Alfa Vaporizer by goboof


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Accessory Maker
That's a great idea! You don't find the stuff becomes untamped and floats around? .11 grams, or 1.1 grams?!


Well-Known Member
OK. I finally tried my Alfa after debating returning it and damn I'm glad I kept it. I packed it not too tightly with finely ground material (I used the MFLB finishing grinder) started on mid, then took it down to low and had two great 12 minute sessions on that one bowl with lots of visible vapor. And the vapor was tasty throughout. Much smoother than my beloved Pax. It got two of us baked. Still have my Solo on the way, too. This is going to be a great week!

Deleted Member 1442

Well-Known Member
OK. I finally tried my Alfa after debating returning it and damn I'm glad I kept it. I packed it not too tightly with finely ground material (I used the MFLB finishing grinder) started on mid, then took it down to low and had two great 12 minute sessions on that one bowl with lots of visible vapor. And the vapor was tasty throughout. Much smoother than my beloved Pax. It got two of us baked. Still have my Solo on the way, too. This is going to be a great week!
How many puffs on mid before you switched to low? Also is it fine that I have a two piece grinder? Will the kief get caught in the air path of it isn't sifted out with a 4 part grinder? My alfa is coming tomorrow, can't wait to try it out!
Deleted Member 1442,


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Accessory Maker
Congratulations, sternfan29, you have achieved the goboof alfa experience. Just clouds of vapor in your face with no effort, and I'm super glad to hear it outperformed your pax ;) . It's just a fantastic unit, overall.

I dunno about that concentrate trick. It's refreshing to hear a manufacturer take the lead on a risky technique, and provide info on how to replicate it. Looks like a bit of a mess, but would surely work in a pinch.

vineetvel- That won't be a problem at all. Two piece is all I ever use, and I've even done half kief loads in the alfa in between the layers of normal material, with zero issues. You won't even get bits in the airpath. The screen does a good job of keeping things in the chamber. I wonder what a kief only session on the alfa would be like!


Stay charged, my friends
That's a great idea! You don't find the stuff becomes untamped and floats around? .11 grams, or 1.1 grams?!

Amazingly, a well-tamped bowl stays well and put! In my pocket or walking around, etc., it seems to stay in place. That said, After the first round, it's good to give it a stir and re-tamped for MAXIMUM EXTRACTION!!

And yes, I meant 0.11 grams, not 1.1 grams.


Stay charged, my friends
Ran the battery down on my third chamber full (5-6 sessions of varying length plus initial burn). Mostly I vape on low. To counter a couple of pieces of information I recall from this thread as I read through the entire thread in anticipation of going Alfa:

I think it was mentioned here that a user didn't get clouds on a very small load of 0.05 grams or so. So far I've vaped one 1.5 g load, a 1.1 g load, and a 0.05 g load. They all extracted very well producing good visible vapours. I was very surprised by the effects of the smallest load.

Efficiency is best with a pretty good "tamping" of the chamber into a semi-firm puck. Not too much so as to add a noticeable draw resistance. I use the cork trick, where I drill out a hole in the end of a test tube cork to tamp around the centre pin. A magic flight cleaning brush, wood end, also works well.

The last thing I'll counter is information on the light. A previous poster said that a red light means dead battery. The light turns orange when the battery is low. For me, once orange, I was able to finish one chamber, and then tape for about 6-7 minutes the third chamber, when the unit simply turned right off, no red light, just cut off.

Charging now. Takes a long time, so if you think you'll run dry of juice, expect the Alfa to be out of commission for a while.


Volute of Vapor
Ran the battery down on my third chamber full (5-6 sessions of varying length plus initial burn). Mostly I vape on low. To counter a couple of pieces of information I recall from this thread as I read through the entire thread in anticipation of going Alfa:

I think it was mentioned here that a user didn't get clouds on a very small load of 0.05 grams or so. So far I've vaped one 1.5 g load, a 1.1 g load, and a 0.05 g load. They all extracted very well producing good visible vapours. I was very surprised by the effects of the smallest load.

