Anvil by Vestratto


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Danke für die netten Worte, Freund! Ich liebe es, die Wolken zu beobachten!! Hauptgrund für sie, und lassen Sie uns sehen, was eine Einheit am oberen Ende leisten kann! Der Amboss tötet es die ganze Zeit zJa, der Amboss saugt alles aus. IchDanke für die netten Worte, Freund! Ich liebe es, die Wolken zu beobachten!! Hauptgrund für sie, und lassen Sie uns she

Yes, the anvil sucks everything out. I think he also decarbs the herb, what do you think of that? Can you please tell us something about the thermal accumulator compared to the anvil, is the spectrum of effects similar?

What are you using to heat ?

I'm so free because we help each other, right. It is this IH.
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Cheers it looks very nice but a bit rich for me!
Yes, a bit expensive, but nice woodwork and the technology is different than what else is available. I myself am into real fire, I just like to use the flame.
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Yes, a bit expensive, but nice woodwork and the technology is different than what else is available. I myself am into real fire, I just like to use the flame.
I have a Blazer Firefox for my Anvil and at £65 that broke my heart:rofl:
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The inductor is definitely expensive, and it certainly isn’t portable, but not having to use a variety of torches depending on whether i am going dyna, Dani or Anvi is worth every damn penny in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Following up on comments by @RedZep in the Tempest thread:

To switch Anvil bowl sizes you have to buy new chambers instead of a screen adjustment (Tempest)

An Anvil with all three bowls is $299 (slightly more than a Tempest) but then switching bowls is more convenient than adjusting screen positions.

The 0.1g bowl on Anvil is too small, yet the Anvil stem struggles to cool that amount sufficiently for native use. Which is why many use the Revolve stem on the Anvil.

I find the Anvil stem's cooling quite sufficient for the standard 0.1g bowl, and the Revolve stem works well but can rob too much flavour.

The 0.2g Anvil bowl compromises the airspace behind the chamber, increasing draw restriction.

The lettering of the Anvil's XL bowl air intake is more open than the standard CCD compensating for the extra draw restriction of a larger load.

The Anvil can't be heated too fast otherwise it combusts. A design flaw of having the heater wrapped around the herb

The Forge IH heats the Anvil in under 15 seconds without combustion and the bowl is well insulated from the surrounding oven.

The Anvil has a torch sweet spot that is quite demanding. The torch has to be a certain type, flame size, distance etc, otherwise you risk combustion.

The Anvil can be heated with various torches, but more care is required with more intense flames. If the clicks are respected, the main consideration is how much extra heat is being stored in the thermal battery, and heating the battery (not the oven) too fast can overwhelm the device leading to combustion.

I can't wait to try the Tempest, but I don't agree with the Anvil's supposed flaws.
That was me. To be clear I think the Anvil is a top vape. Sorry if my post suggested otherwise.

I'm clearly just quite excited for what imo will be improvements. All theoretical of course. Anvil could end up the superior vape.

With regards to the 15 second IH heat up, I was ignorant to that. Sounds amazing to be honest.

Sorry if my post irked people. I'm just excited for a new vape and my dopamine soaked brain is trying to see potential design quirks I like. As the vape isn't even out yet I will repeat what @Shorner said in that I was "just talking shit". No disrespect intended.
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Any tips for using the Anvil with the Wand?

I got my Anvil USA that I used with a Dynavap Shellshock stem. It is the duracore oven and it seems to click kinda fast, like 30 seconds or so, but I get a pretty wispy hit. Also mine only clicks once, there is no second click. I read someone say to do 30 flashes after the click for the wand, I tried and it was completely black AVB, I guess I should just start counting after the click and see what happens? Just feels like I am risking combustion every time.

Thanks in advance everyone!


Vapor Dreams
Any tips for using the Anvil with the Wand?

I got my Anvil USA that I used with a Dynavap Shellshock stem. It is the duracore oven and it seems to click kinda fast, like 30 seconds or so, but I get a pretty wispy hit. Also mine only clicks once, there is no second click. I read someone say to do 30 flashes after the click for the wand, I tried and it was completely black AVB, I guess I should just start counting after the click and see what happens? Just feels like I am risking combustion every time.

Thanks in advance everyone!

I dont like using my wand with the Anvil. Have tried several times and it never gave me the clouds or the taste I want from the anvil.


Well-Known Member
Any tips for using the Anvil with the Wand?

I got my Anvil USA that I used with a Dynavap Shellshock stem. It is the duracore oven and it seems to click kinda fast, like 30 seconds or so, but I get a pretty wispy hit. Also mine only clicks once, there is no second click. I read someone say to do 30 flashes after the click for the wand, I tried and it was completely black AVB, I guess I should just start counting after the click and see what happens? Just feels like I am risking combustion every time.

Thanks in advance everyone!
When I used the wand I couldn't rely on the click so I start a timer as soon as I turn it on. For me, 60-65s (25-30s after click) was produced really dark avb without combusting, but I have the user's edition so ymmv.


Well-Known Member
When I used the wand I couldn't rely on the click so I start a timer as soon as I turn it on. For me, 60-65s (25-30s after click) was produced really dark avb without combusting, but I have the user's edition so ymmv.
Thank you for the response! I think I will try 10 seconds after the click and see how it goes. Their induction heater looks great, but I don't think I'll be dropping the coin it is going to cost.

I dont like using my wand with the Anvil. Have tried several times and it never gave me the clouds or the taste I want from the anvil.
Will a Vapman torch do the job?

