Not saying I did, not saying I didn't; but, I loved myself some Captain Crunch when younger. A couple of times they had a whistle in the box for a prize.Hacking rotary phones... I knew some kids that had a restricted extension and figured out how to to repeatedly click the circuit on and off, they just needed access to a dial tone to make free long-distance calls. They would click quickly for each number with a pause in between (0 was 10 clicks). It was tricky to do it right for a 10-digit long distance number, getting the timing and number of clicks right especially if they were high digits lol. Kind of like later on with the advent of touch-tone phones, recording the sound of coins dropping into a pay phone and then playing them back into one for free calls. Those were the days.
I may now be the oldest member at 74 next month. But I just vaped .075gm. with my crafty an hour ago and all is good.
Thank you both so much!! I feel like a kid again at 51, and that don't happen much.
And your point is...???Shake it more than once, you're just playing with it!
Shake it more than once, you're just playing with it!
I am 25
I appear to be on the younger side compared to most members.
Im so thrilled to read that your soon to be 74!! I often wonder if I am the only 66 year old still smoking weed. I did read that many retired people are moving to states that have legalized.I may now be the oldest member at 74 next month. But I just vaped .075gm. with my crafty an hour ago and all is good.
Our generation "put it on the map" so to speak, but it has changed so much since the days of seedy-stemmy dirt brick weed. When I took it up again after many years of life getting in the way, I felt (and still feel) like a total noob! A lot of changes, both in the product itself and the delivery methods, have opened up a new world to me. It's nice to have something to get so excited about in my senior years, lol!I'm 64 and no, there are plenty of people my age smoking/vaping MJ.
Actually, for the young ones amonst us, my generation rather put MJ on the map in America (speaking very broadly).
I was first turned on at 14. That's 50 years. You would think I would be an expert about it by now but sadly that's not really the case.
in my senior years
I'm currently 63, so if I can enjoy it into my 90s, that would be great. I plan on it keeping me young, even if just mentally!you're talking about your 90s, eh? 70 is the new 35.
The VapCap comes about as close to a happy pill as I have found so far. Of course, still researching... the options are overwhelming!Remember growing up , and this terminology being used ?
' Go take a Happy Pill '
only to find out , it doesn't exist !!!
Wouldn't it be great , if we can ingest a pill
that would sustain the level of high as needed thru
out our day . ie vaping temp level . Re-dosing when
required ....
I'm 65. A few dispensaries give me a 15% senior discount. One of them gave me the discount when I was 64. It's worth asking if you're over 60, IMO......65 may....= discount on public trasit...