Any reason why I shouldn't vape all day every day?


Well-Known Member
no, but prolonged repeated use of alcohol results in brain damage, stupid may not be a nice word for it, but being hassled by someone like this isn't a nice experience too ;)

The definition of stupid is, "lacking intelligence or common sense". So it's not that "stupid" is not a nice word for it, but in fact, for most addicts and alcoholics, it is an inaccurate word for it.


Lost Cosmonaut
I don't enjoy getting high at all. I did as a teen but not now. I use all day most of the time and don't get "high" as you call it. I guess I am not perfectly straight by the law but that is another issue. There was a show on TV that showed, just like drunk drivers, three people, a medical user, a weekend user recreational and an occasional user. The medical user needed sooooooooooooooooooooo much to be rendered, I can't drive. The occasional was out on the first joint and the weekend on the second. The medical user after many said she would have never drove normally with the way she felt. Take this as you want but it is what it is. Tolerance my friends, hence why drug addicts need there drug to be "normal" they aren't high at all cause there tolerance is high. Even go back to the drinking, men can hold more before it effects them. Bigger people can hold more before it effects them. What makes you think herb is any different?
You make a good point about the value of tolerance when you're a medical user, but I still think that vaporizing cannabis with great frequency is a comparatively inefficient solution when you consider other forms of medication and administration. Also, if you can feel the effects of cannabis, you are technically "getting high", although I do admit that was kind of a crude term to use. In any case, I guess what I am getting at is that if you are truly using cannabis solely for its medical properties, vaporizing every half hour (guess) is really a poor solution, especially when there are clear alternatives. Eat an edible, take a single dab of CBD hash, take a few drops from a CBD tincture. All these methods require less frequent re-dosing with larger amounts of medication.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
You make a good point about the value of tolerance when you're a medical user, but I still think that vaporizing cannabis with great frequency is a comparatively inefficient solution when you consider other forms of medication and administration. Also, if you can feel the effects of cannabis, you are technically "getting high", although I do admit that was kind of a crude term to use. In any case, I guess what I am getting at is that if you are truly using cannabis solely for its medical properties, vaporizing every half hour (guess) is really a poor solution, especially when there are clear alternatives. Eat an edible, take a single dab of CBD hash, take a few drops from a CBD tincture. All these methods require less frequent re-dosing with larger amounts of medication.
You're assuming that all people react the same to absorption through eating and sublingual as through vaporization ... I don't find this at all ... I find it takes enormous quantities of tincture and edibles to achieve the desired effect (although I do use tinctures as a supplement to vaping when I can't get away to vape every couple hours).

If all of my consumption was through edibles/tinctures, it would increase my costs by 5-10 times as I just don't get the same results ... perhaps my absorption is poor though my digestive system for whatever reason, but I don't get the same effect as others ... vaping every 2-4 hours on the other hand works wonders.

I wish I could still get high in the traditional sense of the word (sometimes I sort of succeed by consuming lots of concentrates in a sitting at night, but even then, don't really get the same high ...) Most medical users would agree with me I'm pretty sure ... at a certain point, when one has to make a decision between what's more important, the high or the medical benefit ... one almost always chooses the medical benefit even if it sacrifices the high ... (as much as I enjoy the high ... I couldn't function if I felt that way all the time ... but the focus/anxiety relieving properties that I seem to get out of it when chronic are truly beneficial)


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I can't, although still trying, eat edibles as it gives me a horrible headache and does make me high even in small doses so it is a no go for me. Tinctures do nothing for my issues. I do do wax in a pen but again the lower dose of vaping is way better for me. So it is really the opposite of what you say. I vape all day so I don't get high. I know it is difficult to understand if you aren't in that persons shoes but bodies react differently no matter how you slice it. I use sativa's which calm me. Yes, I said calms me which is the opposite of what it is suppose to do.

I have issues with what some of you say because you sound like a doctor and doctors work in absolutes, hence why I am a paraplegic now. Our bodies are not machines and there isn't one right answer. I have been the pharm route and other routes as well and this is what works the best for me. Will what I do work for someone else probably not and that is ok.

As far as getting high, I think all humans want to remove themselves from reality now and again and that is great. I wish I could but I have trouble doing that unless I take pharms, which I resist. I suppose if I drank that would do it but then I would get myself in a mess load of trouble hehe.

