Well-Known Member
For the foreseeable future this will be my go-to portable. Such a blast taking this guy hiking.
Yup, I too agree, 'you've backed a strong horse' all right.
"Seek and ye shall find".
For the foreseeable future this will be my go-to portable. Such a blast taking this guy hiking.
Have you experienced any flavor loss from using it at a higher temp ( even Though it runs cool )?So my M102 kicked the bucket. Don't fret, I gave him a nice resting place within the house. Hold on, holding back the tears...
I went out and found a M1c1 and it's cool. By cool I mean it runs much cooler than my original. My sessions usually started somewhere around 3 or 4 whereas with the new model I don't get any vapor (regardless of the plant) before 5. Not a big deal, still love the the solo.
Now, I also wanted to mention that I've recently acquired an Ascent. I don't want to derail the thread but I'd like to say that the solo is still my go to portable!
Pappy - thanks for the report! Probably due to the hour of this long day, I'm not understanding your statement; a more powerful heater that holds more heat in reserve and has at it's disposal runs cooler than the older model (paraphrased)? Please help me understand how this adds up to running cooler. As I said, I've become mentally foggy after a long day like today. Many thanks!!!
Because the heater is more powerful I think the unit runs cooler than my older model. Seems to hold more heat in reserve and at its disposal.
I don't mind it doing that. My take is the CPU/heat sensor link is more sensitive and responsive which is a good thing! Haven't had it long enough to comment on battery life.Pappy I have the M1a4 and it does the same thing. This is my first so I have nothing to compare it to. I can drop three lights on one draw. I am not getting great battery life either. Seems always dead. Not going to let that happen again!
Seems contradictory, I know. But this model seems to run cooler and heat faster which is what I was addressing. It may be technically wrong but that's my initial conclusion based on observation. This model certainly operates somewhat differently but the end result is the same.Pappy - thanks for the report! Probably due to the hour of this long day, I'm not understanding your statement; a more powerful heater that holds more heat in reserve and has at it's disposal runs cooler than the older model (paraphrased)? Please help me understand how this adds up to running cooler. As I said, I've become mentally foggy after a long day like today. Many thanks!!!
Sorry mvapes, you're simply wrong as one solo I own is sex at extracting the way I use it. and the other one isn't. I've packed it in many ways and decreasing airflow through the material doesnt help at all. The way I load it without using a grinder has more than with pressure to vape nice. In one unit. Not the other. I got 2. So yeah. My one unit is malfunctioning that's what I said?
Agreed! One would do well to withhold conclusions and realize that in this business answers are most often found in many many shades of grey and rarely in black & white. Also, making note of one's veteran post count may hint at the experience behind the answers well worth considering supplanting one's own. Just sayinWow - being called wrong is a bit harsh
I wasn't judging you but coming from someone who's been using the solo as one of my leading vapes since the day they launched I seem to have learned a thing or two. Is there potential you got two fucked units, one running hot - one running cold?
That's why I asked for a temperature reading, it was to help, not make you feel like an asshole.
Hopefully someday I could learn a thing or two from you.
I don't mind it doing that. My take is the CPU/heat sensor link is more sensitive and responsive which is a good thing! Haven't had it long enough to comment on battery life.
This model certainly operates somewhat differently but the end result is the same.
Agreed! One would do well to withhold conclusions and realize that in this business answers are found in many many shades of grey and rarely in black & white.
I think the scratches add character personally. I hit the top of my solo with an axe one time by accident... well technically it was a hatchet, but same difference.I have noticed that in a few pictures that have been posted, the black finish on the solo is fairly susceptible to scratches in the paint on both the top rim, and the border around the buttons. I know this is hardly a big deal, but I am just curious: People who have silver solos, does it get dirty or show scratches? People who have black solos, do the scratches even matter to you?
