Alfa Vaporizer by goboof


Well-Known Member
I hope that made sense.

Plus the alfa just looks and feels damn cool. It feels lightweight, but solid. Like a self contained highness device. Doesn't matter how you hold it, if you are laying down or standing up, it will put out lots of vapor with no fuss.

Yes sure did make sense -thanks for the details and for the info on oven size and on where to purchase from both you and justpassededu -I'll check out puffitup (who has it on sale!) for my order.

Thanks for helping someone new to FCing out.


Stay charged, my friends
I'm gonna make a bold statement here, but I must be onto something if I've got my Air listed locally for sale... IMO the Alfa is an aficionado's vape, or as close to a taste preserving machine that conduction can buy right now.

What I call the "flavour drop off profile" is less steep than even my air, and vastly better than some other notable pure conduction units tha I've had the pleasure of owning or using.

MMmmmM hmm


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna make a bold statement here, but I must be onto something if I've got my Air listed locally for sale... IMO the Alfa is an aficionado's vape, or as close to a taste preserving machine that conduction can buy right now.

What I call the "flavour drop off profile" is less steep than even my air, and vastly better than some other notable pure conduction units tha I've had the pleasure of owning or using.

MMmmmM hmm

Hmm I guess you are with a very small group of people that agree as the air thread is 200 something pages while the Alfa thread is far behind. It takes a bit to master the air but once you do imo it far exceeds the alfa. Now I am not saying I don't like my Alfa and taste is very nice. But with the airs glass air path I feel flavor lasts a bit longer & doesn't drop off as quick as with the Alfa. Also in my experiences the Alfa requires double the material the for the same session time. I do get medicated a bit quicker with my Alfa but I think it may be bc I am vaping at a higher temp . I have owned both units since release and usually reach for my air more .


Stay charged, my friends
Yeah that's my opinion and it bothers me not how many will disagree. I used a solo for a few years, and an Extreme Q since probably 2007 or 08, so I'm familiar. I don't actually believe that all Air units perform consistently in terms of holding the appropriate temp. Solo was great. My Air though functionally pretty much identical for reasons such as my packing, stem length, or whatever is just not as good.

I like the Alfa as it tartes great, holds onto flavour well, still is quite efficient, is super simple, looks and feels great, so discreet, etc. Vapour quality is one reason, but there are quite a few more to like this vape a lot.

Oh and I almost forgot, the Alfa heat up time is fast! From pocket to rockn rollin' is 30 maybe 40 seconds. The Air (Which I ain't knocking!) I'd still be fiddling with getting them stem out and ready, but the Alfa I'd be about to take that first puff already.
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Accessory Maker
You nailed it snorcan. I've used the solo plenty, and the alfa just far exceeds it. It's just one of the best things going right now, and it's cheaper than everything else.

I think comparing it to threadcount is pretty false. Both the pax and the air have widely purchased predescessors, and aren't new brands with a new product. But, simply put, the new brand in a new market learned from their mistakes and dropped a better design. But the others are going to have a lot more hangers on because it's a short jump from pax1 to pax2, or solo to air. You have an install base.

This isn't to say that all new companies have an improved product. This forum is full of failures and missed marks. But this one knocks it out of the park.

I think there isn't much chatter because there isn't much to chat about. Other threads are full of ways to optimize and mods for this and that, ways to make the chamber smaller, and lots and lots of low performance complaints.

People with this device are set, out of the box. Just turn it on, fill, and have a great time. It works with lots of bongs or bubblers or whatever out of the box, with almost no adapting, the chamber size is good, and it's effective with whatever you put in.

Most importantly, there is no fussing with technique. Pick it up, rip it however, and get lifted. Done.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Can anybody tell me the ACTUAL weight if the Alba. I found several reviewers who mouth-breath that it is "lightweight",:razz: but no actual weight is ever listed. Maybe I need to scour further. But if anybody here has weighed it or has read the specs from somewhere, I'd be satisfied with that. This maybe a candidate for a long distance in a backpack. Where gram weight is more critical. I was deciding between this and the Summit until I pulled for the Summit. (no regrets) But the lack of spec info and reviews and trying to get myself prepared for spring influenced my decision.


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
Thanks. I did see one place have "103,5g " with other typos in the article. So I had to confer elsewhere. Otherwise no luck when I scoured. If you are not referring to that one source entirely. Then yea 103.5g is far below what I expected by the pics. It's been out for a while. I figure there have been more improvements. Any thoughts on it's durability? Battery Life? Recharging? TX.


Well-Known Member
Hello stonerz, here's a dumb question for y'all:
does any USB to 3.5mm jack cable works with the alfa or I got to buy it from goobof?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Any one should work. People were getting them from amazon long before goboof started including them. Check earlier in this thread.

CuckFumbustion- it really is that small, that light, and that durable. Battery life is great, recharging takes a while to show green, but will charge most of the way in less than an hour. There have not been any improvements. The design was great right out of the gates, barring an early software issue.

I guess moving the screen to the chamber instead of the mouthpiece was an "improvement" but you can easily do that with first gen models too.