Efficiency is best with a pretty good "tamping" of the chamber into a semi-firm puck. Not too much so as to add a noticeable draw resistance. I use the cork trick, where I drill out a hole in the end of a test tube cork to tamp around the centre pin. A magic flight cleaning brush, wood end, also works well.

The last thing I'll counter is information on the light. A previous poster said that a red light means dead battery. The light turns orange when the battery is low. For me, once orange, I was able to finish one chamber, and then tape for about 6-7 minutes the third chamber, when the unit simply turned right off, no red light, just cut off.

Charging now. Takes a long time, so if you think you'll run dry of juice, expect the Alfa to be out of commission for a while.

How do you manage to load so much flowers in a so tiny bowl?

I never tried concentrates in my Alfa....and after seen the concentrates usage video I don't want to use it on this way, I would prefer a sort of capsule which fit the bowl increasing conduction effects for concentrates full extraction.

My last session with was amazing, +40mn of vapor from one full bowl of Cheese!
(20mn on low, 15mn on med and 5-10mn on high)


Well-Known Member
Hey all i found a kinda cool way to use the Alfa , it was prob posted here at some point or maybe not. But a magic flight launch box water tool adapter to mate it to your glass bubblers and what not works well but also taking the glass straw from it that the magic flight launch box uses and putting that in the hole of the rubber stem kinda gives you a different type of mouthpiece to try out. I also had made some ejuice recently , the type that would be used in a ecig and this applies to all vapes. The one i personally made was with mary jane and i have also tried it with some non nicotine flavored ejuice. What i did was put a very tiny drop of it between my flowers when packing and it gave a drop of flavor and produced some enormous clouds , it was fun. I only tried it on low and medium bc i am not sure ejuice can be vaped at high temps although the haze vaporizer is made to have a flower , concentrate and ejuice spot in it so maybe it can be.

Deleted Member 1442

Well-Known Member
Hey all i found a kinda cool way to use the Alfa , it was prob posted here at some point or maybe not. But a magic flight launch box water tool adapter to mate it to your glass bubblers and what not works well but also taking the glass straw from it that the magic flight launch box uses and putting that in the hole of the rubber stem kinda gives you a different type of mouthpiece to try out.
Yup! I posted this idea earlier, randy from puff it up gave me the idea. The glass stem going into the alfa can be replaced with an mflb wood stem if you are worried about it breaking. Also, the mflb water pipe whip is a 14mm gong attachement, if you need 18mm, magic flight (or probably many other places) sell a 14mm to 18mm adapter. Here's an image of the setup for anyone that's confused:
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To each their own, but I don't understand why everyone is messing with whips and such to attach the alfa. It always seems kind of wasteful, and a hassle. The alfa will mate up to lots of waterpipes on it's own, without anything. If not that, a 14mm male gong is the right size to make a perfect seal on the mouthpiece as is.

You can get 14mm male/male or 18/14 male/male, or whatever else you need to make that work for less than 10 dollars. The experience of just lightly holding the alfa up to the connection to hit, then removing to clear with zero effort, is really incredible. With nothing but the watertool in one hand, and a tiny tiny box of vapor in the other, everything just feels so free and easy.

This really must be experienced. Untether yourself. Simplify your life.

Deleted Member 1442

Well-Known Member
To each their own, but I don't understand why everyone is messing with whips and such to attach the alfa. It always seems kind of wasteful, and a hassle. The alfa will mate up to lots of waterpipes on it's own, without anything. If not that, a 14mm male gong is the right size to make a perfect seal on the mouthpiece as is.

You can get 14mm male/male or 18/14 male/male, or whatever else you need to make that work for less than 10 dollars. The experience of just lightly holding the alfa up to the connection to hit, then removing to clear with zero effort, is really incredible. With nothing but the watertool in one hand, and a tiny tiny box of vapor in the other, everything just feels so free and easy.

