My Anvil arrived mid-afternoon, and as advised I gave it an ISO bath followed by a good soapy rinse in hot water. I practiced taking it apart and putting it back together a few times. It took me a while to figure out how to set it up for the right air flow, but after a bit of practice I got it dialed in.
It also took me a few incredibly tasty hits to dial in the lighter as well. The Firefox failed for me hard. I could not adjust the flame for shit. What’s up with that? But an Honest torch I had worked great.
I got it dialed in on about the 6th bowl. Just a few minutes ago. Not horrible on the first day of a new vaporizer over 7 hours.
I give the device high marks for design and function. It really does deliver. Although with the full bowl I can’t get total one bit extraction. Close…but the second is usually good enough to be necessary. I think I’ll order a couple 1/2 bowls when I get back from this weekend’s shows.
I RTL for the first time. Minutes ago. On a second heating cycle. Damn. It’s so much about dialing in the length of the flame, distance from the Anvil, angle and direction of flame. And that’s fun. I can’t wait to make that repeatable.
And it immediately makes me interested in whatever IH they come out with.
Here’s what I don’t like. There’s no fucking directions. Not in the package and not online. And I knew that going in. But…That’s just silly. If it wasn’t for this forum, a couple of
@Sneaky Pete videos, and
@Whiff videos on YouTube I would have been lost.
Not everyone knows about those resources. MOST people don’t.

Why in the world would you create such a lovely piece of kit and then make its use, assembly and maintenance a fucking mystery? I don’t get it.
Luckily I don’t have to. I learned how to use it quickly. Clearly I’m high as shit.
But a few diagrams and a quick start guide doesn’t seem too much to ask for plunking down over $300, including accessories, does it?
I didn’t think so.