How's the weight? This is one of my knocks on arizer products. They always have some weight. Don't get me wrong I like the feeling of a well made product with something to it that makes me feel ensured it won't break if I ever drop it or something. BUTTTT I would like something that I can wear basketball shorts with that won't drag my pockets down any more than a iPhone.
Just gave both units a quick weigh in. The Original came in at 7.7 ounces, the Solo II was 7.5. Prettttty much the same.
Sounds like the Air is the one for you, since it's approximately 100 grams lighter than a Solo (1 or 2). Way better fit for basketball shorts i'd think. Regardless, I wouldn't be playing sports with either of them in my pocket!
I love the "tank feel" of the Solo. Way better than the "cheap feeling" plastic from S&B portables.
I like the WHITE face of the NL addition.Yeah I guess when you compare to something like a Pax, it can seem heavy. However I think the tradeoff is WELL worth it.
If the air intake is truly separate from the electrics this is a great new feature.Looks like retailers are placing their marks for the Solo 2 (PV and agracan) so it must be right around the corner!
- Fresh Air Intake, Electronic Components Separate From Heating Area
Solo II Vaporizer Solo II is not yet released. Price and Description Subject to Change.
and I want to know if the battery is user replaceable...
I have on many occasions.Has enybody tried it as "a small smell aroma thing" ?
and I want to know if the battery is user replaceable...
you know what i'd like to know?
Who has ever used a SOLO as a aroma diffussor?
They equip you with this bowl and some dried aroma leaves when you purchaze an arizer.
I cant find mine right now.
Has enybody tried it as "a small smell aroma thing" ?
whit essential oils and some waterdrops ?
Many thanks for the welcome. Been lurking for 3 years, finding help on finding my perfect vapes:- e-nano, solo,MFLB,Cloud evo (sold)extreme q, Fenix & pax 3.
Feel kind of guilty if I caused the end of auctionMaybe I should just go back to lurking
But I do love this forum........