 12mths time that the battery is still performing to the daily rigours of the likes of myself
& my medicinal requirements.
mark my words- The SOLO will be a giant killer.
@Bossbrew- thats a mighty nice looking bubbler you got there. pity no one sells them here in oz. I doubt I could justify such a fine piece to my wife anyway. me jealous much-
congrats ARIZER- if your product can handle the day to day requirements as a daily driver for the likes of myself- OMG! you have just changed the way this game is played.
I aint selling my DBV yet, but the HA is a goner for sure. I will buy another SOLO, I think, but where are the accessories, spares etc?
Pls take my $$$$, just someone have it in stock, pls take my money.
Or I guess I could make my own............ or check out some electronic stores for adapters n stuff.
find some local blowers for stems with GonG joints etc
I made my own recharging dock in 1hr, surely the other info isnt that hard to find. ( & trust me I'm an idiot regarding DIY stuff)
Or if a website had them for sale and IN STOCK, I could buy them there. that would be cool, HINT, HINT