My bro has the same exact pattern! A great way to keep your tolerance very low! I can't resist a wake and bake call though…I find that as long as im vaping only at night time (after getting all my work done) i dont really build a tolerance. Kind of odd!
My bro has the same exact pattern! A great way to keep your tolerance very low! I can't resist a wake and bake call though…![]()
Well, sure... if you are vaping "to get high"... however, I vape to relieve pain & anxiety.
the smallest/least effective dose concept is important, imo. Don't overdo the vaping, as tolerance will build. That is, if keeping a low tolerance is important to you.
For me, tolerance means that I can use enough herb to dull the pain, and I am still functional.
well, you still vape to get high! you get high to relieve pain & anxiety though![]()
Is it fair to say that you enjoy the recreational effects of cannabis as well as the medical benefits that it provides? If the answer is yes, (which I'm guessing it is) I refer you to my last post. If your relationship with cannabis is in fact purely on a medicinal basis, then you should seriously consider CBD-heavy edibles as a method of all day pain relief, as opposed to inhaling vapor that's high in THC, which can actually cause/worsen anxiety among many users. Again, just my 2 cents, feel free to disagree obviously, it's your body after all.Well, sure... if you are vaping "to get high"... however, I vape to relieve pain & anxiety.
the smallest/least effective dose concept is important, imo. Don't overdo the vaping, as tolerance will build. That is, if keeping a low tolerance is important to you.
For me, tolerance means that I can use enough herb to dull the pain, and I am still functional.
IIf your relationship with cannabis is in fact purely on a medicinal basis, then you should seriously consider CBD-heavy edibles as a method of all day pain relief, as opposed to inhaling vapor that's high in THC, which can actually cause/worsen anxiety among many users.
Not necessarily. Some medical users use bud that has a very high CBD to THC ratio, and when you combine that ratio with the need to address pain, for some, they don't really get high at all. They don't need to get high to relieve pain.
well, you still vape to get high! you get high to relieve pain & anxiety though
may seem like a minor difference, but pays attention to the fact that there is no clear cut line between a "medical" and a "recreational" user...
I don't enjoy getting high at all. I did as a teen but not now. I use all day most of the time and don't get "high" as you call it. I guess I am not perfectly straight by the law but that is another issue. There was a show on TV that showed, just like drunk drivers, three people, a medical user, a weekend user recreational and an occasional user. The medical user needed sooooooooooooooooooooo much to be rendered, I can't drive. The occasional was out on the first joint and the weekend on the second. The medical user after many said she would have never drove normally with the way she felt. Take this as you want but it is what it is. Tolerance my friends, hence why drug addicts need there drug to be "normal" they aren't high at all cause there tolerance is high. Even go back to the drinking, men can hold more before it effects them. Bigger people can hold more before it effects them. What makes you think herb is any different?Is it fair to say that you enjoy the recreational effects of cannabis as well as the medical benefits that it provides? If the answer is yes, (which I'm guessing it is) I refer you to my last post. If your relationship with cannabis is in fact purely on a medicinal basis, then you should seriously consider CBD-heavy edibles as a method of all day pain relief, as opposed to inhaling vapor that's high in THC, which can actually cause/worsen anxiety among many users. Again, just my 2 cents, feel free to disagree obviously, it's your body after all.
I don't believe you have a good grasp of "Medical use". The main drawback to a lot of people is that they get "High" I know a few people who only use regs or dirtweed due to the lower THC higher CDB because they don't want a buzz. Just getting High doesn't help.
see my post above, we would have to define getting high first
i also don't want to get a buzz when using the herb most of the time, but i want to notice the effects... same for medical users! a cannabis buzz to me is actually anxiety provoking a lot of times, while "noticing the effects" is the opposite: anxiety relieving
you can argue this all day long, in the end you will have to admit that there is no clear cut line that separates the two concepts.
In that case almost most people are high all the time. Most people take some type of pharmaceuticals, antidepressants, opiates and many other drugs which all have an effect on the body. So if that is what you mean then we are all high all the time including the president assuming he takes something. It is hard to find people that don't.
(my mom has not once in the 27 years of my life taken even an aspirin)
Yes in the USA, but most people take something here at least. High blood pressure and cholesterol is very common. Your mom is lucky but I would say not common. I for one take as little as possible and only take one pharm drug a day for my headaches. Do they get me high according to your post, I think so.
(we have heaps and heaps of stupid drunks and pharma-zombies too)
Maybe for different ailments like anxiety you may need the effects from high THC ( and I'm not saying I don't love a good buzz) for medical relief, But for my pain relief high CDB with very low THC works best.
Around here(Not a legal MMJ state) every few months someone I know will get some amazing looking sweet buds that will not get you high for trying but it is the best for pain and nausea. I wish I could buy what others think of as useless bud everyday but have to be happy with the flavor of the month.
Stupid? Do you think that most of them actually made a dumb ass decision to become addicts, like they wake up one morning and say, "Hey, I think I'm going to become an addict today or an alcoholic today." If they said that, than yes, I'd agree that they're stupid but I doubt very much if most of them have actually done that.