Space is the Place
The thicker top on the left isn't even near Half as thick as the one on my solo. I cannot even screw the top on with one of the rings i got from PIU so it's a no-go here with my solo for this little mod for sure.
The thicker top on the left isn't even near Half as thick as the one on my solo. I cannot even screw the top on with one of the rings i got from PIU so it's a no-go here with my solo for this little mod for sure.
As @OF explained there was a change late last early this year in this feature.So to confirm, the Solo determines whether it will charge or enter PA mode based on the input voltage? Charging input voltage is 12v? PA voltage is <9v? Where am I correct and where am I wrong? Also does anybody have a power adapter link? I think Jameco removed the adapter from their product line.
No problems for those things. Can mix and match your power needs.Yup , I need a new PA too .
Mine started to fray right at the barrel tip that attaches
to the Solo . I think , really I just need to re-attach the barrel tip properly .
The green light still comes on when plugged in .
Maybe PIU or PV still has some in their inventory .
or @Pipes .
Ya , that's the Ticket .
Bummer that. You've got to wonder why..... There are other options perhaps we should explore? The critical two factors are material and ID. For instance the -015 size is still nominal 9.16 ID (.551 vrs .549) but is only 2/3 the thickness of the -113 (1/16 vrs 3/32).
Sounds like a change to the -015, still in the same material, might be the call?
Also deciding after using it a bit that holding the stem to keep it in place wasn't that much extra work, helped in just being happy with it as it is.
Then again i ain't no hamster hitter either.
I broke every single bent stem.I agree. I would never have bothered except the bent stem kept rotating by gravity when I wasn't looking. I've since gone to the straight stem for the most part, it's lost it's utility for me these days. For sure it's not worth messing with at all until the seal gets fully broken in. Until then enjoy it.
And don't worry about not being able to do the hamster. Keep practicing, you'll get the hang of it. No neet to tell us, and for sure nobody expects you to do it in public (at least right off), but keep at it someday you might be that good........
With the solo upside-down.Ok.... So I'm kinda new to the SOLO. Definitely like it a lot. But...
Keeps the herb from falling into the oven.
Looks like a hamster bottle.
Thinking about making up a tee shirt with a stoned hamster sitting on a couch and sucking on the bent stem of a giant inverted Solo with the words "Doing it Hamster Style."
The thicker top on the left isn't even near Half as thick as the one on my solo. I cannot even screw the top on with one of the rings i got from PIU so it's a no-go here with my solo for this little mod for sure.
You think your new?Ok.... So I'm kinda new to the SOLO. Definitely like it a lot. But...
The Solo with the thicker top, is that standard on all new models? I wonder if it could be shaved down to fit the O-ring; although, i'm sure that would also void the warranty.
When I get the one that I just ordered I'll see what can be done with it. I'm a tinkerer...
The mouthpiece caps are really MFLB battery caps, I can't see a difference.
So to confirm, the Solo determines whether it will charge or enter PA mode based on the input voltage? Charging input voltage is 12v? PA voltage is <9v? Where am I correct and where am I wrong?
If you dig back far enough this has been discussed a lot. That is the 'right' ring but the caps on Solos vary, as does the height of the top of the oven to a lesser degree. I posted a photo of the difference in cap thicknesses, it's substantial.
You have to be careful fitting the ring in any Solo (that part keeps getting lost). There's a lot of 'mechanical advantage' in the threads, a bit like a vice, you can put serious pressure on the Solo it was never designed for if you're not careful. The force tries to push the chassis out the bottom, cracking the really frail tabs on the bottom where the screws are.
The general advice is to carefully 'feel' when the ring first gets pinched and go no more than 1/4 turn more. You don't want to crush the ring at all (attractive as that might be). The idea is the ID of the ring grabs the stem and the lid keeps the ring from rotating. It's not to 'tighten up the grip' by crushing the ring.
Shaving works, I've had better luck sticking the ring to tape to grip it and sanding the other side down. It's slower, but easier to control and you can't cut yourself....... I do flats on both sides.
I'm also thinking there's nothing sacred about an o-ring. In fact, the shape is really all wrong for t he job (but it's very convenient). How about starting with a sheet of say 1/16 (or even .050) thick Silicone rubber and punch out some 'washers' with a pair of hole punches and a hammer? A half inch hole in a 1 1/4 inch ring should do better than an o-ring I'd think? Those two sizes are standards on punch sets like: punch
A set like that, a hammer, block of wood and you're in business?
Edit: Looks like a $30 sheet of material could easily make over 200 such rings:
Perhaps there's even better material available as gasket stock, even self adhesive:
I can assure you 113 is the correct size.@budballer , the new Solos are both use and charge 12 volts. The charger that comes with it works, it's a 12 volt. Also with 12 volt charger it is pass-thru, meaning, can be charged while using. There are no longer two different voltages to use, that was the old Solos, over 2 years old or older I believe.
@OF , you never cease to amaze me with your posts. Excellent idea with the tape and sandpaper deal, as I've already ruined one ring AND cut myself, ha ha ha.Thanks for all the awesome info. They ARE size "113" right ? I can't find my little packet with 2 left in it, guess I gotta order another few.
PS/BTW : is down at the moment, in case you were referring anyone there to get their Solo...