Bogwood Ent
Some day @Vestratto is supposed to come out with a multi tool for this. We’ll see…
My ultimate multi-tool:
Some day @Vestratto is supposed to come out with a multi tool for this. We’ll see…
The Anvil continues to impress me after over a year of ownership. It just gets the job done, every single time. Pull it out of the case, load the bowl, heat it up, take one big rip (thru water or native, it's honestly great both ways), dump it, throw it back in the case, done.
I've been thinking of the same setup, glad I'm not the only one. brass has high heat capacity, this set up would cool better than other fancy $$$ 8mm stemsI haven't sifted through all the pages yet so I don't know if this has already been posted here.
I just got this Helix today and it is a very great stem for cooling the hot air/vapor that the Anvil can pump out.
Just accidently combusted while trying to push it and, while the taste was terrible, the vapor was still quite cool.
I highly recommend. I did have to get a slightly bigger o ring from my stash to get it to fit.
How big of a bowl can the vestratto hold? And is it easy to vape a bowl and then immediately pack another, or do you need to let it cool down? I know with dyna's it can still be done to load up another bowl just after finishing one. Yes things can be a little hot but still very do-able. The Fusion I have is the same way.
And how is the vapor from native use? Is it real hot, too hot, not bad, etc? And about how long does it take to heat up the cap? Longer than the dyna? About the same as Dani's? Guess I'm wondering how much of a butane hog this device would be to use.
I have used all 3 vestratto bowls, and the XL bowl is the best because you can pack any amount in it and it will fully extract. It can hold a good amount of herb, almost like a flowerpot bowl. Maybe .5. The bowl stays hot even with the magnet in it, takes about 15-20 seconds to cool down and click, so you can pack the next. Dynavap can’t store as much thermal energy so the anvil is gonna remain hotter much longer. For me the vapor is pretty warm native, but the XL MP helps a ton. I have settled with the revolve Gen 2 and USA because it’s very smooth, but still a little tingly at first. I like to RTL and get as dark as possible so it’s a bit hotter vapor. The Di Vetro WPA is amazing and highly recommend for $35 extra, that’s the only way the vapor stays completely cool and I can fully extract the whole bowl in 1 hit (with the revolve stem i can get 2-3 fat rips)How big of a bowl can the vestratto hold? And is it easy to vape a bowl and then immediately pack another, or do you need to let it cool down? I know with dyna's it can still be done to load up another bowl just after finishing one. Yes things can be a little hot but still very do-able. The Fusion I have is the same way.
And how is the vapor from native use? Is it real hot, too hot, not bad, etc? And about how long does it take to heat up the cap? Longer than the dyna? About the same as Dani's? Guess I'm wondering how much of a butane hog this device would be to use.
can't agree more. I'm a front porch stoner, the "one hit and done with it" is excatly what I needed. I wait till kids are asleep, open front door, torch it, hit it, close door and come back relax on my spot for the night. That's how I appreciate the efficiency of the Anvil. If more flavor is desired, i.e. lower extract temp, torch it higher, it will click sooner with less heat stored. but in my experience, a lot good stuff is left(wasted) in AVB, I can get much higher just vaping that AVB to dark roast.Over 400 bowls with the anvil now. I understand why people say the anvil doesn’t produce the best flavor. My take is that this perceived fault is actually a huge strength of the device.
The reason the flavor might suffer is because of well the oven retains heat and as a result, thoroughly extracts everything from the herb, including the very tail end of what’s left in the herb. This tail end is really roasty and if clearing a bowl with one hit (especially RTL), it will add substantial roastyness which masks the terps. I don’t mind this profile but I understand why it’s not preferred.
If you take a shorter hits, the flavor of the first hit is very good, especially if you hit it natively.
The “top” of your bowl is actually the bottom. Airflow goes first through the screen inside, so the hottest air seems to cook more deeply further inside the bowl.Why is the top of my ABV light green and the rest of it is RTL dark brown?? Can’t seem to figure out why. When I unscrew it, it’s a very light color and when I dump it, it’s perfect. Using VHB 3D
My torch was out of juice so I didn’t get to enjoy my Anvil. I had a POTV One as a backup though.^
gotta love the durability and reliability of the metal torch vape. mine (not anvil yet) go with me on all my two wheel adventures
6/28 arrivalI’m counting the seconds.
Also got a cc xeric on the way to pair it with
Back ups are a mustMy torch was out of juice so I didn’t get to enjoy my Anvil. I had a POTV One as a backup though.
I used to carry a backup torch, but it has been real windy, so a non-torch device makes a better backup for me.Back ups are a must
I aim my flame between YA and thermal battery (dark roast/RTL)
well, it's a nuanced situation imho... the Fusion tip was an improvement/upgrade/evolution... the problem that affects everyone's view of it that are critical, are due to the same conclusions i discovered almost immediately, i believe: where they went wrong and flubbed the Fusion was the cap. they should have never changed the design of the cap and split the silver ring, in which resulted in nerfing it's performance capabilities. if you use the regular Dani v3 cap with the Fusion tip; that's the true Dani evolution experience people should be gauging their thoughts on it, cuz the new Fusion cap imho was an absolute mistake to be sold as stock instead of having it as an optional additional accessory to get in case someone wanted a more flavorful, less powerful experience.... im overdue on making a video on it (life shit has gotten in the way - im so backed up on vids for my channel lol). but yea - for anyone with a Dani Fusion who was disappointed with the experience - try the Fusion tip with the og v3 cap instead and just make sure to not thread it all the way to the end (not for getting locked like the v3 Dani tip does - you dont have to worry about the locking issue anymore with the Fusion and thats still the case even with the v3 cap) and not to tighten it til it stops cuz due to the Fusion tip's airflow and the way it was designed, you just have to turn it back a tad for the proper airflow pullthrough... regardless - highly recommend trying it out (i go like 3-4sec past click with a Blazer Big Shot or Big Buddy while spinning), cuz it's such a better experience and can really long-chug some fluffies.... anvil still wins tho lol (but i still reach for the Dani setup for a different usecase).yea I saw the guy I sold my fusion to resell it after a couple weeks and you definitely rarely see anvils on the exchange, the fusion was a bit overhyped for sure
anvil still wins tho lol (but i still reach for the Dani setup for a different usecase).
Yea I completely agree, I just went back to the v3ti instead,the bowl is smaller which is another con for me. but the fusion indeed doesn’t measure up to the anvil, buying the fusion plus a new cap starts getting close to the anvil price rangewell, it's a nuanced situation imho... the Fusion tip was an improvement/upgrade/evolution... the problem that affects everyone's view of it that are critical, are due to the same conclusions i discovered almost immediately, i believe: where they went wrong and flubbed the Fusion was the cap. they should have never changed the design of the cap and split the silver ring, in which resulted in nerfing it's performance capabilities.