New Member
Hey guys, long time lurker of this thread, the crafty thread, the indica, and even the air. Having been a previous owner of the solo, i wanted something that would give me solid quality vapor while being extremely discreet. The alfa was the victor among my selection, ordered it last thursday directly from the goboof website. One thing i noticed is that the high temp is actually 428 degrees Fahrenheit (220 C). It arrived monday surprisingly (I live in new england, US). All i have to say is wow. I can get 2 seshes out on medium, and one on high off a full pack (broken up with hands, not heavilly pat down in the chamber, but a full firm pack). The effeciency is better than the solo imo, vapor is a notch below the solo as far as strength, but thats simply becsuse i take short stong hits off it (4-6 secs). Air flow is phenominal, far exceeding the solo for that, and the vapor is smoother too. Unit gets VERY warm, especially on high, but its never overbearing. Its very light, pocketable even in basketball shorts, and could definitely survive a fall due to its anodized exterior. I dont bother with the AT or AP modes, im too picky to wait or be rushed to increase the temperature. One pack could be good for three people, four would need a repack probably unless they have low tolerances. Totally satisfied with this purchase. If i end up getting an apartment any time soon, this'll be my on the go and an herbalizer will sit next to my bed, with a mighty for walking around the place as a cordless. If this thing dies i will definitely send it straight back for another one, its a quality product thats changed how true vaporization can become so.... convenient. The 40-50ish second heat up time only adds to this. There are very few cons i can find:
1- the mouthpiece is a little small, so one may burn their lips if they arent open enough. Also it is feels like the MP is made of some type of rubber (please correct me if im wrong) so it is prone to having foreign materials stick to it, making it appear dirty.
2: this thing takes a little bit to cool down, like i said it gets very warm (would be an amazing handwarmer for the winter ). I try to expedite that process by taking long solo draws off it after shutdown. This seems to help cool the unit faster. Thank you Goboof for a super amazing product ❤

Deleted Member 1442

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I vaped with my new alfa for about 25 minutes yesterday on medium temperature. It worked amazingly well, however, I noticed that the mouthpiece got super hot, the unit itself got uncomfortably hot, and the top of my mouth and tongue started to burn. I've never noticed this with my old flowermate v5s even on high temp. None of my bud is being burnt so I believe the thermostat in my unit is working properly. I even tried running it through my hydrotube, but that didn't help much. Does anyone else find that the alfa is too hot/burns?
Deleted Member 1442,


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
That's fine. The unit will get warm, especially if you aren't holding it. Hold on to it to keep it cool. 25 minute session is pretty long, and medium is a warm temp. Don't worry.

ox pow

Well-Known Member
someone used the alfa with a power bank?
How many mAh,should have the power bank to fully charge the alfa at least one time?
ox pow,


Well-Known Member
The Alfa should not be getting so hot. I have never had a problem even on high at over a 10 min session. It does get very warm in your hands though. As for a power bank id say something with at least 5000mah and up . I personally use a Anker that is like 17000mah so i never have a problem.
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I use a small metal poker that came with another one of my vapes but i have also used a paperclip aswell , what i do is grind well and fold a piece of paper in half to use as a guide to poor my herb in the chamber and than i pack it in pretty tightly with my tool or a paper clip.


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Accessory Maker
Your hand acts as a heat sink and asorbs the heat energy from the device, which keeps it cooler

This is absolutely correct. Your hand is an incredible heat sink, with an advanced built in "water cooling" system. Think of all those veins continuously taking the heat elsewhere to dissipate. Air, on the other hand, is a great insulator, and a small vape sitting around will heatsoak nicely. I think that different people have different measures of "really hot". It could be that all of our devices are getting reasonably warm, but we are interpreting it differently.

To be fair, I personally have a very high heat threshold, and rarely use my alfa for more than a minute or two at a time.
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Deleted Member 1442

Well-Known Member
Thanks very much guys, I started using my hand as a heat sink and the unit doesnt get nearly as hot. Previously, I just left it on the table hooked up to my hydrotube, so the alfa was never in my hands, and it got very hot. To pack it, I just use a piece of folded paper to pour the herb into the chamber, and then use a packing tool I bought from vapeworld to press it down. A whole chamber is too much for me, so I usually fill it 1/3 of the way with about two pinches of herb, and press a second screen down on top of the herb, this works really well. Also to the person who said that the heat is relative, I've used my friend's flowermate and it didn't get nearly as hot even with a long session.
Deleted Member 1442,


Stay charged, my friends
What do you use to pack your alfa?

A page or so back I posted here about my filling/packing tool. I use the glass tube and cork from the most glorious artesanal toothpicks available from

Try the single malt or the bourbon toothpicks. I give these away as birthday presents to my wife's single girlfriends. They will ask what am I to do with these burly toothpicks. I say, when you go ou. Wih a guy, after dinner, offer him one of these toothpicks. If he likes it, then he may be worthy of a second date. If he doesn't like it, then he may not really be a man. That said, I know a few ladies that appreciate a good pick too!


Well-Known Member
I've only had the Alfa for a week or so and have been enjoying very much. I get 5-6 ten minute sessions. So about an hour total. I usually start on low for 5 tokes, medium for about 10 and finish on high with another 5 or so tokes.

I bought it to compare it to the FM mini and haven't touch the FM MINI since I got it!
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