I basically did the same thing through that company that sounds like flanazon. At that price I was like, either it's going to be a really good year, or its going to start off like shit. Roll the dice, and ya get whatever they give you. Thankfully, at the time when I made the purchase. I guess Arizer did a recall with the seller I was dealing with. And from what the lady on the phone told me. Arizer was contacting those they sold bad shipments to, that there would be a two week delay. I wanted my solo by new years eve soI canceled the order, and contacted another seller and made a purchase from them, at a price of two dollars less, but more on the shipping.... But, it was just like twenty bucks more, so I was OK with it. At that price, I can get two.... I didn't, but if I had the money I would.... But seriously, um I think the big solo scare is over... If your wanting to make a purchase, I would feel safe in doing so.... I will say this much, I'm not going to comment on it's construction... What I am going to do is tell ya what the solo does for me.... The solo has restored a great deal of functionality to my life... Prior to owning the solo I was at the mercy of those around me. And if I wanted to medicate, it was on their terms, or not at all.... This is an issue I've been struggling with for 15-16 years now.... Ever since I rolled up to my computer, and did the research on medical marijuana.... I've had this issue, this very same issue has driven me and my family apart for years upon years.... My mother doesn't even hardly speak to me, because for the last fifteen years I've spent the majority of my time asking people, to help me medicate.... Now, its as simple as whip it out, press the buttons... Set it on 5, wait for it, and bam.... I hit it few times, put it back, and go on about my business..... Ain't got to bother nobody, nobody has to put feel put out, or uncomfortable...