Please excuse replying to my own post (from page 12 of this thread) but I couldn’t help it after seeing this quote from Dan Baum’s article ‘Legalize It All- How to Win the War on Drugs’ in the current issue of Harpers magazine…If you don’t mind, lets get into a dark side of the late 60’s & the 70’s…something that’s kind of drifted off the radar 40 years on.
Do you know how we have a collective enemy these days: radical Islamic fundamentalists?
Back in the Nixon era when the country was roiled by the Viet Nam war, protests, racial strife, civil unrest etc. - the enemy was us, the longhaired/student/war protesting/pot smoker.
It was a palpable feeling – whether dealing with the police, the draft board, trying to find a job, an apartment or just trying to live your life. We were harassed & marginalized. [And the same could be said for any person of color, especially those who spoke up.]
The president of the US, Richard Nixon, was a paranoid, vindictive & evil man. Nixon & his men, including John Mitchell, his close friend & the US Attorney General, saw us as a threat to their way of life as well as their tenure in office. And they used their power to go after us (as well as anyone else they saw as an enemy).
We heard the phrase ‘Law & Order’ so often it became nauseating.
And ‘America- Love It or Leave It’ -as if they were patriots protecting the country & did not want to hear a word of dissent or any reasoned argument for change.
One example, that was revealed when Nixon’s ‘secret’ tape recordings became public, was his direct involvement in trying to deport John Lennon. Another minor but telling example: banning any song from the radio that referenced drugs.
It’s been reported that in May of 1971, President Richard Nixon told his chief of staff Bob Haldeman, “I want a goddamn strong statement on marijuana ...I mean one on marijuana that just tears the ass out of them.”
So began the surge in the war on drugs. Nixon’s motivation for ramping up this war was probably more hatred & vindictiveness than any concern for the common good. Forty-four years later, because of his small-minded vengefulness, look at all the damage that’s been done, and of course it continues.
I had a friend who worked in a video store who had special equipment to up the video signal and other editing devices to compensate for the limits of the medium. I was working at a radio station that was going from the transition between LP and CD. Analog and digital in the studio, even 78rpm records.This is so off-thread but I have to say I used to edit VHS, I even had an incredibly crude computer program for it. Every edit you made was a one-off copy of the original so you continually lost image quality.
On this day in 1970: 4 Kent State Students Killed by Troops …
I remember watching bozo the clown on tv, that's getting there...
And don't forget Princess Summer Fall Winter.That's not gettin' there. What's gettin' there is Howdy Doody and Kukla, Fran and Olie !!
And Bob Keeshan in general.And don't forget Princess Summer Fall Winter.
I remember watching bozo the clown on tv, that's getting there...
I remember when cannabis started getting better than "mersh", which was mexican brick weed. First it was columbian/mohican, then acapulco gold/panama red and occasional jamacian as well as thai sticks, which were real at first and then mostly fake. Then came "sensimilla", which was code for seedless female buds. Things really started ramping up with "hydro", and "kgb" being quite popular. The humbolt "indica" army changed the game in california. Through the darkest times, the dutch bravely kept the torch lit as far as specialized/medical strains being created and maintained. Finally states like california and colorado were able to create an environment that could take medical/strains to the next level. I fucked combustion the end!
I just had to resurrect this thread because it took me for a long journey down memory lane, lots of nostalgia. I enjoyed reading through it, and really appreciate it that there are some folks here that are around my age, as so many of the forums are populated mostly by ones a lot younger than myself. There is a real nice range of ages here.
The pictures of the cars brought back a lot of memories! Those were the days when you could tell the make and model of each car because they were distinctive, unlike the generic autos of today. I’ve also been pulling out some music that I haven’t heard in a long time, and have enjoyed it a lot.
BTW, I’m 62, will be 63 in December.
And Paraquat.colchicine
Watching the numbness on the poor hippies face who just invested everything in what he now realized was "Paraquat Pot", made me sad.Cutting open a "costale" (large burlap sack) full of Mexican weed (a notch above above bricked weed in appearance), and walking away for a few minutes, and coming back to find that what was once green is now gold (not the good gold)
Ahhh, @Silat, with age comes wisdom! In fact, I have actually figured out how to be in two places at once when I'm not anywhere at all...