Any word yet on a price for the forge??
Nothing yet
Sorry to bother you all with another question.
At the moment I'm just running with the normal bowl, and while I'm getting mega extractions, the ABV is nowhere near as dark as it is after using a Dynavap. I mean, it's fine - but I feel like the weed has more to give.
Is it just a matter of heating past the click?
And do bowl sizes matter? I had been planning to get the double-sized bowl, but considering the efficiency of extraction and getting most out of your weed, I wonder if I'm not better off getting a half bowl?
If you want a darker roast i would turn your torch up a bit or go until the 2nd click if your torch is maxed out.
Many people enjoy the XL chamber, i for one prefer the standard terp chamber. If i were you i would go with a standard bowl and just pack it lightly, i like packing the standard bowl lightly sometimes. You get some real nice airflow and extraction and it holds around a 0.05 like the half chamber. This gives you the option to pack more if need be unless you don't like too much airflow then maybe the half chamber would be best.
Hi everyone, if I want a conduction leaning vape the Anvil is probably the best vape on the market right now? I was heavily considering the Tempest before but it probably has zero conduction and seems a nightmare to clean (dirty balls). If I go with the XL bowl do I have to fill it up or does it work with less too?
The Anvil is a hybrid that leans more towards convection. The XL chamber adds more of a conduction style hit due to the herb coming in contact with the bottom of the chamber.
One thing to note with the Anvil is you can heat it many ways.
For a more convection style heat up you are going to want to heat it as fast as possible without combustion and for conduction you want to turn the torch down and heat her up nice and slow to allow the herb to "bake".
I have been pushing John to revisit the Helix chambers as those were much more conduction leaning. Hopefully once the Forge is out i can play around with the helix again
I just broke my anvil cherry and...
I have to admit, the hype is real.
Welcome to Anville