It is ok to agree to disagree or even debate both sides. I just would like you to realize again that all humans are made up of chemicals and stuff and things react differently on every single person. Doctors would have you believe that pill A will do the same to you as it does to someone else but that is totally not true.


Lost Cosmonaut
I can't, although still trying, eat edibles as it gives me a horrible headache and does make me high even in small doses so it is a no go for me. Tinctures do nothing for my issues. I do do wax in a pen but again the lower dose of vaping is way better for me. So it is really the opposite of what you say. I vape all day so I don't get high. I know it is difficult to understand if you aren't in that persons shoes but bodies react differently no matter how you slice it. I use sativa's which calm me. Yes, I said calms me which is the opposite of what it is suppose to do.

I have issues with what some of you say because you sound like a doctor and doctors work in absolutes, hence why I am a paraplegic now. Our bodies are not machines and there isn't one right answer. I have been the pharm route and other routes as well and this is what works the best for me. Will what I do work for someone else probably not and that is ok.

As far as getting high, I think all humans want to remove themselves from reality now and again and that is great. I wish I could but I have trouble doing that unless I take pharms, which I resist. I suppose if I drank that would do it but then I would get myself in a mess load of trouble hehe.

It is ok to agree to disagree or even debate both sides. I just would like you to realize again that all humans are made up of chemicals and stuff and things react differently on every single person. Doctors would have you believe that pill A will do the same to you as it does to someone else but that is totally not true.
Yes, I am aware of the fact that all humans are different. However, you can't deny that there are many clear commonalities for how humans react to certain chemicals. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) cannabis has a reputation for effecting everyone differently to some extent. Nevertheless, your argument that everyone is different and therefore generalized medicines are bullshit (your pill A example) does not totally hold water in my opinion. If I have a headache and I take tylenol, my headache goes away. Does tylenol work for everybody? Probably not. Does tylenol work for the vast majority of people who take it? I'd say yes. Also, I wasn't trying to talk like a doctor as you said... that was not my intent at all.
The definition of stupid is, "lacking intelligence or common sense". So it's not that "stupid" is not a nice word for it, but in fact, for most addicts and alcoholics, it is an inaccurate word for it.

you know oktoberfest?

i live in the state where it's taking place, and believe me the species of stupid drunks can be sighted around here :D

Chill Dude

Well-Known Member
may seem like a minor difference, but pays attention to the fact that there is no clear cut line between a "medical" and a "recreational" user...

i am what most would consider a recreational user, but also use cannabis to cope with anxiety, to stimulate apetite, to help me sleep, to relieve nausea, to help with certain aspects of my chronic inflammatory disease etc... isn't every usage that makes ones life better, somewhat a medical usage?

I guess I agree and disagree with your assertion that "there is no clear cut line between a medical and a recreational user. As far as tolerance is concerned, there is probably not much difference. I mean if you vape six to eight sessions everyday your tolerance will be so high that you won't feel much of a high at all Whether you're a medical or recreational user. That said, medical users still benefit from their usage to treat their various conditions without getting high and are in general very functional. Here's what I don't understand. Why would a strictly recreational user want to use cannabis everyday all day long when they don't enjoy much of a high and are wasting money and time with no benefit? That makes no sense to me LOL....

Like you, I use cannabis to treat mild medical issues such as insomnia, anxiety and nightime pain relief for an arthritic shoulder from past sports injuries. So I guess I'd be considered a quasi medical user, however, I must admit I do enjoy the high and general relaxation I get from weed. For my mild medical conditions it would be ridiculous to medicate all day long everyday as I like to keep a reasonably low tolerance. I do have tremendous compassion for those on this forum who are dealing with very serious and chronic conditions who have to medicate all day everyday to get relief.....

Snake Plissken

I would use recreationally even if I didn't have a medical condition, but probably much differently. I have late stage chronic pancreatitis which compromises my immune system as well (w/o touching on back injuries). I fight cachexia, control nausea, maintain appetite, help immune system, control stress (ha), and help alleviate pain w/ mj. I was 18 when 1st diagnosed and told to say my goodbyes - in the hospital 3+ times/year for a couple of weeks at a time. Through the constant daily use of mj I got my er visits down to every 3 years - then 5 - and now almost 10 years apart. I was never expected to be here now.

My use is pretty constant every day. If working - morning, hopefully lunch and after work. I don't easily get stoned, but try to vary concentrates, delivery devices and strains to help as much as possible. Unlike w/ most pain - I can't just medicate as needed. I need to maintain a consistent level or risk illness. This why I grow for myself and why I have fought for grower rights. Trying to afford a dispensary for my high needs would kill me and others.