This really must be experienced. Untether yourself. Simplify your life.
1. Because the whip cools it down even further
2. Easier to share with other people without the risk of dropping the alfa
3. Easier to set up because I already have the whip connected to the spare mp
4. More airtight
5. Works better with larger bubbler, or bubbler with little room around the joint.

Slow Draw McGraw

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To each their own, but I don't understand why everyone is messing with whips and such to attach the alfa. It always seems kind of wasteful, and a hassle. The alfa will mate up to lots of waterpipes on it's own, without anything. If not that, a 14mm male gong is the right size to make a perfect seal on the mouthpiece as is.

You can get 14mm male/male or 18/14 male/male, or whatever else you need to make that work for less than 10 dollars. The experience of just lightly holding the alfa up to the connection to hit, then removing to clear with zero effort, is really incredible. With nothing but the watertool in one hand, and a tiny tiny box of vapor in the other, everything just feels so free and easy.

This really must be experienced. Untether yourself. Simplify your life.

The only thing you need to understand is "to each their own." Everything will fall into place after that.
1. Because the whip cools it down even further
2. Easier to share with other people without the risk of dropping the alfa
3. Easier to set up because I already have the whip connected to the spare mp
4. More airtight
5. Works better with larger bubbler, or bubbler with little room around the joint.
Preach on bro.


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Accessory Maker
Oh yeah no need to get up in arms. Like I said, to each their own. I'm just reminding people there is a simpler and, in many ways, more enjoyable way to do it. I just think whips attached to pieces, even on things like the da buddha, is kind of a wasteful and hinky way. I've done it myself, and it has been kind of a mess. Lots of things to tug around and keep track of.

Like this:
1. Because the whip cools it down even further
More than a much larger hunk of glass and water? Does anyone have heat issues doing this? The alfa is cool enough to use straight off the mouthpiece, and the water tool is just nice to accrue a bunch of vapor.
2. Easier to share with other people without the risk of dropping the alfa
More to attach. "No, stick that end in there. Ok now clear the hose, no don't take it out yet. yes, ok now take it out. No take the part out of the large water tool, not out of the alfa.."
3. Easier to set up because I already have the whip connected to the spare mp
Truth, I suppose.
4. More airtight
Nope. Rubberized mouthpiece makes a perfect seal. Try it. Take your MP off and just put your finger on it. It's a perfect seal.
5. Works better with larger bubbler, or bubbler with little room around the joint.
True, if there isn't room for the alfa. But most bubblers or pipes are made for you to reach down with a lighter. Think of the Alfa as a lighter. Just reach down and press it to it.

Like I said, just want to let people know that a really amazing experience can be had for under ten dollars by just getting the glass adapter and going from there. Lots of people like mating the device to the tool, like the solo/ascent/pax/vapexhale/enano/literallymostvapesonthissite. I'm just saying if that's your thing, drop seven dollars for the single adapter piece. Remove the middle man.

If you don't wanna do this we are still friends, though. :)
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Deleted Member 1442

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah no need to get up in arms. Like I said, to each their own. I'm just reminding people there is a simpler and, in many ways, more enjoyable way to do it. I just think whips attached to pieces, even on things like the da buddha, is kind of a wasteful and hinky way. I've done it myself, and it has been kind of a mess. Lots of things to tug around and keep track of.

Like this:
1. Because the whip cools it down even further
More than a much larger hunk of glass and water? Does anyone have heat issues doing this? The alfa is cool enough to use straight off the mouthpiece, and the water tool is just nice to accrue a bunch of vapor.
2. Easier to share with other people without the risk of dropping the alfa
More to attach. "No, stick that end in there. Ok now clear the hose, no don't take it out yet. yes, ok now take it out. No take the part out of the large water tool, not out of the alfa.."
3. Easier to set up because I already have the whip connected to the spare mp
Truth, I suppose.
4. More airtight
Nope. Rubberized mouthpiece makes a perfect seal. Try it. Take your MP off and just put your finger on it. It's a perfect seal.
5. Works better with larger bubbler, or bubbler with little room around the joint.
True, if there isn't room for the alfa. But most bubblers or pipes are made for you to reach down with a lighter. Think of the Alfa as a lighter. Just reach down and press it to it.

