The Solo II is an awesome vaporizer. I purchased it for the amazing flavor, microdosing aspect, and accurate temperate measurement through the digital display. I've had quite some vapes in my life (solo 1, lsv, crafty, mighty, fury, herborizer). I must say the solo II is the most bang for your buck. The battery life is amazing and the flavor, performance, and extraction is just awesome for a portable vaporizer.
Now i must say that i'm quite surprised with trying to sell this vaporizer. I really have a rough time trying to sell it. It was the last vape i bought after a long no vaping period. I had a low tolerance and basically wanted to vape again. So i decided to purchase the solo 2 for my needs so i can use it as a portable/plug-in vape.
In addition I've also bought it just so i can couple it to a bubbler and take some good ol wet hits through water. I missed those times when i was still a hardcore everyday vape head.

So after buying the solo 2 and a mobius ion matrix bubbler guess what? I was so freakin high after hitting tha bubbler due to my low tolerance!!!
So freakin high that... i don't know

I just can't take it anymore like before. It just seems i can't handle the high anymore like i used to. I just don't enjoy it anymore even after building my tolerance back up again.
It seems the good ol days have been done for me. So i decided to say goodbye to vaping...
Hence i don't feel like i need it anymore and i don't enjoy it anymore either... SO why continue?
Now i still need to get rid of this whole vape setup. It's laying around here brand new.