Chill Dude, for a long time i had an all day habit of cannabis and i don't consider i had a high tolerance and i definitly got wasted every time i vaped.
With combustion it was different but i also mixed with tobacco so it was two main psychoactive and addictive compounds, not just one.
But with vaporizing, when i used to vape all day every day i never exceded 0,4g/day which was my maximum daily usage since i vape.

To me the difference between a recreational and a medical user is much more difficult to assert than it seems at first.

First of all, dosage. And second, frequency. Third, motivation to do it.

These two items change greatly depending on the kind of condition you are treating. Some medical users don't need a psychotropic dose, others do.
This determines right from the start if you have the potential to

Some recreational users vape everyday until they have a minor buzz and others slam their receptors until they have bloodshot eyes.

I don't believe it is healthy to be an all-day user, and it is less healthy the more quantity you use at a time (of course each organism is different and some people have a higher resistance to the bad side effects of chronic use), and the more frequently you do it.

If you have to use it every day, all day for medical reasons you should eat foods and/or supplements that compensate for the usage.

Meditation and exercise should be part of the treatment as well.
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Active Member
Dont do it, you'll end up unable to think about anything but finding better weed. And there's no such thing as the best, you just keep looking and looking as you tolerance gets worse and worse.

Honestly, just dont vape before chores or whatever, Cannabis is always better afterwards.
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Any reason why you shouldn't vape all day everyday?

You shouldn't because even substances that are inherently non-toxic can be abused and cause damage, especially those that regulate brain chemistry

Everything in moderation, amigo. Besides, taking breaks between sessions keeps the herb a sweet treat to look forward too.


Well-Known Member
I would have to say that while cannabis has great medicinal values, but it doesn't work for staying medicated all day and night.
You would need to re dose every other hour from morning til night. The first couple of days will be great, but it will quickly turn into too much work.
If you need to be medicated all day and night, there are other options out there. Probably much cheaper options as well.
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Grasshopper Backer
I would have to say that while cannabis has great medicinal values, but it doesn't work for staying medicated all day and night.
You would need to re dose every other hour from morning til night. The first couple of days will be great, but it will quickly turn into too much work.
If you need to be medicated all day and night, there are other options out there. Probably much cheaper options as well.
Funnily enough, I think it really depends on the users pacing and tolerance. I've roughly consumed the same amount of flower with the same effects every day since I switched to vaping. Some days far higher, some days lower, it's all about wants and needs.

I have two rules that I follow though, first and foremost the immediate wake&bake is not a common occurrence for me. If it's what I want, sure, but I do not want that daily. If I do, the rest of the day is usually that dizzy/groggy feeling and so I like to give myself an hour or two after I wake up before I start consuming.

The other is during the day I don't push past 395F, if I feel like it's not vaped enough I'll put it in a separate AVB container to use it later in the night. Low temps are great for the day because you're vaping a lot more for the flavor alongside the feeling. A nice few 365F's bring it up to get the clouds in the sunshine.

Aside from that -- I really am close to vaping all day every day lol. The Mighty's battery has once again gone to shit, but the TM2, the VapeXhale EVO, the Arizer Air + Solo each get their use pretty consistently throughout the day. I know the sativa/indica doesn't on strain doesn't mean much these days but I do still follow it cause for me personally I do get wiped out an indica. And of course in line with that, a hybrid is hit or miss lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm retired, and try to mix my many responsibilities with my daily vaping.
Driving, coaching, babysitting and more all put vaping on hold which is not a problem.
I basically use vaping as motivation to get outside to do yard work, hiking, canoeing or bike riding.
At 71 years old, the high is starting to become boring and some times uncomfortable!
It is now 10 AM and I haven't yet vaped. Soon I will as I try to get motivated for a 25 mile spin on the bike.
If no biking, I will surely walk for a few miles.


European Ball Vape Builder
There's loads of reasons to not overindulge.

Best reason of all is to be able to keep indulging, aka, not inducing cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.

Also, cannabis is, when regarding things holistically from the ayurvedic perspective, a sub-toxic herb, which basically means it supports toxicity and should technically only be used after cleansing the body from toxins.

So anyone who is a daily cannabis user is doing themselves a great favor by also becoming a health fanatic and sauna enthousiast.

But just so you don't feel bad.. I fail at taking perfect care of my body as well!