Like I said, just want to let people know that a really amazing experience can be had for under ten dollars by just getting the glass adapter and going from there. Lots of people like mating the device to the tool, like the solo/ascent/pax/vapexhale/enano/literallymostvapesonthissite. I'm just saying if that's your thing, drop seven dollars for the single adapter piece. Remove the middle man.

If you don't wanna do this we are still friends, though. :)

Sorry haha, didn't mean to come off that way, just explaining my reasons. And fair enough, I'll try that out later tonight.


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Accessory Maker
Sorry haha, didn't mean to come off that way, just explaining my reasons. And fair enough, I'll try that out later tonight.
It's ok! Thank you for your contributions so far. I want to clarify, the 14mm female is a little too big in my case, but the male outlet for 14mm is perfect.


Well-Known Member
Hi FCers. Just found this fine community. Looking to buy my first portable vape so I can F Combustion. Have it down to 3 contenders. The Alfa, Pax 2 and Summit (in that order) and curious to hear from anyone who owns either or all and how they compare for you. I'm most interested in portability, ease of use and how well the vape will rock my head. Will be used out and about at concerts,parties etc. and with a few other like-minded peeps at a time (2-4 group size). I was set on the Alfa until I read about all of the problems detailed across these 40 pages. Looking forward to your advice. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Hi FCers. Just found this fine community. Looking to buy my first portable vape so I can F Combustion. Have it down to 3 contenders. The Alfa, Pax 2 and Summit (in that order) and curious to hear from anyone who owns either or all and how they compare for you. I'm most interested in portability, ease of use and how well the vape will rock my head. Will be used out and about at concerts,parties etc. and with a few other like-minded peeps at a time (2-4 group size). I was set on the Alfa until I read about all of the problems detailed across these 40 pages. Looking forward to your advice. Thanks in advance.
Alfa works great when it's working but if I was to rewind time I'd say pax 2 out of that line up for ease of warranty issues and the fact it's 10yrs , still small in size, users seem to be liking it and they are both in someway kind of similar well to me at least. I haven't tried the summit , looks kind of cool but I'd negate that based on the fact not many people have it and it doesn't seem to have gotten much attention if it was doing great.


Well-Known Member
Alfa works great when it's working but if I was to rewind time I'd say pax 2 out of that line up for ease of warranty issues and the fact it's 10yrs , still small in size, users seem to be liking it and they are both in someway kind of similar well to me at least. I haven't tried the summit , looks kind of cool but I'd negate that based on the fact not many people have it and it doesn't seem to have gotten much attention if it was doing great.

Thanks for the insight. I think your story is what has me asking the question...


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Accessory Maker
Don't judge the alfa on the minor issues that popped up LAST YEAR. It's smooth sailing right now, friend. Warranty on vapes is kind of a joke. On the one hand, something like "lifetime warranty" or "ten year warranty" sounds really good, on the other, it's a volatile industry and any of these companies might go away tomorrow, along with your warranty. Thermovape was a pillar of the vape industry not long ago.

I had no issues with my warranty way back but, on the flip side, justpassedu went through hell and back. Get it from a major distributor like gotvape or whatever, and you will be fine. You can count on not having to send it internationally, etc.

But really the alfa is fine, and is high performance. Will give you and your friends clouds with no effort or instruction. Supposedly the pax2 is fantastic, and has a slightly larger chamber (a detractor for me). I just found the pax1 to be disappointing on all fronts, so am hesitant with their newer more expensive version.

Buy Both.


Well-Known Member
I had no issues with my warranty way back but, on the flip side, justpassedu went through hell and back. Get it from a major distributor like gotvape or whatever, and you will be fine. You can count on not having to send it internationally, etc.

