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The included adapter also includes all the certification stamps, which is very good. Theoretically, any adapter with the same specs should work.
NOTE: Many if not most Chinese electronics use FAKE certification markings, as many real certifications cost money. They simply use “ink”, to print bogus certification symbols.
Personally, I don’t buy CHEAP Chinese USB chargers. I stick with Apple, or Anker. If you do some online research, you’ll find articles that actually breakdown the components used in cheap USB adapters, versus ones with quality parts, and all the missing components in the cheap ones. Most fire related reports from USB adapters are traced back to the cheaper ones.
Besides using inexpensive USB METERS, of which I’ve recommended many times so you ACTUALLY KNOW, the amps and voltages of the devices you are charging, I still use the FEEL TEST. If any part of the cable, device, or USB charger gets “too hot”, I know there is a potential problem.
If a device can’t automatically decide how much 5 volt power it needs to draw, I wouldn’t use it, as it’s not properly setup to begin with….