Srry didn't see it. Are people making mods on their stock stems? Just spend the money and go with ed or as far as this dude beatin faces for using a vaporizer in front of I understand i vape in public but am very cautious where and who is around. Going aggro on someone cause they were not considerate would just make me ask them to move or vape somewhere else. Where does the aggresiveness come in? And why, just relax and I'm sure people would be considerate of you. You have to give the human vape race a chance so we vs turn more people on to this. Would you rather have someone openly smoking a joint or cigarette next to you? I can only imagine your reaction then. (First curb stomp mmj related murder).lol
I'm still reading my posts and I already apologize to everyone. I used to be a pot head stoner combuster. Now I'm a vapor person and I have a family. I used to think the same, Cannabis is the savior of the world and bla bla bla, but with kids people change.
And yes, buses are gross, but we need them, sorry, they made us need them. Cannabis by nature is a plant that uses THC for defense, human being never was intended to eat, cook or smoke from it. We are contra natura. Scents, perfumes and etc etc as well, they made us believe we need them. So, let's cut the crap here about who is wrong or what, but what I have to say is, people been fighting for years against nicotine and tars and second hand smokes in restaurants, and enclosed public spaces, like offices and MALLS. NOW because we have all this ULTRA COOL kids and adults VAPORIZING with their latest tech ecig and vapes tobacco or whatever because it's not SMOKE we are going to allow them inside again. I know is vapor, bla bla bla and THC bla bla bla but
Do you want your kids or yourself inside a mall with let's say 500 or a full mall or office or restaurant full of people vaporizing their ecigs and vapes because it's JUST VAPOR, NOT SMOKE, THERE AREN'T ANY CANCERIGENOUS OR MUTANT (nicotines,tars,synthetics, additives and ADICTIVES, and so on, MOLECULES IN THERE FLYING AROUND FROM YOUR VAPE

Because if you can do it, why not the rest of the people, don't forget the ecig and vapor community is huge, not only FC forum members know about it, there are millions out there.
p.s: sorry about capital letters, I'm not screaming, I just don't know how to highlight words in a cell phone during txt. Is it possible??
This stated above is IMO and not to create a fight or enemies, it's just a point of view, and yes I will never take a kid back again to a mall till laws ban e-cigs and vapes from enclosed public places like restaurants, offices and malls. Sorry to go back to this