Angus Enhanced


Big and Bouncy

I've been following the Angus product for a while but I only became more interested when I saw the Angus Enhanced. The product seems more polished and seems like a good value for all the kit you get. Members on here are endorsing it.

I like a good session vape and lately the solo 3 is scratching that itch in a big way. I'm more than satisfied with it. Awesome flavor, great battery and easy to clean. What will the AE bring to the table that I don't already have?

Radiant heat + glass = a tasty vape but the Solo already does this very well so I fear I'll just be buying an super similar vape. Not trying to start a direct comparison but I just feel I've got the session vape category covered. I'd still appreciate it if anyone can weigh in on why the AE is special and shouldn't be passed up.


Well-Known Member
Radiant heat + glass = a tasty vape but the Solo already does this very well so I fear I'll just be buying an super similar vape. Not trying to start a direct comparison but I just feel I've got the session vape category covered. I'd still appreciate it if anyone can weigh in on why the AE is special and shouldn't be passed up.
Of course i cant compare both because it would be off topic and i didnt try the solo 3.


The angus enhanced extend a looot the flavor, the dosing capsules are great (or, at least, the i use them the more i like it...even if i loose a bit of performance), it doesnt get hot, the stem system is great af, the usbc port is great (i know the people use to like to charge it on a nitecore or something, but it is a big point when you go to a friend house without spare batteries), it gives sweet quality vapor, easy to hit, if you set the lvl5 on 230C and use the boost you can kill a bowl medium fast at 240C. Great vape for long sessions.
If you have this properties on the solo3, buying the AE would be redundant, just VAS


New Member

I've been following the Angus product for a while but I only became more interested when I saw the Angus Enhanced. The product seems more polished and seems like a good value for all the kit you get. Members on here are endorsing it.

I like a good session vape and lately the solo 3 is scratching that itch in a big way. I'm more than satisfied with it. Awesome flavor, great battery and easy to clean. What will the AE bring to the table that I don't already have?

Radiant heat + glass = a tasty vape but the Solo already does this very well so I fear I'll just be buying an super similar vape. Not trying to start a direct comparison but I just feel I've got the session vape category covered. I'd still appreciate it if anyone can weigh in on why the AE is special and shouldn't be passed up.
I have the solo3 and will order the Angus enhanced today it will be here after tomorrow (Thailand) >> so far i haven't found a perfect vape machine, the solo can be very good but it is not always good if you dont load well, the mighty under power of course it never overheats i like big clouds so i gave it away >>lets hope the Angus can run cool with big clouds during my daily 3 bowls


Big and Bouncy
Thanks for the answers!

The AE looks like a quality vape with so much good value included in the box. I just don't know at this point because I believe the AE and Solo3 are extremely similar. I can get really long, tasty sessions with the S3 and that looks like a specialty of the AE as well.

@Carlosvape, I'd be interested in hearing if you think the AE is worth it if you already own a S3. Also, if any of the stems/capsules work on the S3 that would be a plus....
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Well-Known Member
FC rules ask that device specific threads don't go too deep into comparisons, so you may want to create a thread with your question. But I'll add my voice to the opinion that what the Angus gets you is big, sustained flavor. That is the major appeal of any halogen vape to me (also have Herbalizer and Halo), and this is the only portable halogen device that I am aware of.


Big and Bouncy
FC rules ask that device specific threads don't go too deep into comparisons, so you may want to create a thread with your question. But I'll add my voice to the opinion that what the Angus gets you is big, sustained flavor. That is the major appeal of any halogen vape to me (also have Herbalizer and Halo), and this is the only portable halogen device that I am aware of.
Thanks for weighing in.

I'm thinking the AE looks to have more convective effects than conductive effects and therefore maybe a more convection signature? There's no direct heating of the bowl other than when you pull hot air through it, correct?

Edit: Just a guess but seems to me it might hit kinda like a Couchlog...
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for weighing in.

I'm thinking the AE looks to have more convective effects than conductive effects and therefore maybe a more convection signature? There's no direct heating of the bowl other than when you pull hot air through it, correct?

Edit: Just a guess but seems to me it might hit kinda like a Couchlog...
couchlock is highest 428f -level 5
level 3- 395f, leaves those sleepy body terps in the flower's avb

edit---oh hell, i thought you said couchlock not couchlog , sorry
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Thanks for weighing in.

I'm thinking the AE looks to have more convective effects than conductive effects and therefore maybe a more convection signature? There's no direct heating of the bowl other than when you pull hot air through it, correct?

Edit: Just a guess but seems to me it might hit kinda like a Couchlog...
The flavor is the major draw for this vape in my opinion. It great flavor that lasts throughout the whole session.


Big and Bouncy
No. As a Couchlog owner, I can say that this is incorrect. I find that Halogen heaters are a different beast. Couldn't tell you why technically. But I would not confuse a Couchlog hit with an Angus or other halogen heater.
Ok, thanks. That's good info to know.

One of the reasons I had been looking at halogen heaters is because they're so different than other heaters. Always nice to try a new experience.

This is a tough one bc I already own a killer session vape that gives me long, tasty sessions where the flavor never seems to fade. What I love about the AE though is the completeness of the kit you get. It already comes with everything.


Well-Known Member
@chillAtGVC @imor jones that subtitle are part of the video. You can use the youtube subtitles. I did it this way because, even if I do the reviews, the channel is from another member of the forum, and I didn’t want to make him work with the subtitles and the script
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Well-Known Member
I only saw Spanish as a subtitle option but then I found Auto under Close Captioning. All good now.

Spain... the thought makes me want to go back for another eating tour!
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