..but i may drop this sucka in tea or hotchocolate...heard of some people doin that
Grape APE taste like grape. I have a lot of it. Every night!
I was just gonna do hot chocolate, which certainly works, but I'm heading to the store to pick up some heavy cream. Then I'll be able to portion it out instead of pretty much having to kill it all at once, which from my GonG alone could send me into 'oh shit' land.
So I picked up a new piece of glass locally this week, and last night managed to hit it just hard enough to break off a perc insideso now both of my bongs have a missing perc. I'm thinking I need to look into the D20 sooner rather than later. I'm terrible with this midsize- I've broken or dinged all of them- I even wore out my first acryrilc bong!
More on topic, my stems are filthy dirty. I was just gonna do hot chocolate, which certainly works, but I'm heading to the store to pick up some heavy cream. Then I'll be able to portion it out instead of pretty much having to kill it all at once, which from my GonG alone could send me into 'oh shit' land. (I've been there, it wasn't pretty, although it makes for an awesome story.)
Happy weekend, all! I'll be beeping all through it.
I tried the reset multiple times... Trust me its not my first experience with a solo not working.@Scott A , google 'soft reset' in this thread. Use the search box up in the right corner. There's a hard reset that involves opening it up- I'm not nearly handy enough to be up on that.
FWIW, my original Solo had some kinda electrical issue that ended up with my blue idle light never turning off or charging. The same day I sent it off to be serviced, I marched to my LHS for a replacement/backup. I got sent a new one, and now I have twins!
IMO, the battery is failing under load. Bad news as only cure is replacement.So I got back home and fully charged up the solo but now its acting even funnier. If I try to turn it on and bring it up to temp it just sits at level 1 for like 5-10 seconds and then flashes up some more LEDs some times(as if the LEDs are rapidly going up in temp) and then it just flashes the blue idle light for about 5-10 seconds and shuts off. I tried doing the re set but that doesnt seem to do anything. I dont even know if its actually re setting or not?
edit- looks a lot like this guys
I had the same issue. If you have a warranty just return it. I've been without my solo for almost 2 weeks only with the vapor genie, but my new one arrives on Wednesday. Thank God for the warranty!!I tried the reset multiple times... Trust me its not my first experience with a solo not working.
edit- now the flashing LED doesnt even stop at all.
Luckily I still have a few months left on the 2 year warranty so they are willing to replace it.
@Pipes when trying to vape on the charger its odd. Because some times when I plug it in it actually does the charging sequence but other times it just flashes back and forth between the idle and 7 lights. When it acts like its actually charging it seems like it just ignores that I have even tried to turn it on. When its flashing back and forth it does the idle light thing for a few seconds then goes back to the 7 and the idle alternating.
I hope its not the battery. This thing really hasnt even seen that much use over its time, its one of my vapes that I use the least. I will definitely make sure to specifically ask about that policy because im really not interested in shelling out anything more than shipping just to have a working solo right now.I'm with Pipes here, sounds like battery to me as well. Erratic (but different) operation when plugged in is not a good sign.
Since the battery is only warrantied for a year, you might end up paying for the replacement? You might want to be sure you understand what happens if that's the case and you send it in (do they contact you for authorization, send it back as is after checkout, or replace the battery and charge you for the service).
Good luck with it, as you know it's not pretty being Sololess.......
The issue you have described is an internal wiring/circuitry issue and not battery related. If after inspecting the unit it was determined that the issue was in fact the battery then we would let you know and send you an invoice for the replacement Solo battery ($49.99 plus applicable taxes), if that was how you chose to proceed.
If she bad tripped, it could be the strain, the amount she inhaled, how quickly it was consumed, a lot of different variables. I think vaporizing is a good way to try flowers at different heat levels (different temperature provides different effects). She may need to vaporize at lower temperatures and maybe a different strain?I'm grabbing myself an Arizer Solo and I'm unsure how much to smoke for first time.
I used to smoke around 13yrs ago so I know what to expect.
Recently I smoked twice (joint) with my wife, first time she said she didn't get high while I was laughing my ass off
Second time she was coughing a lot and had a bad trip that her throat was hurting like hell, I had a bad trip trying to focus on her to make her feel well and give positive vibe to her, after 45min she felt better but said that she always thought it was supposed to make you feel relaxed, and she was not feeling relaxed or happy.
So I wanna grab us Arizer Solo, but I'm not sure how much we should smoke, I read that vaporizers are more efficient, so don't want to smoke too much.
Also any recommendation as to Indca, Sativa or Hybrid ?
Thanks guys.