Could a @Vestratto / Sneaky Pete partnership be an ideal solution to develop and market the Anvil ?
In this fictional reality,
Sneaky would handle all marketing and sales, including: videos, packaging, written and graphic instructions, web content, assist in product development and most importantly customer service and wait list contacts.
IMO he’s done all of the above in spades and done them very well. He’s developed his own line of glass pieces for retail and wholesale, as well as other items. He’s a videographer and copy writer by trade with a very professional and successful online retail presence.
John for his part would focus on what he enjoys the most;
engineering and creating unique products. Spending his retirement years happily operating new machinery (MAS) and tinkering for many hours a day in his ever expanding and productive shop.
The whole retail side of the operation i.e. web store, CS etc. is all new to his world and a distraction to what he really would prefer to be doing.
Producing cool products that stoners want!
Here’s to the successful future of the Anvil what ever it be.