My new Solo isn't that much different from my old model Solo except for the airflow and being able to charge and use. The new model with the stock stems work like the older model with the PVHES stems.New models have more airflow? Darn i was thinking its hard to inhale. If i push my bent stem all the way down it will pretty much block airflow entirely. I lightly twist and pull up on the stem, while inhaling, so i can feel when the air holes are no longer blocked.
I still have yet to "milk" a rip. Was wondering about the speed of inhaling. I notice the temp reading drop when i inhale. Im getting vapor but not the huge clouds i had myself pumped up to see.
Does humidity effect the density of vapor we observe during exhale? Its dry as fuck where i live. Can i start blaming the weather???
The battery talk has been on my mind all day. Read your reply this morning OF. Tripping me out man. Trying to absorb it all. Definitely have some questions. The part about stopping the charge early is hard to swallow. Goes against everything i have ever read regarding Lithium batteries.
What chemistry are these batteries anyway? Im mostly familiar with Lithium Polymers used on RC toys. Guessing vaporizers use a more stable battery so we dont light our pockets on fire?
Thats pretty neat.I just happen to have the show "Grimm" on and two of the characters are hitting a silver Solo. Husband and wife, wife has cancer, I guess. I never watch this show, but that was cool!
/I still say , we should refer it as VIN ( Vaporizer Identification Number ) . We have to call it something ...
We can disagree all we want about the significance of the VIN .
Whether it's for sequential or the latest released .
But be sure , Arizer applies an ID #on every unit manufactured
and shipped out for a reason .
It's ill advised biz. practices to manufacture products , and Not keep account/inventory of what is made and sold .
I work in the Pharmaceutical Industry , where we have DIN .
Drug Identification Number on every bottle/pkg/vial/blister
we sell . That's in case , we have a recall on a certain medicine .
We can trace it back to the specific batch/time it was made .
I bring this up , because sometimes , I sense some bad vibes over this one specific topic . When there really shouldn't be ...
People do ask about the alpha-numerics located at the bottom .
And I do believe it's an ID # of sort .
So VIN for the Win .
My Solo's VIN is an M107 , and never gave me any problems
right from the get go . Still rocking after 2 1/2 years .
An M107 , that's the one you should be looking for , if you can still find one ...
Happy Vaping Y'all
Fine ss screen, qtips with iso. Just mop pushing the screen with the isoed qtip. I was afraid to scratch the bowl this way, but i was wrong. Excellent tech from @poonmanIs it ok if i clean the stainless steel under the bowl when its still hot? I put some oil in the solo and some of it dripped to the bottom, its been dirty for like a month. So hard to clean, any tips?
To give you guys an idea of how big the solo is, or for a cool way to store your solo, I managed to fit my Arizer Solo perfectly into a spray axe deodorant bottle. The axe spray bottle has a circumference 1mm larger than the solo fir a snug fit. The way to build this(at your own risk):
1. Spray the axe deodorant until it is 100% finished.
2. Pull off the top plastic cap without breaking it. Put this aside for later.
3. check to make sure all the axe is out by holding the can upside down and pressing the spray nozzle to release all the liquid inside.
4. Once all the pressure and liquid is gone, carefully use a knife to cut into the black metal part at the top of the can to cut off the part attached to the spray nozzle. Work your way around the can to cut the top part off to leave a metal axe cup remaining.
5. Sand down the top of the metal cup with a metal file to smooth is out.
6. Once the edges are smooth, wash out the ace container a million times until there is no more axe smell inside the aluminium container.
6. Once the edges are smooth, try to fit the Arizer solo into the Axe cup. You may need pliers to bend the metal a little outwards to create a sort of funnel to receive the solo.
7. once the solo is in, carefully, and in a surgical like manner, cut out the inside of the ace plastic cap. Do this so that the end goal is making it so that you can pull the plastic spray button up to fit the arizer solos stem.
8. screw off the top of the solo. It still works if you use it this way.
9. put the solo into the axe cup and pop the plastic cap on. you now have an awesome solo case, which when you want to use, you can by pulling up the button on the case and popping in the stem, and vaping up.
Note, you can also fit the entire solo into the axe can upside down. the top metal piece prevents the plastic cap from fitting back on.
You can try pulling the stem up maybe 1/16 inch or so to give a little more airflow. The new Solo I have worked well without one, but I had to manually keep pushing that black factory ring back down to keep it flush with the top of the heater chamber. I found that an old plastic 35mm film canister rotated with gentle pressure made a fine tool for this pupose, although the manufacturer advises to only use your finger.I put o ring in new model but now I feel I get smaller clouds. Why?
I'm hoping the oils will have enough CBD to be useful until the next crop comes in.
Don't believe these caps are heat resistant. Take care not to cap too soon after a session, so not to melt the cap!The battery caps for the MFLB fit over the bowl on the stem perfectly. You can load the bowl and cover it with the cap.
+1 same. No problem to report here.Mine does the same thing!
I use round wooden toothpicks, sometimes dry - sometimes dipped in ISO, works well to take off stubborn particles and goo without scratching the oven.Is it ok if i clean the stainless steel under the bowl when its still hot? I put some oil in the solo and some of it dripped to the bottom, its been dirty for like a month. So hard to clean, any tips?
Smaller clouds usually result from increased airflow. Draw slower to see if there's a difference.I put o ring in new model but now I feel I get smaller clouds. Why?
I sense a nightmare cleaning scenario here!!!!Ever see anybody pack the oven instead of the stem???
I had the SOLO for sometime before I was told to use COTTON (small piece) wrap around some wax.Can someone help with the best ways to vape small amounts of oil with the Solo?|3284504607Received my new Solo today! ... very impressed with the craftsmanship, and ease of use ... tastes great and my lungs don't burn ... Took a little longer for a session, but I feel great!
Their instruction leave a little to be desired, but thanks to all of YOU I have all the info I need and a sweet solution out of the box!
Even pulled through water on my first session (very carefully... glass on glass) WOOT!
Now I have to locate and purchase every accessory I can find!
Happy Daze!
Where is the SEARCH function on this forum?
Can someone help with the best ways to vape small amounts of oil with the Solo?
I like wax or oil by it's self.I like this way myself , Drop a drip of oil onto the herbs .
Then cover it up a little bit with herb , to keep the oil in
the middle somewhat . Try to have it further away from the oven
so it doesn't melt down and stain it . The herbs should soak up the oil after it's heated . It works for budder/wax too .
Here's a pic , enjoy .
Well I stand corrected ,
I thought it was thru water gear , because of the clean cut off around the top .
As if it was submerged under water .
The no particulates in the stem is a plus .
I like wax or oil by it's self.
Some like to mix it with flower and love it.
Whatever you prefer!
I use a little too much heat for flower to vaporizer the concentrate.
I'm so funny about flavor.
I like the lower levels for flower.
That's why I keep them separate!
Whatever you like!
Metal wool works OK too. Anybody know the combustion temp of cotton? I would guess same as other cellulose, like paper and cannabis plant matter.
Don't believe these caps are heat resistant. Take care not to cap too soon after a session, so not to melt the cap!