If scratched, you can use a black Sharpie marker. I've had mine about a year and not a scratchI have noticed that in a few pictures that have been posted, the black finish on the solo is fairly susceptible to scratches in the paint on both the top rim, and the border around the buttons. I know this is hardly a big deal, but I am just curious: People who have silver solos, does it get dirty or show scratches? People who have black solos, do the scratches even matter to you?
Agree with everything you say. Mine is producing clouds when the light hits 6. The LED cycle syncs with my inhale and when I next inhale, at 6, I blow another cloud. I'm pleased with the way my unit works. There appears to be a direct correlation between the heat and LED levels on my unit but I agree with you it's not aviation equipment.Unlike flying, I don't think this is 'trust your instruments' country. First off, don't mistake the 'dip' as being more sensitive, the heater is on or off. If it senses the hit and turns the heater on that's the total job, the rest is pretty lights.
Likewise, I think, the 'the lights show it's much faster to heat up (but the vapor isn't there yet)' should not be taken at face value. No vapor means no heat.
The results are, I think, a more reliable indicator. If it takes two minutes to make good vapor even if the lights say it's ready at one, it still takes two minutes. You buy it to make vapor, not to watch the lights.
This "my Solo drops when I hit it" thing I think can easily be explained...Hey guys,
So a while back, I had a unit with a defective internal charger, sent it in for replacement. Got an M1B1 as a replacement, and after attempting to use that 8 or 9 times, I realized I was getting no vapor from it/was insanely hard to pull. They agreed to let me send it in. They got it, and said it had an "unrepairable circuit issue" and sent me another new one, this time an M1T0 model.
Every time I draw vapor from this one, the temperature on the solo goes down. Whether I'm vaping at a 4, 5, or 6, the red temperature light will come on and slowly go down to 2. And again, only happens WHILE I'm pulling on the tube.
Is this another defective unit? Or should this be happening? I have an M1A4 as well, and that works perfectly, so luckily, this is just kind of my backup.
What do you guys think? As far as vapor and everything else on the new one, it pulls fine. But it feels a lot easier to draw from than my M1A4, and again, with the temperature going down every time I draw, I don't wanna be wasting vapor.
Hey guys,
So a while back, I had a unit with a defective internal charger, sent it in for replacement. Got an M1B1 as a replacement, and after attempting to use that 8 or 9 times, I realized I was getting no vapor from it/was insanely hard to pull. They agreed to let me send it in. They got it, and said it had an "unrepairable circuit issue" and sent me another new one, this time an M1T0 model.
Every time I draw vapor from this one, the temperature on the solo goes down. Whether I'm vaping at a 4, 5, or 6, the red temperature light will come on and slowly go down to 2. And again, only happens WHILE I'm pulling on the tube.
Is this another defective unit? Or should this be happening? I have an M1A4 as well, and that works perfectly, so luckily, this is just kind of my backup.
What do you guys think? As far as vapor and everything else on the new one, it pulls fine. But it feels a lot easier to draw from than my M1A4, and again, with the temperature going down every time I draw, I don't wanna be wasting vapor.
+1 I agree! Thought of that as being contributing factor. Love the increased airflow!This "my Solo drops when I hit it" thing I think can easily be explained...
See, my Solo doesn't do that, MAYBE one LED drop... the difference between my Solo and yours and @Pappy's Solo is probably the fact that you guys have a more open airflow... and the LED's between 2 and 7 only go up incrementally, maybe 5-10 degrees difference compared to the ~200 f difference from 1 to 2. My Solo is the old-school "restricted draw, charge only" model.
So, draw the same, and you're pushing cold air through the Solo faster than I can.
There are many ways to reclaim the delicious oil the Solo produces. My favorite way is still CDS's way though. Just stick the stem upside down in a bong and torch that fucker (gently and evenly). I'm usually high as a kite after two or tree hits that way, and it's free!
There is a video in this thread somewhere where he shows how he does it.
edit: damn I'm good, I managed to find the fucker.
Lo and behold, one of the most awesomest videos on FC:
And in case you want to check out his original post: boom