But really the alfa is fine, and is high performance. Will give you and your friends clouds with no effort or instruction. Supposedly the pax2 is fantastic, and has a slightly larger chamber (a detractor for me). I just found the pax1 to be disappointing on all fronts, so am hesitant with their newer more expensive version.

Buy Both.

Buy both - always a solution haha. Will start with one than expand. Curious about your chamber size comment. Bigger isn't better? Detractor because you need to cook it all in a sesh? New to the vape scene so curious about the chamber size considerations. Thanks!


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Starting with one is good, and obviously I recommend the alfa. I've never used a better portable, and I've used a lot. It is also more visually stealthy than the others, I believe. Everyone knows what a pax looks like and what it's for.

For chamber size, I don't like a whole lot. As you vape, the profile of what you are vaping doesn't stay constant in effects. I don't want to vape on something on monday and still have it going with more mellow effects on friday. I like a fresh load, and I like to switch it up. The alfa has a smaller chamber, and gives very even effects throughout the load. That isn't to say it's anemic, far from it. If you need to you can pack it full up and get many people ripped off a single chamber in a night.

Smaller chamber size removes the paranoia that it's toasting material I'd never be able to get to anyway in my travels. So a smaller chamber size, plus the rapid heat up (just tested mine at 29seconds to solid green), was the major deciding factor for me. That it cost's less than many other vapes is just icing on the cake.

I hope that made sense. Unless you have a really high tolerance, it's nicer to have the smaller size. Like when you are smoking you would want to corner the bowl, or have a much much smaller bowl and do snaps, to conserve material and get fresher effects.

Plus the alfa just looks and feels damn cool. It feels lightweight, but solid. Like a self contained highness device. Doesn't matter how you hold it, if you are laying down or standing up, it will put out lots of vapor with no fuss.


Well-Known Member
Don't judge the alfa on the minor issues that popped up LAST YEAR. It's smooth sailing right now, friend. Warranty on vapes is kind of a joke. On the one hand, something like "lifetime warranty" or "ten year warranty" sounds really good, on the other, it's a volatile industry and any of these companies might go away tomorrow, along with your warranty. Thermovape was a pillar of the vape industry not long ago.

I had no issues with my warranty way back but, on the flip side, justpassedu went through hell and back. Get it from a major distributor like gotvape or whatever, and you will be fine. You can count on not having to send it internationally, etc.

But really the alfa is fine, and is high performance. Will give you and your friends clouds with no effort or instruction. Supposedly the pax2 is fantastic, and has a slightly larger chamber (a detractor for me). I just found the pax1 to be disappointing on all fronts, so am hesitant with their newer more expensive version.

Buy Both.
I somewhat agree . But it's always nice to know that you have a long warranty . Companies can go under but it seems going with pax is pretty safe given there track record. Anything can happen though. I personally would rather deal with a company that is not to far away from me or across sea's. My Alfa is working great now , I did have to go through allot of trouble with gotvape. I don't recommend them at all for purchases after what happened to me. I was flat out lied to by them and given the biggest run around, treated poorly and never got a refund after I sent my defective product back. Maybe they dealt with you differently and I am happy if you are happy. I hear great things about puffitup here so that's who I would use going forward.
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No, I would agree. Gotvape held on to my package for two weeks and didn't do anything with it until I hounded them for the last five days calling to see why they hadn't even let me know it had arrived safely. Two days after they assured me that it would definitely go out like for real this time, I called them asking what was up. Magically, it went out that day, though they never returned my call. On their part, they DID give me special Sat delivery priority, so I got it that weekend. That being said, I will likely do anything I can to avoid them in the future. Plus they made me pay shipping to them, and TEN DOLLARS shipping back to me. For a warranty.

I take it back. NEVER order from GotVape. Those guys need to get their act together.

BUT this is a problem with GotVape, NOT Goboof. Goboof is awesome, and their product is solid.
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