Comfortably Numb

Well-Known Member
Will a Vapman torch do the job?
The Vapman torch will work...I rotated thru 5-6 of them the first year I got the Anvil before needing refilling....turn the flame up high

You dont need a big kitchen torch.....I use the Blazer Firefox Mini.....made in
I purchased a couple from link below.....they are currently out of stock but they will get them in....



Well-Known Member
A Vapman torch has a precise flame and a good sized tank and is great for the Anvil. Large torches with a broader flame are very difficult to control. The Ispire Wand is a bit underpowered, and if the top of the Anvil is within the coil it will heat the clickers too quickly, perhaps causing a simultaneous click before the oven itself is properly heated.


Well-Known Member
A Vapman torch has a precise flame and a good sized tank and is great for the Anvil. Large torches with a broader flame are very difficult to control. The Ispire Wand is a bit underpowered, and if the top of the Anvil is within the coil it will heat the clickers too quickly, perhaps causing a simultaneous click before the oven itself is properly heated.
Yeah good point, I would do it so the tip would stick out, but I think it heats up too much surface area. I think it would be better if was thinner and just heated a smaller area like a torch would.

It ain’t cheap, but the inductor is fantastic with the anvil. 12-15 seconds on the anvil gives an incredible hit.
I really want it to be portable, if they can make that version I'd be really interested. The design lends itself to portability.
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The balance between heating the snap discs and the thermal battery is important, and the Inductor's precise heating location seems a good solution. It will be interesting to see how the Forge deals with this, but since it is specifically designed for the Anvil I'm sure the balance will be perfect!


Well-Known Member
The inductor is definitely expensive, and it certainly isn’t portable, but not having to use a variety of torches depending on whether i am going dyna, Dani or Anvi is worth every damn penny in my opinion.
Yeah, Inductor really is killer. Never thought I'd be able to use an IH with a Lotus, for example. And with the Anvil, I'm not sure I've ever had better extraction. Even at just 23 V, I can also go from Zero (Flipping on the power of IH) to highly vaped more quickly than anything else in my collection. Like 60 to 90 seconds. Only a always on log could beat it. And at that voltage (I think it goes to about 28V), I'm also getting this lovely blunt kind of puffing experience, with multiple satisfying draws that can be taken casually. Akin to the Thermal Accumulator experience. And feels really nice to puff like that on the XL mouthpiece.

For those balking on cost, think of both the versatility in terms of devices it can work with and the eventual savings on Butane. And truly top notch extraction. I'm shocked that it can achieve that in such a stupid short period of time.


Vapor Dreams
Yeah, Inductor really is killer. Never thought I'd be able to use an IH with a Lotus, for example. And with the Anvil, I'm not sure I've ever had better extraction. Even at just 23 V, I can also go from Zero (Flipping on the power of IH) to highly vaped more quickly than anything else in my collection. Like 60 to 90 seconds. Only a always on log could beat it. And at that voltage (I think it goes to about 28V), I'm also getting this lovely blunt kind of puffing experience, with multiple satisfying draws that can be taken casually. Akin to the Thermal Accumulator experience. And feels really nice to puff like that on the XL mouthpiece.

For those balking on cost, think of both the versatility in terms of devices it can work with and the eventual savings on Butane. And truly top notch extraction. I'm shocked that it can achieve that in such a stupid short period of time.

I am intrigued of your good experiences using induction and the Anvil. I have 2 DIY inductors and a wand. Neither of them has given me the same performance and powerful effects that I get using flame.

Don´t get me wrong, i can get dark spent avb and good clouds but it does not give me the "punch" i expect from the Anvil.

My theory was that the thermal battery was not doing its job when using an inductor and so it made the Anvil work like a Danivape or FMJ dynavap, losing the extremely powerful extraction that the thermal battery provides.

But i continue reading good experiences from all of you and was wondering what am I doing wrong with my unit because i cant get the same powerful effect no matter what i do.

¿How do you guys heat the thermal battery with an inductor? Mine is a coppercore btw


Microbe minion
@Texus is referring to this

It's pretty unique.


Well-Known Member
I am intrigued of your good experiences using induction and the Anvil. I have 2 DIY inductors and a wand. Neither of them has given me the same performance and powerful effects that I get using flame.

Don´t get me wrong, i can get dark spent avb and good clouds but it does not give me the "punch" i expect from the Anvil.

My theory was that the thermal battery was not doing its job when using an inductor and so it made the Anvil work like a Danivape or FMJ dynavap, losing the extremely powerful extraction that the thermal battery provides.

But i continue reading good experiences from all of you and was wondering what am I doing wrong with my unit because i cant get the same powerful effect no matter what i do.

¿How do you guys heat the thermal battery with an inductor? Mine is a coppercore btw
Take a look at the Inductor thread that was just provided. It is just a so much more powerful beast than the Wand or what I imagine your DIY IHs are like (if you stuck to specs similar to other designs for vapes like Dynavaps).

This just heats up flower sooooo quickly and thoroughly. Yes, I heat the Thermal Core (original Copper Core, since no amount of begging seems to convince Vestratto to make the Duracore available on its own). I put the edge of the heating area on the IH right at the bottom of the gap. 10 sec or so later I am ready to go. I've been spinning the Anvil but need to play around to see if that is needed or not.
The Inductor looks cool, but I've been having a hard time justifying a device that costs more than the vape itself, especially when a torch works great. I'm skeptical that any induction heater can give better performance than a torch. Never used a Dynavap IH that I felt was truly superior to the torch experience other than the convenience factor. Is the Inductor still technically in beta? That's what the website says.

I'm thinking the official Vestratto IH will probably have a similar price point to the Inductor. I'm definitely intrigued by these devices, as it would be nice to use the Anvil without a torch, but I'll need to see more feedback before jumping in.
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