Praise baby infant Jesus
Don't fret. It is magic.

I'm fucking buying one
Praise baby infant Jesus
Don't fret. It is magic.
Sat looking at this post for minutes waiting for the picture to load only to realize there is no pic ........ right..?Praise baby infant JesusTHAT was quite a rip.
I'm fucking buying one
Sat looking at this post for minutes waiting for the picture to load only to realize there is no pic ........ right..?
Sat looking at this post for minutes waiting for the picture to load only to realize there is no pic ........ right..?
no pic was posted.
Hi @steamfunk you don't need to use a screen with the stock Solo 2 stem but you could add a dome screen, allowing you to use less cannabis. The Solo standard stem uses twice as much as my Enano. PlanetVape sells a short stem that uses less cannabis, it's called a shorty. It uses half as much as the standard Solo 2 stem.
I'm a lil disappointed that it's not super easy to pop the stem out between hits, but I suppose that's an unavoidable trait of this oven design.
And thanks to how insanely fast this thing heats up, I've also considered just turning the thing off after a hit and turning it back on for another hit 10-15min later. To the more technical folks here, do you think constantly letting the unit heat and cool like that would pose any longevity issues? Better or worse than removing the stem but leaving the unit hot?
edit: Just took out a scale to confirm. The minimum I can pack in the solo stem is 0.1, which is my typical pack in the nano. I can go with less in the nano stem if I wanted, though, and the nano definitely makes 0.1 simply feel more satisfying than the solo does with the same amount in a bare stock stem.
I guess what I would really like is a solo stem that doesn't just make the bowl shallower, which is what I imagine the pvhes shorty does (?), but rather makes it narrower. It would use thicker glass around the bowl, such that the outer dimensions are still the necessary solo standard, while the inner dimensions of the bowl more closely resemble the shape of the e-nano bowl.
I wouldn't worry too much about the tight stem fit, it's going to loosen up over time/use some and even after it 'settles in' some stems are smaller than others, I'm sure you can find a favorite?
The 'which is better' idea is interesting. I'd say shutdown and reheat is probably the power winner since the average temperature is lower making thermal losses lower. OTOH high power/fast temperature changes are not good generally. Such 'cycles' typically end up defining lifespan in many cases. Making Mister Battery supply big bursts of power to get that rapid heating, and making the oven expand and contract has downside too of course so leaving the power on might make sense in some universes? Nearly a push. It's yours, use it the way you want?
Be careful what you wish for. Check out 'Sinclue's screen':
You can also get them from Ed, of 'Ed's stem' fame.....what better testimonial could you ask for? Anyway, put them in the stock stems 'dome up' and you end up with a bowl of about .125 grams that has a nearly ideal profile in that the herb is held close to the glass or floor of the oven. And they stay much cleaner since there aren't tiny ports for the vapor under the herb. Then, when they do foul, fish them out (I use a bent safety pin), hold them by the edge in something metal and 'torch them until they glow'. Dull red at least. Then brush the ash off, put 'em back in and load up. 3 minutes start to finish.
You'll like it.
I may give those a shot just to be open-minded about it, but I'm not really a fan of metal screens in general. Planet Vape, if you're listening, looking for that all-glass solution...
We'd have to use whole nugs or we'd be able to tell by the little bits getting through and into the mouth. I'm down for testing... Is the herb supplied? Where do I sign up?Be a fun blind test to do, wouldn't it? Get a group of 'experts' with blindfolds and see if they can tell you which load has a SS screen and which doesn't? Maybe we can get a government grant......
By the way, thanks @OF for posting that link to the little recycler bubbler a few pages back. I ended up buying one tonight. Looks like a neat little piece -- for only $15, I couldn't pass it up!
Right on. Enough alreadyWTF? Really tired of the continued bashing of this product and Arizer products in general. Sometime it's just time to move on.....
Sorry @Stu I couldn't take it!
Use abv in there at full temp then dumpMy Arizer Solo 2 officially shipped yesterday from PuffItUp! Man, Randy is amazing to deal with and I'm super excited!
One question - seeing a lot about doing "burn offs" here to get rid of any manufacturing gunk on the heater. Never really done that before, how does it work? Just max out the temperature with nothing in it for a few sessions? How many sessions are people doing like that? Thanks!
One question - seeing a lot about doing "burn offs" here to get rid of any manufacturing gunk on the heater. Never really done that before, how does it work? Just max out the temperature with nothing in it for a few sessions? How many sessions are people doing like that?
Hey, Folks. I love my Solo II but am sad to report I got an 'Error Code 7' today. Keeps happening. *sigh*
Secret decoder ring, huh? Never thought about that...Bummer for sure. Any idea what "Error Code 7" means? It's a would hope a clue to someone with a secret decoder ring.....
Please keep us posted, as I'm sure this is something we'd all like to avoid?
Congrats U will super enjoy it* Been enjoying mine with wax concentrates mixed with my cannabis* Hitting higher levels*My Arizer Solo 2 officially shipped yesterday from PuffItUp! Man, Randy is amazing to deal with and I'm super excited!
One question - seeing a lot about doing "burn offs" here to get rid of any manufacturing gunk on the heater. Never really done that before, how does it work? Just max out the temperature with nothing in it for a few sessions? How many sessions are people doing like that? Thanks!
Will someone please recommend a favorite stem or water filter for the solo II?
*please provide link to U.S. site
thank you
Thanks, the TNT stems sound great. Do they increase airflow as much as the glass mod stems? awesome PHVES stems, Sneaky or Ed'stNt has great stems as well.