FLskwat said:
As I explained fastly on the MF thread:
Take a cup of 100% fat milk...bring it to boiling point....poor it in a cup, USE YOUR OILY STEM to stir the milk (you can add powder cocoa, honey, whatever sweetener...oh and you can also leave the stem in the hot milk for a few minutes to make sure everything reclaims easily in there, or "pre-torch it to liquify the oils),
and/or use the stem as a nice straw to drink the milk!!!! I guarantee an excellent edible moment, a happy you and a clean stem at the end too!
Thank's for this

I had a try yesterday with 2 stems, with a nice layer of amber oil
I put them in a full glass of hot milk, and stir the stems in the glass a few minutes.
The color of the milk change (and the smell too), with drops of oil that you can see in the milk.
I put some honey in the glass, and I drank it using the stems like straw.
After, just put the stem under a shower of hot water, dry them, and they are like new.
Vape + Milk drank = a very good night, I slept like a baby.
Otherwise, I always have this bad smell and taste on my second solo ceramics, which makes it unusable. I continue to use the first that works wonders.
I also would like to find a small glass bong for use with the Solo, not too expensive, if you have addresses (I'm in Europe) ...