yes and not, actually you may have complicated the choice since the small bowl for me wasn't an option while now I may have to consider it as well

joke aside...yes you helped me and i much appreciate your effort

i can fine quite few pro's on the stock + xl mp option versus only one con's which can be dismissed as speculation since i never tried yet...the pro's are the better look and feel on hand, better grip on integrated stem and as well a less adulterated experience where you can feel the real power without filters, as Duba said.
Honestly I think I have to buy the stock stem + xl mouthpiece first and see how it goes. In case I'll find it unconfortable natively I'll add the USA (just to clarify, only the adapter) so i can mount it on top of my revolve

Don't think I'm gonna grab the small bowl because for tasty hit there will be the Tempest but definetly I'm gonna grab the xl bowl
thanks Duba for sharing your impression...I knew you were on the stock stem + xl mouthpiece side