Hello, my good old solo has a new feature.
Whenever the battery is dead and it cant complete the heating stepas, starts cooling down and yellow lights drop, it wont charge anymore until i ipen the solo, dis- and reconnect the battery and try again.
But ut cant be the solo's normal reaction to stop working after a complete drain.
I agree, this is not 'normal'. That is it's not a common experience. I assume this is not a 'brand new' battery pack, if it is I think it's defective and should be sent in for warranty.
Here's what I think is happening. We've said before that it's important that the two cells in the pack be closely matched. Much like a team of horses pulling a heavy wagon. While the horses are in parallel, and the battery cells in series, the relationship is much the same. It's the total output that does the work.
While Solo uses the total voltage of the pack to decide the charge, run the lights, decide when to shutdown to protect and so on. In fact, Solo has no way of actually sensing the status of each cell, sort of like the wagon driver not being able to notice one horse is tiring and the other doing a larger percentage of the work so the total is still 'OK'. As long as the wagon gets there on time, it doesn't matter one horse is lame? Look out for the PITA people.......
Inside the battery pack is a special protection circuit that actually monitors each cell. That it, the PCB between the cells:
The board contains two similar circuits, one for each cell, that protects that
individual from dangerous over charge or over discharging. Those two signals ('this cell is OK') are combined, and if both are OK, the pack is 'turned on' and we can use it. Normally, once enabled ('turned on') it doesn't 'turn off' since there's no danger to protect the cell from. If the lame horse stumbles and falls, the wagon stops.
So, my guess is that one cell is seriously weak. The pack is no longer balanced. Solo isn't stopping because the total voltage is out of range (it's being held up by the strong cell), but rather the horse is stumbling and the team stops when the protection board calls 'uncle'. As long as there's even a modest load on the pack (as there is when Solo is in standby) the pack won't unlock. Your unplugging it in time removes this load and the weak cell recovers just enough to reset the PCB. This will not last if I'm correct. Sorry to say, you might start thinking of a new pack if this one is out of warranty.
This is coming from a guy that calls me a caveman for using bong mouthpieces and a garbage-eater for using a bag?
Yep, that's the fellow all right. While he's of course right about the MP part, I've got nothing against bags. Was even known to be in one from time to time in the past.
It's entirely possible that you might be taking him too seriously, then again lots of folks don't take him seriously enough? Though call with our
@ataxian there...........just part of the fun.
Lucky for us there's only one of him, eighwhat?