Arizer Solo II


Calm Consistency
This is kind of the vibe I was getting with this one. I'm really happy for the improvements they made, and think they are some very useful, worthwhile upgrades; but I hit my Air the other day for the first time in a while and it just wasn't a great experience with my current style of vaporizing. Although I'm sure it's better than my Air (considering temp variability alone) I don't think this ones for me.
Idk if maybe I wasn't using my Air to its full potential a year ago or didn't fully appreciate its worth or what have you ... but this thing blows it (my memory of the air) out of the water. It just seems so powerful.

It's a pretty slow extraction compared to the convection I'm used to but somehow the clouds are just huge and effects are great. High temp small doses through water even are massive.

It's probably just a slow extractor for me because I'm using pretty low temps.


Vapes R Great
I have been using it sort of like a log vape.
Turn it on to 200 c
Prepare herb and Load up two stems
Blast away
Pretty much by the time the SoloI would reach temp the SoloII is already in full vapor blast mode.
You dont have to worry about how many sessions you have left on battery and you can do back to back full sessions with ease.
Can get a bit harsh on the throat compared to other devices at higher temps

It IS definitely still a SOLO though. Performs similar to the original just beefed up to the max... Solo MaxxXL.
Once I get my vortex stems and some domed screens I think I will be good.


Calm Consistency
Pre-ordered my Solo II from Vaposhop today. The 215,10€ with code VAPOBUST17 are exactly the same amount I paid for my SS grasshopper
Haven't used my GH once since getting my Solo 2 ... only been a couple days but still. Not saying it's better ... I just know how some GH addicts are haha and a few days without it can be a lot!

Use Milaana for full blown power ... had GH for controlled heat ... but Solo 2 does it better imo ... GH now reserved for stealth and big hit noobs who can't use my Milaana but still want insane clouds (GH will naturally output more vapor through water than Solo 2 or basically any other conduction based vape ... just physics right?...don't quote me). So ya


Well-Known Member
Can you use this for wax?

Yes. You can wrap it in a bit of cotton and load it up and go. You need enough cotton to ensure no runs of course, but cotton is fine at magic temperatures. Some guys all out for mountain top, pure organic, harvested at night by naked monks stuff. I think most of us are fine with normal medical stuff. @Vitolo is known to rip the ends off q-tips when nobody is looking......

It works OK, but gets old fast if a regular thing. You hate to abandon the cotton, even when the vapor is sparse, and it can be a bit messy. If you plan on a regular diet of concentrates, there are better choices I think.



i preordered at vaposhop eu, they call it: "solo 2" on their site..
so..i believe... a solo 2 is a solo II is a solo two...:-)

Retailers can call it whatever they want, and you can believe whatever you like, whatever makes you happy! I was just answering @Little Bill question, direct from Arizer, and the name of this thread - Solo II.

Enjoy your Solo Too ! ;)


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
It can be called either way. Officially it's called the Solo II from Arizer. Planetvape is also calling it a Solo 2 and so are other retailers. When @PuffItUp answered my email they also referred to it as the Solo2.​

It's all good unless you get a Chinese knockoff. Just buy at a reputable vaporizer online store. You are taking some chances buying off EBay though, so be careful who you give your money to. Make sure you know that the company is a good one.

Solo 2 Vaporizer

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Vapes R Great
I'm going to have to try and count how many sessions I get per charge but it lasts so long that I forget haha.
I would say double that of the Mighty easily.
Packed it around on my little walk today with the included carry case, short stem and a jyarz full of pre ground. no problems.
Doctor wants to put me on maintenance chemotherapy next week but I told her I'm taking a few weeks off. Going to try and enjoy the nice weather with my portable vapes.

Smokey McVape

Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to try and count how many sessions I get per charge but it lasts so long that I forget haha.
I would say double that of the Mighty easily.
Packed it around on my little walk today with the included carry case, short stem and a jyarz full of pre ground. no problems.
Doctor wants to put me on maintenance chemotherapy next week but I told her I'm taking a few weeks off. Going to try and enjoy the nice weather with my portable vapes.
@whatitdew My father has prostate cancer and this diet is making him better - - I don't know if it can help you but I just wanted to share it with you. Good luck.


livin'in vapooodia
hi all:-) did somebody try the solo2 with a wooden ed's'stem ?
i got one left from my broken old solo m107 and i plan to use it, when the solo2 arrives
does it fit well and how is the performance with thesolo2?
thanx for answers:-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah planetvape, agracan, local shops ...
Maybe email Randy from PIU to see when he'll be in stock ...?

Just tried it and loved it. Awesome stem. Love seeing the vapor come through the bend too!

Thanks, I just placed a order for a pair of stems.


Calm Consistency
Enjoy bro, love those bent stems too!
Dude it's such a chill way to vape!!! Face completely upright .. stem comes to you. It's great!! Didn't 100% fix my slight harshness but need more testing. So far it's more enjoyable.

I fucking love this vape.

So easy to pack a bowl, take a couple hits then pack everything away and finish later if you want. Flaves phenomenal and consistent to whatever you like.

Also .. I put the stem in for like 5-10 seconds then pulled it out to see how fast the glass is getting hot ... yeah don't do that. Glass heats up fast af ... and complete speculation ... but I think because of the more powerful heater, the heater won't drop in temp when you insert "cold" glass ... which means you reach glass conduction temps faster imo. Could be wrong.

Also I put my finger (im dumb for science I know) on the heater when it was cold and turned it on....yeah don't do that either. Shit. Is. Fast. I've never been able to pack a bowl by the time it's to temp.

No fingers were injured in the making of this post.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
@Ed's TnT sells Solo stems which are made of glass. He was sold out but was expecting another shipment. Check them out. I want to order another one when he has them.

Ed has the Aromic Arizer 3 D flow booster and has a same one without the 3D. I bought the one without the 3D. I like the one I have so much, I want to order the 3D version. I just checked they are still out of order. Hang in there.
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