Tokin' Away Since 1968
I've smoked and vaped dope pretty much daily for approximately 50 of the last 55 years, exclusively vaping and occasionally using edibles for ten years now. From that first puff, or actually the first puff in the second session(the very first session didn't do anything) in 1966 or 7) I was a doper. Yet I had a prominent and highly regarded professional career. In part because once I went back to college in 1981 and started working a professional job, I never once in forty or so years got stoned before or during work. Not once, in spite of being tempted many many many times. I was the CEO of two environmental conservation organizations for much of that time and held two senior govt. positions during that time. I wanted to succeed and to make this world a better place: I felt that using weed during work would compromise my ability to accomplish good and even great things for myself, my family, and this world we live in. During the most critical five years, when I was doing difficult but important and often highly visible things and also because of the possibility of drug tests, I stopped completely and during probably ten years I used from Thursday night to noon Sunday, with Saturday being a stoned by 10am day. I wanted to give my all, or nearly my all:) to the things I believed in and cared about.

Back in the Seventies and early Eighties I was a hippie college drop-out, livin' the life, often stoned by 10am and a regular dropper of LSD. One of my best buddies and I met for coffee almost every day and then went somewhere to get stoned. But he was already stoned, being a wake and bake kinda guy. In 1981 the two of us convinced the National Park Service(we lived in a town nearly surrounded by a National Seashore) that we could produce a book about the Park, with me as writer and my buddy as artist/graphic designer. I would write all day while straight and then get stoned in the late afternoon and evening for re-writes and editing. I thought of the stoned state as if a second person was looking at the work. He was stoned all the time. After the book came out, all the readers and the two of us could only find one typo and not one factual error in the text. Unfortunately pictures got switched around and a few graphics ended up out of line. I always think of this as the difference between a daily stoner and an always stoner, between managing my addiction and letting the addiction manage me.

My buddy died of a heart attack when he was fifty, still living in that beautiful town and wake and baking every day. He had an MFA and a previous career as Art Director at a NYC agency before he dropped out and moved there. But he died stoned and broke. Fortunately we found half a pound of weed in his closet that he'd been planning to peddle, which we sold to pay for his burial and grave. After the success of the book and an environmental campaign that I'd led as a volunteer, I went back to college, got a degree Summa Cum Laude(doing weed every night but not during school), and had a wonderful and fulfilling career...and still got stoned probably 95% of evenings and weekends for 55 years. Now I'm 76, sitting here at my remote cabin in northern Newfoundland with an iceberg in my front yard, with a stash of three different superlative rosins, a couple of different tasty 30% plus flowers, and max strength edibles. But even now retired, I wont' get stoned until I head out for a bike ride or walk over the moors. To my mind, balancing being stoned with not being stoned makes being stoned more fun while giving critical attention to things that need that.
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Well-Known Member
To my mind, balancing being stoned with not being stoned makes being stoned more fun while giving critical attention to things that need that.
Celebrate In Love GIF by Max


Well-Known Member
Need to keep it balanced or you end up in a situation you do not even realise you are in, it is the same with most things in life. I was using so much weed everyday and thought I was happy but I was actually a prisoner/slave to a feeling that was really not that good as my body was so used to it that it felt normal but it was not.

See atm I have toothache and cant vape but as I am at the point now that I do not use mega amounts I am not in a mega bad mood but back when i was using loads and this happen it would be the end of the world. Also this is a good tolerance break for me and when I do vape again it will be so so good.

The other thing is you might think you are high and happy but would you not be much happier spending 50% less on weed and using the money to get out and enjoy other things while still being high?


Well-Known Member
Need to keep it balanced or you end up in a situation you do not even realise you are in, it is the same with most things in life. I was using so much weed everyday and thought I was happy but I was actually a prisoner/slave to a feeling that was really not that good as my body was so used to it that it felt normal but it was not.
Vaping excessively for the past few years has taken its toll on me. Was getting really achy, and my stomach was starting to not feel “right”. Hard to describe, but it was uncomfortable.

Started a t break and just can’t wait to feel normal (not stoned normal) again.

Then in a couple weeks I’ll go and fuck it all up again.
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Well-Known Member
would you not be much happier spending 50% less on weed and using the money to get out and enjoy other things while still being high?
Absolutely--that's why I grow my own. Being relieved of the financial strain definitely made weed (and life) more enjoyable. As a bonus, gardening is a relaxing hobby.
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